Transcript Chapter 8
Chapter 8
The Neurological Control of Movement
Levels of Control of Movement
Movements can range from simple to complex:
• The simplest movements are reflexive
• Other movements are more complex than reflexes,
but less complex than other skills
• More complex movements can
be learned
Stimulation and Control of
Stimulated by the motor neurons of the CNS.
Neural control of a particular movement
operates on several different levels:
• Most basic level of control is the spinal cord
• Next level involves brain stem structures
• Highest level of control involves the cerebral cortex
structures such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the
primary and secondary motor cortex, and the
somatosensory cortex.
Basal ganglia – Smoothes and refines movement
Cerebellum - Plays a central role in translating
uncoordinated movements into a skilled action
Mechanics of Movement Control
Three types of muscle tissue in the body:
Smooth muscles - Control the movement of internal organs
Cardiac muscles - These heart muscles actively work to
pump blood through the circulatory system.
Skeletal muscles - Enable us to perform the movements
necessary to exercise and engage in other activities.
Contracting an extensor muscle produces limb extension
Contracting a flexor muscle causes flexion
Muscles that work in opposition to each other are called
antagonistic muscles
Muscles whose contraction results in the same movement are
called synergistic muscles.
The Motor Unit
Each branch of an axon synapses with a single muscle
Collectively, a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it
controls form a motor unit
When the axon of a motor neuron has few branches
and controls only a few muscle fibers, fine motor
control is possible.
When the axon has many branches and controls
many muscle fibers, gross motor movement is
Neural Control
of Muscle
Motor impulse
Muscle action
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Muscle Adaptation
Different types of muscles facilitate diverse abilities:
• Slow-twitch muscle - A muscle fiber that contracts and
fatigues slowly; produces slower contractions that can be
maintained for long periods of time.
• Fast-twitch muscle - A muscle fiber that contracts and
fatigues quickly; produces rapid contractions.
• Intermediate-twitch muscle - produces contractions of
moderate speed and duration.
Golgi Tendon Organs
Renshaw Cells
Inhibitory interneurons excited by an
motor neuron that causes it to stop firing,
preventing excessive muscle contraction.
Combats muscle damage that can result
from fatigue, which results from muscles
contracting often in a short period of
The Gamma Motor System
Contraction does not always lead to movement.
Gamma motor neuron - synapses with intrafusal muscle
fibers to produce continuous muscle tension – muscle
This muscle tone is maintained at all times, except
during REM sleep.
The gamma motor system also gives us the ability to
anticipate certain movements and react quickly.
Control of
in the
Originating in
the Subcortex
The Cerebellum
The brain area responsible for developing rapid,
coordinated responses or habits.
Ballistic movement - A habitual, rapid, wellpracticed movement that does not depend on
sensory feedback; controlled by the cerebellum.
The Cerebellum
Input/output for the cerebellum is conveyed by
large bundles of axons called peduncles.
Integrates information about motor activity,
balance, head and limb position, and extent of
muscle contraction then determines whether
ongoing movements are deviating from their
intended course.
If movements begin to deviate, the cerebellum
correcst them by sending signals to other
structures, such as the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Consequences of Cerebellar
Difficulty maintaining a stable posture, making
movements such as walking unsteady, slurred speech,
and uncoordinated eye movements.
Research suggests that the cerebellum plays a
significant role in cognitive behaviors in addition to
its role in fine-tuning motor movements and in
motor learning.
Neurons in the cerebellum
are sensitive to alcohol
Alcohol intoxication can lead to
signs of cerebellar malfunction.
The Basal Ganglia
Group of structures that integrates
movement and controls postural
adjustments and muscle tone.
• Consists of three subcortical nuclei:
Caudate nucleus
Globus pallidus
• Corpus striatum - Part of the basal ganglia
consisting of the caudate nucleus and putamen.
The Basal Ganglia
The Basal Ganglia
Integrates movement via connections with
the primary motor cortex, the cerebellum,
substantia nigra, red nucleus, and other
motor centers in the brain.
Damage to the basal ganglia results in
impairments in muscle tone, postural
instability, poorly integrated movements, and
difficulty performing voluntary movements.
Damage to the Motor System
Parkinson’s disease
Muscular Dystrophy
Multiple Sclerosis
Cerbral Palsy
Other Movement Disorders
Apraxia - characterized by missing or inappropriate
actions not caused by paralysis or any other motor
Constructional apraxia - characterized by difficulty
drawing pictures or assembling objects.
Limb apraxia - impairment in the voluntary use of a limb
caused by damage to the left parietal lobe or the
corpus callosum.
Apraxia of speech - characterized by difficulty speaking
clearly, caused by damage limited to Broca’s area.
Strabismus – eye muscles do not work together