Transcript File

Pre-War Aggressions
Japan in Asia
Kellogg-Braind Pact
 U.S. Secretary of
State and French
Foreign minister
 Made war illegal
Japan in Asia
Second Sino-Japanese War
 Stage a fake attack in
 Blame the Chinese
 Japan again invades
 League of nations condemns
 They don’t do anything
 Only encourages them
 Japan withdraws from
Japan in Asia
Second Sino-Japanese War
 Slowly begin taking China
 Capture all of its seaports and
major cities
 The Rape of Nanking
 Torture, rape, and mass murder
 Denied by the Japanese
 Eventually gest rolled in with
WWII conflict
Expand into all of Asia
 See the ocean as their dominion
 Really all of Asia
Italy in Africa
Italy invades Ethiopia
 One of few independent
nations of Africa
 Revenge for defeating Italy
 Easily defeat the Ethiopians
Rebuked by the League
 League has no military branch
to enforce sanctions
 Memories of WWI make
nations reluctant
 Japan and Italy realize they
can easily continue
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Rebels over throw
the government
 The Second
Spanish Republic
 Freedom of religion
 Separation of
church and state
Spanish Civil War
Loyalists (Republicans)
 Supporters of the
 Mostly in the east and
 Also hold Madrid
Nationalists (Falange)
 A fascist party lead by
Francisco Franco
 conservatives
 Opposed the new Second
 Declare to overthrow it
Spanish Civil War
Support from other nations
 Soviet Union and Mexico
support Republic
 Germany and Italy support
 Chance to surround France
 United States, France, and
Britain stay out of official
 Volunteers enlist to help
Spanish Civil War
Nationalists win in 1939
 Spain becomes Fascist
 ~500,000-1 million
people died
 Loyalist refugees flee
to southern France
 Maintains power until
Franco’s death in 1975
Hitler Aggresses
Removes Germany from
League of Nations
Re-arms and enters the
Anti-Comintern Pact
 Pact with Japan to
stop spread of
 Aggression is to stop
communism, nothing
Annexation of Austria
Nazi Party becomes a large
force in Austria
Hitler makes an agreement
with Austrian chancellor
 Austria will unite with
 Austrian chancellor
wants people to vote on
 Austrian Chancellor
Annexation of Austria
Hitler marches troops
into Austria
 Annexes Austria as
part of Germany
 Against the treaty of
 League of Nations
does nothing
The Sudetenland
 An area in western
 Wanted to be part
of Germany
 Given to create
 Hitler sees himself
as protector of
The Sudetenland
Policy of Appeasement
 Neville Chamberlin meet
with Germany and Italy
 Attempt to give in to
Germany’s demands to
avoid war
 Give him the
 “Peace in our time”
Germany conquers
 Only takes 6 months
Dealing with Stalin
Stalin distrustful of
Western powers
 Western powers did not
like communism
 Wants to guarantee
independence of Poland,
Finland, and Baltic
 Create a military
 Military would enter to
protect from Germany
Dealing with Stalin
Nazi-Soviet pact
 German-Soviet nonaggression
 Kept secret from the west
 Germany and USSR wont
invade each other
 Maintain neutrality in event of
 Split Poland down the middle
 Divide eastern Europe into
sphere of influence
 Isolates France and England in
the west
 Hitler breaks it later, moron
Invasion of Poland
Control of Danzig
 A seaport in Poland
protected by the League
 Germany also has rights
to use it
 Hitler announces
annexation of Danzig
Invasion of Poland
September 1, 1939
 Air force begins a massive
bombing campaign
 Blitzkrieg “Lightning war”
 Strong and Fast
 A new kind of war
 Tanks cross the border toward
 Poles put up a brave defensive
 Ultimately fails miserably
 Surrender within a month
 Britain and France can no longer
ignore Germany
 Enter the war 2 days later
 France begins fortifying Maginot
Early War
Nations still hoped to avoid
all out war again
 Germany did very little on
the western front in
 Russia invades Poland
from east mid September
 Poland disappears again
 Also invade Finland and
the Baltic states
Early War
The low countries
 Germany invades
Denmark and Norway
 All hopes of avoiding war
 Help from Fascist parties
inside nations
 Continues into BENELUX
 Belgium, Netherlands,
and Luxembourg
Early War
Winston Churchill becomes
Prime Minister
 May 1940
 Months after Poland
 Chamberlin did not do
much to fight German
 Churchill against
appeasement from the
Early War
Evacuation of Dunkerque
 German forces outflank
Maginot line
 Go through the low
 Surround Allied forces in
French seaport
 German forces stop
ground advancement
Early War
Evacuation of Dunkerque (cont)
 Every boat in Britain used to
evacuate troops
 Fishing boats, row boats,
 Successful evacuation of
338,000 men
 In about two weeks
 Hitler is an idiot
 Stops his troops advancing
 Allow Britain to regain strength
 Morale victory for Britain
The Fall of France
Not manned or prepared for
new warfare
 Similar to the Schlieffen
 Extensive use of tanks
and planes
 No longer stationary
trench warfare
 Bombing of civilian targets
 Causes panic and
The Fall of France
Germany attacks from
the north
 Italy from the south
 Leaders of France
quickly surrender
 Germany occupies
northern France and
Atlantic wall
 French navy disarmed
The Fall of France
Vichy France
 The legitimate
government of France
 Sothern part of France
 Collaborates with the
The Fall of France
French Resistance
 Charles de Gaulle, leader of
the resistance
 Escaped to northern Africa
or Britain
 Formed the Free French
 Set up army and
headquarters in Britain
 Supplied by Britain and U.S
The Fall of France
French Resistance (cont.)
 The Maquis
 Underground resistance
 Fought against Germany
from occupied nations
 Blew up bridges, train
tracks, and disrupting
Battle of Britain
Control of the skies
 Germany attempts to destroy
the RAF
 England fights back on its own
for over a year
 The German Luftwaffe bombs
British Airfields along the coast
 England has RADAR for early
 From July 1940-October 1940
bombing of airfields
 Also airplane factories
 As many as two a day
Battle of Britain
Control of the Skies (cont)
 British Pilots
 Britain was loosing many
experienced pilots and too
many planes
 Faster than they could really be
 Britain appears ready to give in
 Then Hitler changes targets
 August “accidental” bombing of
 Responds with bombing of
 Retaliatory attacks on London
 Begin the London Blitz
 Allows RAF to recover
Battle of Britain
The Blitz
 Almost nightly raids on major
cities of England
 71 consecutive nights of
 57 consecutive nights in
London alone
 Goal of demoralizing the British
 Failed
 Luftwaffe weakens after
traveling further distances
 Escorts are too low on fuel to
stay whole time
 Easier for RAF to pick off
Battle of Britain
The Blitz (cont)
 Barrage Balloons
 Big silver balloons designed
to snag German planes
 Would force them to land or
crash, thus loosing the plane
 Destroyed much of London
and surrounding cities
 Killed over 400,000 people
 Did not destroy Britain
 Operation Sea Lion never
takes off
 Invasion plan on England
 Keep Calm and Carry On
U.S. Involvement
U.S. Remains Neutral
 Sell munitions to
nation on “cash-andcarry” basis (1939)
 We will sell to
 They must pay cash
 Must arrange for
transport on their own
Only Great Britain
controls these routs
U.S. Involvement
U.S. Remains Neutral (cont)
 More sympathy after
 Send old warships to UK in
exchange for use of naval and
air bases
 Lend-Lease Act
 We will supply war materials
on credit
 Obvious who we will support
when the time comes
 Roosevelt see U.S. getting
 Doing everything but fighting
The Atlantic Charter
Churchill and Roosevelt meet
in 1941
Goals for the post war world
 No new territories or shift
in territories without
 Return of self government
 Abandonment of the use of
 Disarmament of aggressor