Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

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Autonomic Nervous System
Assoc. Prof. Wantanee Trakulrungsi
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Science,
Mahidol University.
Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous
System (Thoracolumbar
division Or Adrenergic
Nervous System
(Craniosacral division Or
Comparision of the somatic and autonomic nervous system.
Sympathetic pathways
(a) Synapse in a sympathetic chain ganglion at the same level.(b) Synapse in a sympathetic chain ganglion
at a different level. (c)Synapse in a collateral ganglion anterior to the vertebral column.
-Preganglionic sympathetic neurons: In intermediolateral
cell column of T1-L2 spinal cord segments
-Preganglionic sympathetic fibers
-Postganglionic sympathetic neurons: In the
sympathetic ganglion.
-Postganglionic sympathetic fibers.
-White ramus communicans.
-Gray ramus communicans.
-Splanchnic nerves
Sympathetic ganglion
1. Paravertebral ganglion : Locate beside the vertebral column (In sympathetic
Superior Cervical Ganglion (SCG)
- Cervical ganglion
3 pair
Middle Cervical Ganglion (MCG)
Inferior Cervical Ganglion (ICG)
- Thoracic ganglion
12 pair
- Lumbar ganglion
4 (5) pair
- Sacral ganglion
4 (5) pair
- Coccygeal ganglion 1 ganglion (single) called ganglion impar
Stellate ganglion (ICG + T1 ganglion)
Sympathetic ganglion
2. Prevertebral ganglion
- Celiac ganglion
- Superior mesenteric ganglion
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion
- Superior hypogastric ganglion
- Inferior hypogastric ganglion
Sympathetic ganglion
Paravertebral ganglion
Prevertebral ganglion
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers
1. Travel along the spinal nerves.
2. Travel along the blood vessel, e.g. internal
carotid artery.
3. Travel straight to the target organ.e.g. fibers to
the heart.
Perivascular plexus
- Sympathetic : postganglionic
sympathetic fibers
-Parasympathetic : preganglionic
parasympathetic fibers
- Sensory fibers
- visceral pain or real
- Referred pain
Splanchnic nerve (=
sympathetic fibers)
- Thoracic splanchnic
- Lumbar splanchnic
- Sacral splanchnic
Thoracic splanchnic nerve
1. Greater sp.n. : Preganglionic sympathetic
fibers that pass through the T5- T9 ganglia
without synapse
synapse at celiac ganglion
2. Lesser sp.n. : pass through T10,T11
ganglion without synapse
synapse at Aorticorenal ganglion
3. Lowest sp.n.: pass through T12ganglion
without synapse
synapse at renal plexus
Lumbar splanchnic nerve
L1 ganglion
intermesenteric ganglion
L2 ganglion
L3 ganglion
L4 gangion
superior hypogastric
ganglion at the bifurcation of
Sacral splanchnic nerve
S1 ganglion
S2 ganglion
S3 ganglion
S4 ganglion
synapse at Inferior
hypogastric ganglion in
pelvic cavity
Lumbar and Sacral Splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic Nervous System
(Craniosacral Outflow or Cholinergic Outflow)
Cranial part: From
nucleus of CN III, VII,
Spinal part: From the
intermediolateral gray
column of S2-S4
Parasympathetic nervous system of the Head and Neck
Preganglionic Preganglionic
fibers travel fibers accompany
along which
which nerve?
cranial nerve?
Edinger-Westphal CN.III
- oculomotor nerve
nucleus in
to inferior oblique
salivatory nucleus
relate to
medullopontine intermediate)
Inferior salivatory CN.IX
nucleus in
Synapse at Postganglionic
which fibers hitch a ride
ganglion? with which nerve?
- Ciliary
Target organs
What happens to that organ?
- short ciliary nerve - Pupillary constrictor of iris -pupil constrict
and ciliary muscle of ciliary - contraction of ciliary m. -->
increase bulging of lens for
close vision
- greater superficial -pterygopal -maxillary n.
- Lacrimal gland
-secretion of tear
petrosal nerve
- Oral, palaline glands and - secretion of mucous glands in
Nasal glands
that area
vidian nerve
- chorda tympani - subman - lingual n.
- submandibular and
- secretion of salva from sub
sublingual salivary glands mandibular and sublingual
salivary glands
- tympanic nerve -Otic
-auriculotemporal -parotid salivary gland
-secretion of saliva from parotid
ganglion n.
lesser superficial
petrosal nerve
Parasympathetic of CNIII
* Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons locate
at the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
* Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass
along CNIII CNIII to the inferior oblique
* Synapse at Ciliary ganglion.
* Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers go to
1. Pupillary constrictor muscles of iris and
2.Ciliary muscles of ciliary body
Parasympathetic of CNVII
I * Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons locate
at the Superior salivatory nucleus
* Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass
along tympani CNVII (Nervous intermediate)
Chorda tympani nerve
* Synapse at Submandibular ganglion.
* Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers go to
1. Submandibular salivary gland and
2. Sublingual salivary gland
Parasympathetic of CNVII
II. * Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons locate
at the Superior salivatory nucleus
* Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass along CNVII
(Nervous intermediate)
Greater superficial petrosal
Nerve of pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve)
* Synapse at Pterygopalatine ganglion.
* Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers go to
1.Lacrimal gland and
2.Mucous glands of Nose, palate and pharynx
-Superior salivatory
Parasympathetic of CNIX
* Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons locate
at the Inferior salivatory nucleus
* Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass along CNIX
tympanic nerve
tympanic plexus
lesser superficial petrosal nerve
* Synapse at Otic ganglion.
* Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers go to Parotid
salivary gland
-Inferior salivatory
-Otic ganglion
-Parotid salivary
Parasympathetic of CNX
-Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve
-Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers travel
along the vagus nerve.
-Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons locate
near or within the wall of the effector organs
e.g. Myenteric ganglia of GI tract
-Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers end at the
smooth muscle of the GI tract
1. What is the name of the nucleus?
2. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers travel along
which cranial nerve?
3. What is the name of the parasympathetic ganglion?
Where is it located?
4.Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers hitch a ride
with which branch of which nerve?
5.What is the effector organ?
6.What happens to that organ?
Effects of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous system
Autonomic innervation
1. opposite effect = dual, antagonistic autonomic innervation e.g. Heart
sti.parasym (from vagus nerve)car
cardiac deceleration or
* slowing of the beat
* reduction in the force of contraction
* reduction in the ventricular output (blood volume per beat)
sti.symp. (cardiac nerve from the cervical ganglia)
acceleration or tachycardia
* in contractile force
* in volume of blood pumped per beat
2. Dual but different effect
e.g. salivary gland
sti. Symp.
produces a thick mucus secretion
sti. Parasymp.
Produces copious of a clear, watery,serous
3 Receive innervation from only one of the division
e.g. sweat gland and erector pili muscles
No antagonistic or different effect is noted.
1) Marieb,E.N.: Essentials of Human Anatomy
& Physiology, Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.,
2)Moore, K.L. and Anne M.R. Agur. Essential Clinical Anatomy,
Second Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
3) Burt, A.M. Textbook of Neuroanatomy, chapter 18.
W.B. Saunders Company, 1993.