WW II Causes Home Best

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Learning Goal:
• How did US foreign policy change
between the years 1914-1914?
Review Question
• Compare and contrast US foreign
policy from 1914-1918 with US
foreign policy from 1801 – 1812.
and the Road
to World War
The Treaty of Versailles:
Senate rejected it & the US did not
join the League of Nations
The Ineffectiveness of the League of Nations
y No control of major
y No progress in
y No effective military
Foreign Policy
Sen. Henry
Cabot Lodge, Sr.
Collective security
Anti-War movement
World Police
Business interests
Republicans: Lodge &
Cited Washington’s
I. Peace attempts in the 1920s and the
Great Depression
• Dawes Plan (1924)
a. U.S. bankers gave
Germany loans; Germany paid
Britain & France, who in turn
paid back the U.S.
b. U.S. credit continued to
help this finance issue until
crash of 1929.
• Hoover declared debt
moratorium in 1931 and
before long, all debtors
defaulted (except Finland
which paid its loan ending in
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Ratified by 62
nations: made war
illegal except for
defensive purposes.
Major flaws: No
aggressors could use
"defensive purposes"
argument when
Gave Americans a
The Great Depression
*Great Depression a major cause of
totalitarianism in Japan and Germany
Hyper-Inflation in Germany:
Major Dictators
Economic collapse
opened door for
Germany = Hitler
Japan = militarists
Italy = Mussolini
Spain = Franco
USSR = Stalin
policy in
early 1930s
Failure of collective security
• 1931 -- Japan invades
• League of Nations condemns
action; no enforcement
a. Japan violated KelloggBriand Pact
b. Hoover-Stimson
Doctrine: President Hoover
refused economic or political
sanctions but did not
recognize Japanese conquest
c. Japan withdraws from
League of Nations
The Manchurian Crisis, 1931
Japan Invades Manchuria, 1931
American Isolationism in the
face of fascist aggression
• Americans concerned with their own
economic depression
1. Sought to avoid involvement in Europe in
the face of rising dictatorships
2. Not immediately alarmed at totalitarianism.
3. American sentiment cried for a
constitutional amendment to forbid a
declaration of war by Congress -- except in
case of invasion -- unless there was first a
favorable public referendum.
-- Ludlow Amendment
(headed by ND Sen. Gerald Nye)
1. Many believed US entered WWI so munitions
makers could profit
a. Nye Committee investigated this charge.
b. Munitions manufacturers dubbed
"merchants of death"
1. Committee claimed bankers wanted war to protect
loans to Europe and Wilson had provoked Germany
by sailing in to warring nation's waters.
2. Today many believe the committee was flawed and
excessively anti-business
3. Resulted in the Neutrality Acts between 1935 &
Read Smedley Butler
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and
When president proclaimed
existence of a foreign war, certain
restrictions would automatically
go into effect:
a. Prohibited sale of arms to
belligerent nations
b. Prohibited loans and credits to
belligerent nations
c. Forbade Americans to travel on
vessels of nations at war
(in contrast to WWI)
d. Non-military goods must be
purchased on a cash and carry
-pay when goods are picked
e. Banned involvement in the
• In effect, limited options of President in a
• America declined to build up its armed
forces where it could deter aggressors.
a. Navy declined in relative strength.
-- Believed huge navies caused
b. Did not want to burden taxpayers
during the depression
• Japan launches full-scale attack on
southern China (1937)
The 1937 Japanese Invasion
of China & the Rape of Nanking
Panay Incident
• Dec. 1937, Japanese
bombed and sank a U.S.
gunboat (the Panay) and
three Standard Oil tankers
on the Yangtze River.
i. Two killed; 30 wounded
ii. Yantzee River was by
treaty an international
waterway (Open Door)
iii. Japan was testing
resolve (like Hitler
in the Rhineland in
• Roosevelt reacted angrily:
planned to seize U.S.-held
property in China.
• Japan apologized, paid U.S. an
indemnity, and promised no
further attacks.
• US public called for withdrawal
of all US forces from China.
i. Most Americans satisfied
and relieved at Japan’s
• Results  Japanese
interpreted US tone as a
license for further aggression
against US interests.
Roosevelt’s "Quarantine
Speech" (1937)
a. Condemned Japan and Italy
for their aggressive actions.
b. Urged democracies to
"quarantine" the aggressors
by economic embargoes.
c. Criticized by isolationists
fearing FDR might lead US
into war.
d. FDR retreated and sought
less direct means to address
President Roosevelt: 10/05/1937
"Quarantine" Speech
If those days are not to come to pass, if we are to have a world
in which we can breathe freely and live in amity without fearthe peace-loving nations must make a concerted effort to
uphold laws and principles on which alone peace can rest
The peace-loving nations must make a concerted effort in
opposition to those violations of treaties and those ignorings
of humane instincts which today are creating a state of
international anarchy and instability from which there is no
escape through mere isolation or neutrality.
Those who cherish their freedom and recognize and respect
the equal right of their neighbors to be free and live in peace,
must work together for the triumph of law and moral
principles in order that peace, justice and confidence may
prevail in the world. There must be a return to a belief in the
pledged word, in the value of a signed treaty. There must be
recognition of the fact that national morality is as vital as
The “Problem” of the
German aggression
• British Prime Minister, Neville
Chamberlain, adopted policy
appeasement toward Germany; sought
to avoid war.
i. Rejected joining alliance with France
& Russia claiming it would destroy
possibility of future negotiations.
ii. Appeasement: Giving in to an
aggressor in order to preserve peace
• Hitler demands Sudetenland (Germanspeaking province in Czechoslovakia
Appeasement: The Munich
Agreement, 1938
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr
Hitler is a man we can do business with.
Munich Conference (Sept. 1938):
Attended by Germany, France,
Britain & Italy.
ii. Terms: Czechoslovakia lost the
Sudetenland (could have waged
successful defense)
-- Hitler claimed he would not
make any more territorial
demands in Europe.
• Invasion of Poland starts WWII
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression
Pact--Aug. 23rd, 1939
-- Secret clause: Division of Poland
between Hitler & Stalin
• Sept. 5, 1939: FDR officially
proclaimed U.S. neutrality.
The Nazi-Soviet
Non-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign Ministers
von Ribbentrop & Molotov
Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939
Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]
Neutrality Act of 1939
(response to German invasion of Poland)
1. Britain and France desperately needed
U.S. airplanes and other weapons.
-- Neutrality Act of 1937 forbade sale of
weapons to warring countries.
2. Sept. 5, 1939: FDR proclaimed U.S.
neutrality (but not neutrality in thought).
-- 84% of public supported Britain and
3. Sept. 21, FDR persuaded Congress to
allow U.S. to aid European democracies in
limited fashion.
Provisions of Neutrality Act of
a. Sale of weapons to European
democracies on a "cash-and-carry"
-- U.S. would avoid loans, war debts,
and torpedoing of U.S. arms- carriers.
b. FDR proclaimed danger zones which
U.S. ships & citizens could not enter
(contrast to Wilson’s WWI policy)
• Democracies benefited as they
controlled the Atlantic
-- Aggressors could not send ships
to buy U.S. munitions.
• U.S. economy improved as
European demand for war goods
helped bring the country out of the
recession of 1937-1938.
-- Unemployment crisis solved.
Germany invades Soviet Union
in June, 1941
Axis Powers in 1942
U.S. response to the
war in Europe
• FDR’s "Arsenal of Democracy" speech
(Dec 29, 1939)
1. Proclaimed U.S. could not remain
neutral: its independence had
never been
in such danger
2. Nazi war aim was world domination
3. Many feel this speech marked
entrance of
U.S. into the war.
4. The U.S. would become the "Great
Warehouse" of the Allies
• U.S. response to fall of France and Battle of
1. Fall of France forced a major change in
strategy for U.S.-- now U.S. would probably
have to fight in the war; not just be a "great
2. FDR called on America to build a huge air
force and 2-ocean navy.
3. Congress appropriated $37 billion (more than
total cost of WWI) and 5X larger than any New
Deal annual budget.
4. Sept. 1940, Congress passed Selective
Service and Training Act
a. America’s first peace-time draft
-- Men 21 to 35 were registered and many
called for one year of military
1. America First Committee
a. Slogan: "England will fight to
last American."
b. Advocated U.S. protection of
own shores if Hitler
c. Charles Lindbergh most
famous of isolationists.
2. Senator Robert A. Taft:
urged "Fortress America";
defense not intervention
America-First Committee
Charles Lindbergh
Theodor Seuss Geisel
• Born March 2, 1904
• As World War II began, Geisel
turned to political cartoons,
drawing over 400 in two years
as editorial cartoonist for the
left-leaning New York City
daily newspaper, PM.
• Geisel's political cartoons,
later published in Dr. Seuss
Goes to War, denounced
Hitler and Mussolini and were
highly critical of noninterventionists
("isolationists"), most notably
Charles Lindbergh, who
opposed US entry into the
to Isolationism
Destroyer-Bases Deal
1. Sept. 2, 1940, FDR agreed to transfer to
Britain 50 WWI-class destroyers
2. Britain promised U.S. 8 valuable
defensive base sites from
Newfoundland to South America.
-- These bases would remain in U.S.
control for 99 years.
3. Agreement achieved by simple
presidential agreement.
-- Critics charged FDR had
circumvented Congress and was trying
to get U.S. into the war.
Now Britain Is All Alone!
"Four Freedoms" speech
(January 6, 1941) -- made to
Now elected, FDR did not
have to worry as much
about critics.
FDR asked Congress for
increased authority to help
Four Freedoms:
a. Speech and
b. Religion
c. Freedom from Want
d. Freedom from fear
Congress responded with
(April 1941) and increase U.S. involvement in
the war.
1. Considered one of most momentous laws
ever passed by Congress.
2. Provisions:
a. Authorized President to give military
supplies to any nation he deemed "vital
to the defense of the US."
-- British rapidly exhausting their
cash reserves with which to buy
U.S. goods.
b. Accounts would be settled after the
-- FDR: "Loan a neighbor your hose
to save his house from fire; worry
about the hose later."
3. Criticism
a. Isolationists and anti-Roosevelt
Republicans saw it as "the blank check
b. Some saw it as getting the U.S. even
closer to involvement in the war.
Lend-Lease aide for
just 1942
U. S. Lend-Lease Act totals
Great Britain.........................$31 billion
Soviet Union...........................$11 billion
France......................................$ 3 billion
China.......................................$1.5 billion
Other European.................$500 million
South America...................$400 million
The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000
• Effectively ended U.S.
neutrality; in effect, an
economic declaration of
war against Germany
• U.S. war production
immediately increased
• Hitler began sinking U.S.
ships on a limited scale
with German submarines
Escalating tensions with
• Japan’s conquest of Asia
resulted in tensions with U.S.
2. Japan outlined the proposed
Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere
A. Sought a vast empire in
east Asia and Western Pacific.
B. Declared the Open Door
policy ended and forced
American and other business
interests from occupied China.
3. Embargo of 1940 passed by Congress
against Japan (July)
a. Following Fall of France, Japan got the right from Vichy
France to build air bases and to station troops
northern French
b. U.S. placed embargo on export of aviation gasoline,
lubricants, scrap iron and steel to Japan and granted
additional loan to China.
c. In December, extended embargo to include iron ore and
pig iron, some chemicals, machine tools, and other products.
4. Sept 1940, Japan signed Tripartite
Pact: Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
-- All agreed to support each other
if attacked by the U.S.
5. Early 1941, FDR moved U.S. Pacific
Fleet from West Coast to Pearl Harbor
to demonstrate military readiness
6. Embargo of 1941
a. July, Japan gained new
concession from Vichy France by
obtaining military control of southern
b. U.S. froze Japanese assets in
the U.S., closed the Panama Canal to
Japan, activated the Philippine militia,
and placed embargo on export of oil
and other vital products to Japan.
Pearl Harbor
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit
of a Japanese Pilot
Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7, 1941
A date which will live in infamy!
President Roosevelt Signs the
US Declaration of War
USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Memorial
2,887 Americans Dead!
Pearl Harbor--Dec. 7th, 1941 (7:55 A.M.
Sunday -- second wave at 8:50 A.M.)
1. Damage:
a. Japanese sank or badly damaged all 8
battleships inside the Harbor including the
Oklahoma and the Arizona.
b. Damaged 10 other ships; destroyed 188
c. Over 2,500 Americans killed; 1,100
d. 3 aircraft carriers escaped destruction--out
at sea
e. Japanese losses much smaller
2. Roosevelt asked Congress for Declaration of War
against Japan (Dec. 8)
a. "a date that will live in infamy."
b. Congress quickly complies with only 1
dissenting vote.
3. Germany & Italy declare war
against U.S. (three days later)
a. Ally with Japan
b. Hitler's 3rd fatal blunder:
Germany didn't have to declare war
on U.S.; FDR and Churchill agreed
to defeat "Germany first" rather than
concentrating on Japan
4. U.S. increase of troops--2 to 12
The “Big Three”
Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin
The Home
Economic mobilization
OWM (Office for War Mobilization) established
to supervise
various agencies intended to increase war
War Production Board:
a. WPB est. in 1942 by FDR to regulate the use of
raw materials
b. 1/2 of factory production went into war
• 1943, US producing twice as many goods as all
enemy countries combined.
"Rosie the Riveter"
a. Over 5 million women joined
labor force during the war, often
moving to new communities to
work in aircraft, munitions, and
automobile industries.
b. Propaganda urged women to
fill ranks of the nation’s
assembly lines
i. Films characterized "Rosie
the Riveter" as an
American heroine
ii. Women’s magazines and
newspapers discussed the
suitability of women's
smaller hands for "delicate"
c. Women’s increased
wages from industrial jobs
increased family incomes
and pave the way for
postwar consumer
d. Despite gains, 1945
average woman’s pay
was still less than 2/3 that
of a male worker, and at
war’s end, pressures
increased on women to
return to homemaking
rather than to stay in the
work force.
Controlling inflation
- More people were working but less
consumer goods were available.
- Too much $ = inflation; cost of living
- War Labor Board: sought to
maintain (but not improve)
• workers' standard of living; wages
kept pace with rise in cost of living.
-- Contrast to WWI where inflation
reduced earning power of workers
causing thousands of strikes.
Office of Price
Administration (OPA)
Economic Stabilization -a. Froze prices and rents at March 1942 levels
b. Rationing
i. Certificate Plan: buy cars, tires, typewriters,
-- Apply to a local rationing board. I
accepted, you received a certificate
allowing you to buy the item.
ii. Coupon Plan -- more widely used
-- Families issued coupon books to buy of
meat, coffee, sugar, gas, etc.
-- Number of coupons based on family
size. No coupons, no purchase.
• Anti-inflation measures successful
a. WWI cost of living up 170%
b. WWII -- less than 29%
• Taxes were increased to finance the
1. Many who had never had to pay
taxes were now required to.
2. 1939 -- 4 million filed tax returns; in
1945 --50 million!
Beginning of National Debt
1. 1941 = $49 billion; 1945 = $259
2. 2/5 was pay as we go; 3/5 was
3. New Deal + WWII = "warfare
welfare" state
- Volunteerism
1. During WWII, few restrictions were
put into place
2. In contrast with WWI, there was little
hysteria and pressure to conform.
Paying for the War
Paying for the War
Smith-Connolly Antistrike
Act (1943)
-- expired in 1947
1. Authorized gov’t seizure of plant or
mine idled by a strike if war effort
2. Response to strikes especially by
John Lewis.
--1943, 450,000 United Mine
Workers members went on strike
who were
denied a raise by the
National War
Labor Board.
Science goes to war:
Manhattan Project--1942
a. Established to research all aspects of building
b. Formed after Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi
warned FDR in a letter in 1939 that Germany
was working on building a bomb through
nuclear fission.
c. Los Alamos, New Mexico -- group charged with
building the bomb itself
-- Headed by Dr. J. Robert
d. Trinity -- first test July 16, 1945 in desert
outside Alamogordo, New Mexico.
the war
A. African American civil rights issues
1. During war years, there was
massive migration of minorities to
industrial centers. (Larger than the
Great Migration of 1914-1919 in
2. Violence plagued 47 cities, the
worst example occurring in
A. Detroit Race Riot in June, 1943;
25 blacks dead; 9 whites;
i. 6,000 federal troops needed to
restore order
ii. $2 million in property damage
A. Philip Randolph
(Father of the Civil Rights Movement)
president of the Brotherhood
of Sleeping Car Porters
a. Blacks were excluded from
well-paying jobs in warrelated industries.
b. Randolph made three
demands of the president.
i. Equal access to defense
ii. Desegregation of the
armed forces
iii. End to segregation in
federal agencies
• Randolph promised a march on
Washington, with 100,000 plus people
if demands not meet
• FDR scared of violence and political
FDR issued Executive Order 8802 in 1941
establishing Fair Employment Practices
Committee (FEPC) to investigate violations in
defense industries.
i. Gov’t agencies, job training programs, &
defense contractors ended segregation
ii. Randolph dubbed "father of the Civil
Rights movement"
• NAACP grew from 50,000 before the war, to
500,000 members by war’s end
• CORE created by James Farmer
• Civil Rights movement becomes a major
issue after the war
Mexican Americans
1. Bracero Program
-- During the war, need for increased farm
production led to a
• U.S. gov't policy for short-term work
permits to be issued to Mexican workers.
2. Zoot Suit riots in L.A. (1943)
a. Young Mexican-Americans became object of
frequent violent attacks in LA.
b. Sailors roamed streets beating "zooters," tearing
their clothes, cutting their hair.
c. Radio reports blamed zooters but a city committee
under Earl Warren revealed the truth and need for
improved housing.
Internment of Japanese
Americans -- Japanese relocation
1. Executive Order 9066 (Feb. 19, 1942)
-- FDR authorized the War Dept. to declare the
West Coast a "war theater".
2. 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry forcibly
interned. Pearl Harbor left public paranoid that
people of Japanese ancestry living in California
might help Japan.
a. 1/3 were Issei -- foreign born
b. rest were Nisei -- American born usually too
young to vote
General John DeWitt organized the removal of people
of Japanese ancestry to 10 locations in 7 states
a. They were given 48 hours to dispose of their
• Most families received only about 5% of their
possessions’ value.
b. Camps were in desolate areas
c. Conditions harsh, yet many remained loyal to
US; after 1943, 17,600 Nisei fought in US Army.
d. Relocation became "necessary" when other
states would not accept Japanese residents from
e. Although gov’t considered relocation of
Germans and Italians, the Japanese were the
only ethnic group singled out by the gov’t for
- Army considered Japanese potential spies.
i. Court could not second-guess military decisions
ii. Court also ruled that persons couldn’t be held once loyalty
was established.
-- By then, camps were being closed down.
5. Labor and business wanted Japanese removed to help
6. Represented the greatest violation of civil liberties during
a. $105 million of farmland lost
b. $500 million in yearly income; unknown personal
7. No act of sabotage was ever proven against any Japanese
8. Camps closed in March, 1946
9. 1988, President Reagan officially apologized for its actions
and approved in principle the payment of reparations to
camp survivors totaling $1.25 billion.
10. In 1990 Congress appropriated funds to pay $20,000 to
each internee.
From 2009
• Analyze the home-front
experiences of TWO of the
following groups during the Second
World War
– African Americans
– Japanese Americans
– Jewish Americans
– Mexican Americans
• 500,000 fight in the war
• Tight immigration restrictions, 30,000 a year
allowed to immigrate, usually the best and
• SS St. Louis turned away
• Tried to draw attention to the Holocaust
• In 1943, just before Yom Kippur, 400 rabbis
marched in Washington, D.C. to draw attention to
the plight of Holocaust victims
• Albert Einstein letter to FDR started the A-bomb
• Manhattan Project- Robert Oppenheimer and
many other scientists create the Atomic Bomb
• Israel created after the war
• Compare and
contrast the home
fronts in World War
one to World War II.
• To what extent and
why did the United
States adopt an
isolationist policy in
the 1920’s and
From 1982
• Prior to American involvement in both
the First and Second World Wars, the
United States adopted an official
policy of neutrality. Compare the
policy and its modifications during the
periods; 1914-1917 to the policy and
its modifications during 1939 -1941.
From 2000
• To what extent did the
United States achieve
the objectives that led
it to enter the First
World War?
From 1995
• Assess the relative influence of THREE of
the following in the American decision to
declare war on Germany in 1917.
• German naval policy
• American economic interests
• Woodrow Wilson’s idealism
• Allied Propaganda
• America’s claim to world power
• Compare and
contrast the debates
that took place over
American expansion
in the 1840's with
those that took place
in the 1890's
• Account for the
urbanization of Black
Americans in the
period 1914 to 1945.
• “Yellow Journalism
caused the Spanish
American War”
–Assess the validity of
this statement
From 1989
• “The United States entered the First
World War not ‘ to make the world
safe for democracy’, as President
Wilson claimed, but to safeguard
American economic interests.”
• Assess the validity of this statement.
The end
Washington Disarmament
5 Long-standing Anglo-Japanese alliance (1902) obligated
Britain to aid Japan in the event of a Japanese war with the
United States.
5 Goals  naval disarmament and the political situation in the
Far East.
Five-Power Treaty (1922)
5 A battleship ratio was achieved through this ratio:
5 Japan got a guarantee that the US and Britain would
stop fortifying their Far East territories [including
the Philippines].
5 Loophole  no restrictions on small warships
European Debts to the US
How and for what
reasons did United
States foreign
policy change
between 1920 to
Overall, the essay should focus on the change from
isolationism to involvement & fighting in WWII
• Isolationism (Neutrality)
– How
• Rejecting the League of Nations
• Washington Naval Conference & Kellogg Briand Pact
• Appeasement with German and Japanese Expansion
(American not even involved)
– Let Japan violate the Open Door Policy, did nothing about
the Rape of Nanking or the Panay incident,
– Munich Pact: Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland,
Czechoslovakia, Poland
• Neutrality Acts, Embargo,
• Isolationist Republicans- Lodge, Taft, Self-Defense- Fortress
of America, Monroe Doctrine, Ludlow Amendment, American
First Committee,
– Why
• Great Depression, debt concerns, upset about WWI resultsNye Committee, Washingtonian Tradition,
• Aiding the Allied Powers
– How:
• Cash and Carry principle, Destroyers for
Base Deal, Lend-Lease Act, Arsenal of
– Why
• Success of Axis Powers, Fall of France,
only Britain is left, Soviet Union invaded
Fighting with the Allied Powers
– How
• Allied Alliance, War mobilization-draft, Island
Hopping, Atlantic Charter, Germany first approach
– Why
• Pearl Harbor, US attacked, Germany declares War
on the US
To what extent was late
nineteenth-century and
early twentieth-century
United States
expansionism a
continuation of past
United States expansion
and to what extent was it
a departure?
Manifest Destiny vs. Imperialism
• Economics
– Fur trade, Agrarian Empire, the spread of plantation
slavery in Texas, vs. global trade & oversea markets
for American producers, China & Open Door Policy,
Mahan and Naval interests
• Fabricated Wars as a pretext for land grabs
– Polk and Texan border-Mexican War vs. yellow
journalism and Maine –SpAm
– Foment Rebellions
• Texas and Hawaiian Revolutions and Annexations
• Adams Onis Treaty vs. Panama Canal
– Purchases: Louisiana, Gadsden, Alaska
• Protest
– Stop the spread of slavery (Spot Resolution, Wilmot
Proviso, Thoreau, Free Soil Party) vs. Anti-Imperialist
League, Teller Amendment
• Racism
– Native Americans vs. Island people
• Religion
– Manifest Destiny vs. modern science & racial superiority,
social Darwinism
• Geography
– Continental North America vs. islands
• Citizenship Rights
– Texas, Oregon, Mexican Cessation incorporated vs. island
territories or protectorates, not full citizenship rights, slow
to let Hawaii and Alaska to join US, 1950’s, insular cases,
colonized land vs. subjugated island peoples
Involvement in world affairs
• Washington & Isolationism, Monroe Doctrine as
protection, vs. intervention with Roosevelt Corollary,
Russo Japanese Portsmouth Treaty, China & Open
Door Policy,