Transcript Chapter 27

Chapter 27
The Rise of Dictators and World War
Section 1: “Steps to War”
• By the mid-1930s, ____________________, or absolute
rulers, had seized control in several countries– Italy,
Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Their rise to power
was due to economic and political factors that dated back
to _______________.
• The treaties that ended the war had left many nations
feeling betrayed, particularly _________________ and
________________________. Of the losing countries,
____________________ was treated most severely.
• WWI had left the economies of Europe in ruins. Although
there was some wealth in the 1920, the economic situation
collapsed with the _____________ ___________________.
“Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini”
One new war leader was ____________ of Italy. He began the
political movement, ____________, an extreme form of patriotism
and nationalism that was often linked to racism. They oppressed
people who did not share their views. In 1925, he took the title,
__________________, or “the leader.”
In the Soviet Union, the Communists tightened their grip on power in
the 1920s and 1930s. _______________________, leader of the
Communist takeover in 1917, died in 1924. ____________________
was his successor.
“Dictators Seek to Expand Territory”
While dictators were gaining power in Europe, the military was
gaining increasing power in __________. In 1931, the Japanese
attacked ________________, a province in Northern China rich in
natural resources.
__________________ and __________________ both sought new
territory. In 1935, Italy attacked __________________, one of
The few independent African nations. That same year, Hitler moved
troops into the ____________________, a region of Germany along
the French border. The French government was outraged, but it took
no action, nor did the ____________ ______________________.
• In 1936, Hitler and Mussolini formed an alliance known as the
____________________. After this treaty, Germany, Italy, and their
allies became known as ____________. That year, a civil war erupted
in _____________, pitting fascist forces against the elected
government. In April, 1939, Spain’s army declared victory over the
government and established a dictatorship under
• In 1938, Hitler invaded Austria, home to mostly ____________
speaking peoples, insisting that they wanted to be a part of Germany.
“Appeasement at Munich”
• After taking over Austria, Hitler set his rights on the
__________________, a region of Czechoslovakia where many
people of German descent lived. Czechoslovakia did not want to give
up the region.
• _____________ and ______________ pledged their support to
Czechoslovakia if Germany attacked. England’s Prime Minister,
________________________________, stepped in and met with
Hitler in an attempt to cam the situation. Their talks made little
• On September 29, 1938, Hitler and Chamberlain met in Munich,
Germany, signing an agreement. Germany gained control of the
Sudetenland and Hitler promised not to seek any more territory.
• The Munich Agreement was an example of _________________, a
foreign policy in which nations grant a hostile nation’s demands in
order to avoid war.
“Germany Starts the War”
• After invading the rest of Czechoslovakia, Hitler declared his intent to
seize __________________________. Britain and France warned
that this would be war.
• Britain and France assumed they had an ally in ______________
since the Soviet Union and Germany were enemies. In Aug., 1939,
Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union. They
agreed not to declare war on each other. On September 1, 1939,
Germany invaded ___________. Britain and France declared war on
Germany two days later. _____________________ had begun.
• The Germans introduced a new method of warfare known as
_________________, which stressed speed and surprise in the use of
tanks, troops and planes. As Germany attacked from the W., the
USSR attacked from the East. In less than a month, Poland fell.
• As each nation surrendered, British soldiers retreated to the French
seaport of ___________ on the English Channel. Under heavy
German bombardment, British vessels evacuated nearly 340,000
British, French, and Belgian troops. In June, 1940, the Germans
launched a major offensive against ______________. In 2 weeks
____________ fell. Hitler believed that Britain would seek peace
after France fell.
• The British had no intention of quitting. __________________, the
new Prime Minister, declared, “We shall defend every village, every
town, and every city.” To invade Britain, Hitler needed to destroy
Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF). In the summer of 1940, the German
air force, or ________________. And RAF fought in the skies over
• German planes also unleashed massive bombing attacks on London
and other civilian targets. By September, the
___________________had left Hitler frustrated because the RAF was
holding off the Germans. Despite constant bombing, the British
people _______________________________.
“Germany Attacks the Soviet Union”
• While Hitler’s forces conquered Western Europe, Stalin’s troops
invaded _________________ in November, 1939. The Soviets then
seized the ____________________ of Latvia, Lithuanian, and Estonia.
Along the Baltic Sea. Hitler feared Soviet ambitions in Europe and
wanted to invade Soviet wheat and oil fields.
• Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. Then Hitler made a big
mistake: he spread his troops into Leningrad and south into the
Crimean Peninsula, instead of concentrating his troops on
_______________________. The Germans tried to capture
Leningrad from September 1941 through January 1944. About
_________________ citizens died, many from starvation, but the city
never fell to the Germans.
• When the Germans approached Moscow in December 1941, they ran
into the harshest winter in decades. The Nazi advance ground to a
halt, and Soviet forces drove the Germans back.
“The United States Aides the Allies”
• President Roosevelt tried to help the Allies. He supplied them with
arms and other materials. H proposed the ____________
____________________, which allowed the U.S. to lend or lease raw
materials, equipment, and weapons to Allied nations.
“Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor”
• In 1940, ________ joined the alliance with Germany and Italy. In
1941, an even more warlike government cam into power in Japan. Its
leader was ___________________, an army general who planned to
invade the Dutch East Indies for oil and also invade other Asian
• Only one thing stood in the way-- ___________________. On
December 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes bombed the huge American
naval base at _________________ in Hawaii. About 2,403 Americans
died, both servicemen and civilians. Many of the American
warplanes were destroyed or damaged.
• President Roosevelt called December 7, 1941, “a date that would live
in infamy” and asked Congress to declare war on Japan. On
_____________ Germany and Italy declared war on the United
Broadcast Websites
(Adolf Hitler Speeches)
• (Churchill Speeches)
• (FDR “Day of Infamy” Speech)
• (Pearl Harbor Broadcast)
• (WWII Broadcasts)
(Abbott and Costello Who’s on First?)
Section 2: “War in Africa and Europe”
“Mobilizing for War”
• After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States had to
____________for war. Millions of Americans enlisted or were
• More than ________________ Mexican Americans fought in Europe
and Asia. Nearly ______________ African Americans joined the
armed forces. Japanese and African Americans fought
in_________________ units.
• More than _______ women served in the U.S. armed forces. Many
worked for the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) as mechanics, drivers
and clerks.
“Battles in Africa and Italy”
• The Americans and Stalin wanted to invade _____________ as soon
as possible, but Churchill believed the Allies weren’t ready.
• Since the summer of 1940, Britain had been battling Axis forces for
control of northern Africa– especially ______________. Without
Egypt, the British would lose access to the __________
_______________, the shortest sea route to Asia and Middle Eastern
oil fields.
• The British faced a tough opponent: _____________________
whose skills had earned him the nickname, “The Desert Fox” He
commanded Germany’s __________________________, including
two powerful tank divisions. In June 1942, the Germans had pushed
the British to the Egyptian town of _____ _________________, 200
miles from the Suez Canal.
• The British stopped him with the help of American general,
_______________________, who landed in northern Africa in
November 1942. When the Americans and Germans clashed in
Tunisia, the ______________________ Americans fell, but the Allies
regrouped and continued attacking. In May, the Axis powers in
Northern Africa surrendered. The Allies now could establish bases
from which to attack.
• The invasion of __________ got underway with an attack on the
island of ____________in July 1943. Allied and German forces
engaged in a month of bitter fighting.
• Read “A Voice from the Past p.765.”
• By this time, the Italians had turned on __________________. The
new Italian government surrendered in September 1945.
“The Allied Advances and D-Day”
• Germany’s difficulties with the Soviet Union had grown worse. In
September 1942, German forces attacked ______________, an
important industrial center. The trapped Germans had no food or
supplies. In February 1943, the remaining German troops
• With Germany’s defeat at Stalingrad, its hopes of conquering the
Soviet Union____________________________.
• In June 1944, the Allies’ plan to invade France got underway.
• On the morning if June 6, 5,000+ ships and landing craft more than
130,000 soldiers across the English Channel to a region in northern
France called____________________. The attackers included
American, British, and Canadian forces. The day of this historic
assault became known as ______________. It was the largest
__________________________ in history.
• The attack _________________ German forces positioned along the
• They moved inland toward Paris, battling German troops along the
way. On August 25, the Allied forces _________________ the French
• As the Allies moved West, ________________ forces advanced East.
In December, Hitler launched on final assault, known as the
___________________________. It was costly. German casualties:
120,000, American: 80,000
Section 3: “War in the Pacific”
• Read into on p. 770.
“Japan Extends Its Empire”
• At the same time as the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces
launched attacks throughout the __________________. The
Japanese also pushed further into ___________________, attacking
Malaya and Burma. Great Britain ruled these lands and fought back,
but were no match for the Japanese invaders.
• It took longer to conquer _________________________. the
Japanese took the capital, Manila, and pushed the Americans onto
the ______________________. American and Filipino troops, led by
________________________________, fought the Japanese to a
standstill for several months. As he was leaving for Australia,
MacArthur promised, “________________ ___________________.”
The Japanese mounted an offensive
and U.S. troops on Bataan surrendered and endured the brutal
“The Allies Turn the Tide at Midway”
• The tide of war was turned against the Japanese beginning with an
attack led by _________________________________. He led 16
bombers in the attack, causing little damage, but it shocked the
leaders of Japan and boosted the Allies’ morale.
• In May the U.S. Navy clashed with Japanese forces in the
_______________. Neither side won a clear victory, however, the
Americans had blocked the Japanese advance toward Australia.
• They clashed again in June off the island of ______________. The
_______________________, June 1942 was a turning point in the
“The Allies Advance”
• After Midway, the Allies went on the attack to _____________ the
lands Japan had conquered. Rather than try to retake
every Japanese held island, the Allies decided to take those that were not
heavily defended by the Japanese. they could use these islands to
stage further attacks. This strategy was known
• The two sides fought an important battle on the island of
_____________________. After 6 months of bitter fighting, the Allies
won the first major land victory against Japan.
• Playing a role in this victory, and many others, was a group of
_____________________. The marines recruited about 400 Navajos
to serve as _____________________________.
• In October 1944, Allied forces invaded ___________________. The
effort included a massive naval battle off the Philippine island
_________________. The Allies won the three-day battle and Japan’s
navy was so badly damaged that it was no longer a threat. Allied
forces came ashore and liberated Manila in March 1945.
________________________ had returned.
• The Japanese increased the use of their new weapon, the
____________________, or suicide pilot. They filled their
planes with explosives and crashed them into Allied
warships. Japanese pilots _____________________ for
these missions, but they couldn’t stop the Allied advance.
“Iwo Jima and Okinawa”
• By early 1945 the Allies began bombing Japan, but they
needed bases closer to the mainland. They chose
_________________ and __________________, both held
by the Japanese. The Allies had to fight hard for every inch
they took. In Feb., U.S. marines planted the flag at the top
of the island’s ___________ ____________________,
signaling victory.
“Victory in Europe”
By Feb, 1945, the Germans were retreating everywhere. That month,
Allied leaders met in the Soviet resort of Yalta. Attending the
___________________ were FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. During the
conference, the leaders made plans for the end of the war and the
future of Europe.
Stalin promised _________________________ after Germany
surrendered. The leaders agreed to establish a postwar international
peacekeeping organization. They also discussed the type of
government that would be set up in Eastern Europe after the war.
By the time of the conference, President was in poor health. In April
1945, just months after being sworn in for a fourth term, the
president died. His vice-president, ___________________ succeed
In late April 1945, the Russians reached _________________. Deep
inside his air-raid bunker, Hitler sensed the war’s end. On April 30, he
committed suicide.
• On May 2, the Soviet Army captured ______________. Five days
later, German leaders officially signed an unconditional surrender at
General Eisenhower’s headquarters in France. The Allies declared
the next day, May 8, as _________________, or Victory in Europe.
“The Horrors of the Holocaust”
• As the Allies fought toward Berlin, they made a shocking discovery.
Scattered throughout German-occupied Europe were
___________________________ where Jews and people of other
persecuted groups had been murdered. In what became known as
the __________________, the Nazis killed more than ___________
of the Jews in Europe. the Nazis also killed millions of people of
other ethnic groups, including Gypsies, Russians and Poles. An
estimated _______________ people were killed in all.
• The roots of the Holocaust lay in Hitler’s intense __________.
• In a policy decision labeled “__________________________,” Nazi
leaders set out to murder every Jew under German rule. To
accomplish this, the Germans built ___________________. Officials
crammed Jews into railroad boxcars and sent them to these camps.
They forced _________________ people to work. All others were
slaughtered. The Germans carried out their killings with a terrible
efficiency. The largest concentration camp was
__________________ in Poland. More than ______________ people
are thought to have been murdered there.
• The Allies battled this type of hate and bias by bringing German
leaders ____________________ for what they did. First they had to
defeat _________________________.
“Atomic Weapons End the War”
• The Allies planned to invade Japan in November
1945. American military leaders feared that the
invasion might cost ________________________
American casualties. Therefore, American officials
considered the use of the _______________.
• Shortly after entering the war, the United States set up the
_______________________ in 1942. It was the top-secret program
to build an atomic bomb and was led by ___________
• Soon after officials successfully tested the bomb, Truman told Japan
that if it did not surrender unconditionally, it faced
_______________________. The Japanese refused to give in and on
August 6, 1945 the B-29 bomber, _________________, dropped an
atomic bomb on the city of ___________________. The explosion
killed more than 70,000 people and turned 5 square miles into
wasteland. On August 9, the United States dropped another bomb
on _____________________, killing another 40,000. On August 14,
Japan surrendered.
• On September 3, 1942, Japanese and Allied leaders met aboard the
U.S. battleship _______________________ where Japanese officials
signed an official letter of surrender.
Section 4: “The Home Front”
Wartime Production
• The effort to defeat the Axis powers took more than just soldiers.
Under the __________________________________, (WPB) factories
churned out materials around the clock. The United States was
producing ___________ of all Allied ammunition.
• Because so many factories needed workers, the war ended the
• Because the armed forces needed so many materials, some of the
items Americans took for granted became scarce. To divide these
scarce goods among its citizens, the government established a system
of ____________________, where families received a fixed amount
of a certain item.
“Opportunities for Women and Minorities”
• Much of the nation welcomed the growing “ _______________
______________” as its cherished symbol for its new group of wage
• The war also created job opportunities for ________________.
Many of he jobs they worked in were along the West Coast and in the
North. As a result, more than 1 million African Americans migrated
from the South during the war. The inflow of African Americans often
inflamed _____________________. In 1943, a _________________
broke out in Detroit. Federal troops had to restore order after 34
people were killed.
• ____________________African Americans enjoyed equal rights in
some work places. __________________________ an African
American labor leader helped achieve these rights in 1941. Randolph
threatened to lead a march to protest for better jobs. To avoid it, FDR
issued ______________________, which outlawed job discrimination
in the federal government.
• Other minorities helped with the war effort. 46,000 Native
Americans left reservations to work in war industries. _______ also
joined the ranks of war-related laborers. During the war the nation
faced a serious shortage of ___________________. this policy was
known as the __________________________.
• Mexican American struggled against prejudice and sometimes
violence. In what became known as the __________________
groups of American servicemen attacked Mexican Americans.
Beginning June 3, 1943, the violence lasted 10 days before it was
brought under control by the police.
“Internment and Japanese Americans”
• In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, a growing number of Americans
began to direct their anger toward people of Japanese ancestry.
Many Americans saw Asian immigrants as a threat to their
____________ and believed they could never fit into American
society. Congress responded by banning practically all immigrants
from Asia.
• After Pearl Harbor, several newspapers declared Japanese Americans
to be a _______________________________. President Roosevelt
eventually responded to the growing anti-Japanese hysteria and n
Feb. 1942, he signed an order that placed all Japanese-Americas in
camps. this action became known as the
______________________________________. More than 110,000
men, women and children were rounded up. They had to sell their
possessions and leave their jobs.
• They were placed in _________________________, under guard.
About ________ of the people interned were _______, born in the
United States.
• The nation’s fears of disloyalty of Japanese-Americans were
______________. Thousands of young men in the camps
volunteered to fight for the United States. The all Nisei units fought
in Europe. They were among the most _____________ units in the
war. Daniel Inouye belonged to one of these units.
“The Legacy of the War”
Read “One American’s Story” (p.780)
“The War’s Human Cost”
No war has claimed so many lives or cause so much destruction as
world War II. The human cost of both sides was immense. About
___________________ soldiers were killed and millions more
wounded. The ______________ suffered the greatest losses, with at
least 7.5 million deaths and another 5 million people wounded.
More than _______________ American soldiers died and 600,000
were wounded.
___________________ casualties also numbered in the millions. All
told about _______________ Soviet citizens died in the struggle.
China lost about ________________ civilians.
The war also created an enormous wave of ______________. After
the war, ______________ refugees, most starving and homeless,
tried to put their lives back together amid the ruins of Asia and
“Economic Winners and Losers”
The war left many of the world’s economies in ruins. Only ___
____________ came out of the war with a strong economy. After the
war ended the Depression, the U.S. economy continued to grow.
With the world’s strongest economy, the U.S. set out to help rebuild
the economies of Europe and Japan. In 1948, Congress approved the
____________________ to help boost the economies of Europe.
Under the plan, the United States gave more than
_________________ to help the nations of Europe get back on their
“Changes in American Society”
The country had to deal with the return of millions of soldiers and
competition for jobs and education was great. The government
responded by passing the ___________________. It provided
educational and economic help to veterans.
The return of the military men created a housing shortage.
• Although the Truman administration took steps to address the
shortage many had to live in crowded urban slums of country shacks.
“The Nuremburg Trials”
• The U.S. joined the international community in putting together a
court to try _____________________ for their roles in WWII.
• The trial opened in November 1945 in ___________________,
Germany. The original 24 defendants included some of Hitler’s top
generals. The charges against them included crimes against
__________________, and referred to the murder of millions of Jews
and others (Read “A Voice from the Past” p.782).
• After almost a year, 19 of the defendants were found _______. 12
were sentenced to death. About 185 other Nazis were found guilty in
later trials. The _________________________ upheld an important
idea: people are responsible for their actions, even in wartime.
“Creation of the United Nations”
• The war helped to establish another principle: nations must work
together in order to secure ________________________. Toward
the end of WWII, President Roosevelt urged Americans not to turn
their backs on the world again.
• In April 1945, delegates from 50 nations, including the U.S. met in
__________________ to discuss creating a new international peace
organization. In June, all 50 nations approved a charter creating the
new peacekeeping body known as the __________
_______________ or UN.
“International Tensions”
• Despite the teamwork of many nations after the war, tensions still
arose in its wake. In 1948 the UN helped found the nation of
_______________ to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.
Arab nations immediately began fighting with Israel.
_________________ also began to fight for independence. The U.S.
was more concerned with ___________________
• Despite suffering so much loss and damage, the Soviet Union had
emerged from WWII as a great power. It had conquered much of
• During the war, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. had been uneasy partners. After
the war, Stalin broke a promise with the U.S. to promote democracy
in the nations he had occupied in Eastern Europe. Instead, he forced
the countries to live under ______________________ regimes. The
U.S.S.R. wanted to spread communism; the U.S. wanted to stop it.
This led to future conflict.
• The end of the war marked the beginning of the __________
__________. The atomic bombs dropped on Japan showed the world
a powerful new weapon.