photo resp 16

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Transcript photo resp 16

What will happen here based on
Our definition of diffusion ?
Brain eating ameba ???
The big picture – plants make
Their own food (glucose) through
Photosynthesis – this glucose
Provides energy for ALL living
Organisms – It must be converted
To a usable form of energy(ATP)
By cellular respiration.
Photosynthesis and cellular
Photosynthesis – glucose is
Produced in plants using
CO2, sunlight, water and
Plants go through photo –
Synthesis to make their
Own food which is glucose
Photosynthesis – produces
The all important organic
Compound glucose C6H12O6.
Autotrophic nutrition –
Autotrophs are organisms
That can make their own food
Ex. = plants – photosynthesis.
Heterotrophic nutrition –
Heterotrophs must obtain
Nutrients, ex. = us and all
Chloroplast – green structure
Found only in plants, contains
Chlorophyll, green pigment
That absorbs the right waveLengths of light for photosyn.
Chloroplast – contains ????
What happens here???
Red and blue wavelengths of
Light are the best and are
Absorbed by the plant
Chlorophyll for photosynthes
Green and yellow are reflected
Red and blue are good for u
Photosynthesis Formula ???
____ + ____ - ______ + _____
Chemistry of photosynthesis
H20 + CO2--C6H12O6 + O2
Water + carbon dioxide +light
And chlorophyll  glucose +
In a leaf, most photosynthesis
Occurs in the pallaside layer
Stomates or stoma are found
On the underside of leaves,
They are special openings
That allow gases and water
To be exchanged for photosyn
Stomates are controlled by
Guard cells.
Guard cell
Stomate is the
Opening – sketch 1
Guard cell
The glucose from photosyn.
Is passed through the food
Chain and provides energy
For all living things (organisms.
Cellular respiration is the
Process by which glucose
Is broken down and energy is
Released in a usable form =
Occurs in the mitochondria
Of all cells.
Also called Aerobic cellular
Respiration because it
Uses Oxygen.
Cellular respiration gives
Off carbon dioxide CO2,
ATP (energy) and water
Vapor. It requires –
Glucose, Oxygen and
Respiration formula
____ + ____  ___+___+____
Respiration formula
O2 + C6H12O6 ATP +CO2
+ H2O
Transport – involves absorb
-tion through cell membrane
And circulation to the cells.
Cell Membrane – Fluid
Mosaic Model – Cell mem. Is
A double layer of lipids and
Large protein molecules.
Cell membrane also contains
RECEPTORS which receive
Signals from other areas.
Receptor cells are shape
Cell Membrane
Diffusion = movement of a
Substance from high to low
Concentration – This happens
Naturally, does not require
Extra cell energy = passive
Osmosis = diffusion of
Diffusion is how most
Materials ( nutrients, gasses
Water) enter and leave cells
Process that occurs in all
Living things(organisms)
The size of the particles or
Molecules determine if
Something can diffuse
Through a cell membrane.
Only small molecules such as
Amino acids, simple sugars
Can enter cells
Factors that determine if
Diffusion can/will occur.
Size of molecules – only
Small can get through and
Concentration = how much
There is – moves from high
To low – stops when equal.
Active transport – movement
From an area of low
Concentration to high,
Requires extra cellular energy
Molecules can enter or leave
A cell by diffusion or active
Transport. The cell membran
Controls and regulates all
Passage in and out of a cell.
Please dig out your review
Sheets – big CL quiz today.
Please count total # leafs in your
Project and put it on a sticky note
Inside front cover – put projects
On table under smart board.Right
Hand side of table.
Please dig out your notes
State diffusion lab – diffusion is
Movement of a substance from
Area of high concentration to
Low. Happens naturally.
Low to high is active transport
Not natural – requires energy.
Please dig out your
The size of the substance is the
Most important factor to
Determine if it can diffuse through
The cell membrane – large particles
Like starch can not.
Color changes
If starch is present – Iodine
Turns dark blue/black
Glucose present –
Benedicts solution turns
Cell membrane
Cell wall
How did we get salt to
Enter the cells???
Welcome – please dig out
Your state labs – today fun
With onions- weeeeeee !!!!