WWII - glanguagearts

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Transcript WWII - glanguagearts

Hitler’s Rise to Power
The Start
• Treaty of Versailles ends WWI (US, Britain,
– Forces Germany to pay for WWI
– Forces Germany to accept blame for WWI
– Forces Germany to disband armies
– Forces Germany to give up land
• Germany is left struggling after WWI defeat
• Many citizens are poor and unhappy
Post WWI Germany
Germany’s Answer
• Elect Adolf Hitler to undo the effects of the
Treaty of Versailles
• Hitler gives empowering speeches to the
German people
Q1o (Hitler Speeches)
Germany Rises
• Germany begins to build up an army/weaponry
– France and Britain not worried, feel Communism is a
larger threat
– Germany’s army would be beneficial to fighting
• Hitler allies with Italy (Mousseline) and Japan
• Hitler seeks to regain lost land
o (Nazi Weaponry Science)
German Invasion Begins
• Hitler invades Austria and
fixes a vote so that 99% of
Austrian citizens vote to
become part of Germany
• Hitler promises that this is
all the land that Germany
– No other countries react for
fear of war
Lies and Conquests
• Hitler breaks his word and invades
• Britain reaches out to Hitler trying to prevent
• The Munich Treaty
– Gave Germany part of Czechoslovakia if they
agreed to stop expansion
– Hitler agrees, but invades the rest of
Czechoslovakia anyways
Britain and France Finally React
• Britain and France do
not have resources to
take out Hitler's armies,
so they make a threat
– Invade Poland = Start
• Hitler ignores their
threat and invades
• Britain and France
declare war on
• Germany and the Soviet
Union make a nonaggression
• Germany invades Poland from
the west, Soviet Union
invades Poland from the east
• Poland is divided between
Germany and the Soviet
Expansion of 1940
• Germany invades Denmark and Norway
– Norway holds out 2 months
• Soviet Union invades Finland
– Only gain part of Norway
• Germany takes Belgium, Several Small
Countries and Northern France
• Italy invades Southern France
• Soviet Union invades Romania and forces
Romania to give up land
Britain Stands Strong
• Italy takes British holds in Middle East and
Africa (Lebanon, Greece, Egypt)
• Germans send troops to North Africa to help
Italian Army
• The Battle of Britain
– German U-boats versus British navy
– Air Warfare
The Axis Power Gets New Members
• Romania, Bulgaria, Hungry, and Slovakia join
the Axis Power
– Newly formed terrorist-controlled Croatia joins
• Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria invade
and conquer Yugoslavia.
• Germany and Bulgaria help Italy take over
Axis Powers Invade Soviet Union
• Axis powers (not Bulgaria) invade the Soviet
– Norway joins the axis powers to get Soviet Union
out of Norway (leads to Germany taking over
Baltic countries)
• Germans retreat from the Soviet Union
The US Joins the War!
• Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
(Dec, 7, 1941)
• Japanese troops land in the
Philippines, French
Indochina (Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia), and British
Singapore. By April 1942, the
Philippines, Indochina, and
Singapore are under
Japanese occupation.
• Axis Powers declare war on
the US (Dec 11-13, 1941)
Pearl Harbor
k (Pearl Harbor Video)
E (Roosevelt’s Speech)
The Fall of the Axis Powers
• Britain sets out to reclaim Africa first
• Britain then takes over Italy
– Once Rome is liberated, Allies are close enough to
directly target Germany for the first time
• British and US seek to liberate France by
storming the beaches of Normandy
– Belgium and Netherlands also liberated (Battle of
the Bulge)
The Rise of the Soviet Union
• Germans attack the Soviet Union and are
defeated again
Soviet Union drives Germany out of Poland
Soviet Union forces Romania to switch sides
Bulgaria surrenders
Germans forced to leave Greece, Albania, and
– Finland leaves the Axis Powers
• Hungarians join with the Germans to withstand
Soviet Union takeover
The Fall of Nazi Germany
• US invade Germany
from the west, Soviet
Union surrounds
• Hitler commits
• Germany surrenders
to Allie Powers and
Soviet Union
• Reaction to Pearl Harbor
• President Truman decides to unleash atomic
bomb although deadly
• Effort to stop fighting with Japan
• Second bomb dropped in Nagasaki
• Soviet Union invades Japan
• Japan surrenders, ending the war (September
2, 1945)