Transcript STRESS

Stress: organism’s response to stressors
Stressor: stimulus that disturbs homeostasis and
psychological well - being
Autonomic NS ( hypothalamus + limbic system )
Anterior Pituitary
Selye ( 1956 ) - General Adaptation Syndrome ( GAS )
a. alarm
b. resistance
c. exhaustion
Anterior Pituitary
Sympathetic NS
Adrenal Cortex
- glucose utilization
- vigilance
- protein to glucose
- fats
- blood flow
Adrenal Medulla
Adrenalin, Noradrenalin
- blood to brain + muscles
-release glucose
- blood pressure up
- memory storage ( amygdala )
Stress and coping:
Brady, Weiss
Henke- amygdala neurons: vulnerable or resistant
Cognitive appraisal and control:
Control - Brady (1958) - “executive” monkeys
Weiss (1972) - stress ulcers
Henke (1982) - limbic system
(amygdala, hippocampus)
Lazarus ( 1980 ) - cognitive appraisal
stage 1: evaluate threat
stage 2: assess coping ability and
Kobasa (1979) - psychological hardiness; early home environ.
Henke (1995) – genetic/experiential influences: limbic system;
diathesis-stress model
Friedman (1960) - Type A: competitive, intense, impatient,
fast speech, hostile, cynical, suspicious
Stress and Immune Functions ( Psychoneuroimmunology ) :
White blood cells - bone marrow, thymus (B&T lymphocytes)
a. chemically mediated: antibodies(immunoglobulins),
antigen, B -lymphocytes
b. cell mediated: T -lymphocytes
c. natural killer cell
Stress suppression:
1. Cortisol
2. Neural control - bone marrow, thymus
3. Brain opiates - endorphin, enkephalin
Type C - ( ? )
natural killer