Mirror Neurons & You

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Transcript Mirror Neurons & You

 Neuroscientist Giaccamo Rizzollati and his colleagues
at the University of Parma, Italy discovered mirror
neurons in 1995.
 It was an accidental discovery that occurred while
conducting research on motor neurons in monkeys.
What are Mirror Neurons?
 Mirror Neurons are premotor neurons that are
activated by the observation or performance of a
behavior, internally firing/activating the motor
neurons of the corresponding behavior.
 They perform a kind of simulation of any observed
 Crucial in accumulation of experience.
 By watching another animal perform an action, an
animal can emulate a task and potentially understand
the intent behind the action.
 Ontogeny(how an organism develops)- Many animals
are programmed to imitate actions during
development-part of the natural growth process.
 Imitation learning ultimately causes culturally
inherent characteristics.
 i.e. language production (mimicking) and language acquisition
(tongue movements)
 Ritualization of mirror neuron system: allows for
progressive sophistication of input & output information to
certain signal behaviors
 Examples: tool use, communication-pretty much all aspects of what we
call “culture”
Is this what makes us HUMAN?
 Other animals possess mirror neurons.
 Our highly developed mirror neuron system allows us
to perform more complicated forms of imitation.
 A biological explanation for empathy?
 Humanity’s great leap forward into civilization?
 “Theory of Mind”- human consciousness-not everyone
thinks the same way that you do. –inability to see
another’s point of view-those at the severe end of the
autism spectrum don’t develop “theory of mind”
Autism & Mirror Neurons
 Recent research has shown people afflicted with autism may have
deficiencies in their amount of mirror neurons or in their ability
to function.
 Social impairments result from the inability to learn from imitation;
thus impairment in interaction and communication.