Psych 101: Review Session - Cayuga Community College

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Psych 101: Review Session
Sara J. Buhl
Sport, Exercise, & Health Psychology
Sport, Exercise, & Health Psychology
 psychological factors that affect performance in
sports, physical activity, and exercise
 aims to enhance individual and team
 managing emotions
 minimizing the psychological effects of injury and
poor performance
Sport, Exercise, & Health Psychology
skills taught:
goal setting
awareness and control
Sport, Exercise, & Health Psychology
Motivation –
intrinsic motivation (inner motivation, e.g., self
extrinsic motivation (outer motivation, e.g.,
money or awards)
Attention Focus –
Being able to block everything out, e.g., a
fMRI in the News
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(fMRI) can decipher the brain's answers to
questions in healthy, non-vegetative,
participants with 100% accuracy
patients believed to be in a vegetative
state were scanned using fMRI
signs of awareness were detected in 17%
fMRI in the News
'Vegetative state' man responds to
severe head injuries in a car crash
believed to be in a vegetative state
used functional magnetic resonance imaging
mapped brain activity while asked to answer
"yes" or "no" to questions such as "Is your
father's name Thomas?"
fMRI in the News
The patient communicated answers through brain activity.
Survey/Polls in the News
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy
Majority of public supports allowing openly
gay men and women to serve in the
BUT there is less support for allowing
homosexuals to serve openly
Survey/Polls in the News
2 Groups:
half asked their opinion on permitting “gay men
and lesbians” to serve
70% favored allowing them to serve
60% favored them serving openly
half were asked about permitting
“homosexuals” to serve
59% favored allowing them to serve
44% favored them serving openly
Chapter 1 Review
Wilhelm Wundt (Germany)
Established the 1st psychology laboratory
1st psychology experiments
Emphasis on introspection
Examining one’s own emotions and mental
William James
 also emphasized introspection
Wrote 1st widely recognized text of
Chapter 1 Review
BEHAVIORISM (1920-1960)
Science viewed as rooted in observations
 Famous Behaviorists:
 John B. Watson
Little Albert Study
 conditioned fear of a white rat in baby Albert
 B.F. Skinner
 Studied how consequences shape behavior
 Pigeons learning to turn/peck by rewarding with food
 Reinforcement – slot machines “reward” our behavior (putting
in coins) by letting us win at various intervals
Chapter 1 Review
Hindsight Bias
“Hindsight is 20/20”
After learning the outcome of a situation, we tend
to believe that we knew what would happen all
Chapter 1 Review
Naturalistic Observation
Watching & recording behavior in a natural
Jane Goodall – Chimpanzee observations
 Correlation
Relationship of two or more variables
Does not indicate causality
 Positive or Negative?
 Positive or Negative?
Chapter 1 Review
one or more factor is manipulated to observe
the effect
Double Blind Procedure
Used in Experiments
Both researchers & participants are “blind”
(unaware) about whether the participants
have received the treatment or a placebo
Chapter 1 Review
 Experiments manipulate a factor to determine its
 Independent Variable
 the factor that is manipulated
 factor that the researcher controls
 Dependent Variable
 the factor that is being measured
 the outcome of interest
Chapter 1 Review
 A study indicates that antioxidants found in
blueberries may slow down the process of
aging. In this study, rats were fed either their
standard diet or a diet supplemented by
blueberries. After eight weeks, the rats were
given memory tests. The rats who had the
blueberries added to their diet showed
improvement on the memory tests.
Independent Variable?
Dependent Variable?
Chapter 2 Review
branching extensions of a neuron
receive messages and conduct impulses toward the
cell body
the extension of a neuron, through which messages
are sent to other neurons or to muscles or glands
Myelin Sheath
a layer of fatty cells covering the axon of some
greatly increases the speed of neural impulses
Chapter 2 Review
 Neurons (Nerve Cells)
Chapter 2 Review
junction between the axon tip of the sending
neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the
receiving neuron
tiny gap at this junction is called the synaptic
Chapter 2 Review - Synapse
Chapter 2 Review
 Central Nervous System (brain & spinal cord)
 Peripheral Nervous System
the sensory and motor neurons that connect the
central nervous system to the rest of the body
Somatic NS = Voluntary muscle control (skeleton)
Autonomic NS = involuntary control of organs &
• Sympathetic Nervous System = part of the autonomic NS
that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful
• Parasympathetic Nervous System = Part of the
autonomic NS that calms the body, conserving its energy
Chapter 2 review
Chapter 2 Review
 Brainstem
 the oldest part of the brain
 responsible for automatic survival functions
 Medulla
 base of the brainstem
 controls heartbeat and breathing
 Thalamus
 on top of brainstem
 receives info from all senses (except smell) and sends it to the
correct brain region
 Reticular Formation
 a nerve network in the brainstem
 plays an important role in controlling arousal
Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 2 Review
Limbic System
A group of neural structures in the brain
associated with emotions (fear & aggression)
associated w/ drives (for food and sex)
Chapter 2 Review
Limbic System Includes
hippocampus (ch. 8)
linked to emotion
influences aggression, rage, & fear
also linked to emotion
contains a “reward/pleasure” center
• rats will cross electric grid for stimulation
directs several maintenance activities (eating, body
Chapter 2 Review
 Corpus Callosum neural fibers that
connect the two brain
hemispheres and
carry messages
between them
Chapter 2 Review
The brain & language
 Broca’s Area (1860s)
 Part of frontal lobe
 Controls language expression
 Directs muscle movements involved in speech
 Damage = difficulty forming words, but still able to sing
familiar songs
 Wernicke’s Area (1870s)
 Part of temporal lobe
 Controls language reception
 Helps us comprehend and express language
 Damage = speak meaningless words; unable to
understand words spoken by others
Chapter 4 Review
 Zygote (conception to 2 weeks)
fertilized egg enters a 2-week period of rapid cell
 Embryo (2nd through 8th weeks)
organs begin to form; heart begins to beat
 Fetus (9 weeks until birth)
looks unmistakably human; organs continue developing
 Teratogens
agents that can reach the embryo or fetus and cause
Chapter 4 Review
Piaget’s Stages (Cognitive Development)
Sensorimotor (birth – age 2)
Object Permanence (know that things still exist even
when you can’t see them); Stranger Anxiety
Preoperational (age 2 – 6)
Pretend Play; Egocentrism (difficulty taking another’s
point of view)
Concrete Operational (age 7-11)
Conservation; Concrete Thinking
Formal Operational (age 12 – adult)
Abstract thinking
Chapter 4 Review
 Attachment
emotional tie with another person
seen in young children when they seek closeness to
caregivers and show distress when separated
 Separation Anxiety
distress exhibited when young children are separated
from caregivers
 Stranger Anxiety
An infant’s fear of strangers
Chapter 4 Review
 Attachment Styles:
Securely Attached
 Explore surroundings, play (when mother is present)
 Distressed when mother leaves; comforted when she
Insecurely Attached - Ambivalent
 Less likely to explore and may cling to mother
 Seem indifferent when mother leaves and returns
Insecurely Attached – Avoidant
 Also less likely to explore and may cling to mother
 May cry loudly and remain upset when mother leaves and
Chapter 4 Review
Harlow Experiments (1950s)
Reared monkeys with two artificial mothers
One w/ bare wire and feeding bottle
One w/ soft cloth and no bottle
Found that monkeys preferred contact with the
cloth mother even though they got their food
from the wire mother