Holocaust Overview - Chino Valley Unified School District

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Holocaust Overview
Intro to Anne Frank
• Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
• The first anti-Jewish laws are established.
• The Franks decide that the family must
move to the Netherlands.
• First concentration camp opened.
• Jewish businesses boycotted.
• “Undesirables” sent to camps.
• Jewish persecution gets stronger.
• Nuremberg Laws designed to take away
Jewish rights of citizenship and included
orders that:
• Jews are no longer allowed to be German
• Jews cannot marry non-Jews.
• Jews cannot have sexual relations with nonJews.
• Austrian Jews persecuted
• Munich synagogue destroyed
• Jewish passports stamped with 'J'
• Kristallnacht: night of extreme violence.
• 100 Jews were murdered, 20,000 German
and Austrian Jews arrested and sent to
camps, Hundreds of synagogues burned,
and the Windows of Jewish shops all over
Germany and Austria smashed.
• Jews fined one billion marks for the
• Jewish children expelled from schools.
• Austrian and Czech Jews deported
to Poland.
• Yellow Star introduced.
• European Jews persecuted and many were
sent to concentration camps.
• Auschwitz concentration camp opened .
• The Warsaw Ghetto was sealed off.
• There were around 400,000 Jewish people
inside .
• The Einsatzgruppen (killing squads) began
rounding up and murdering Jews in Russia. 33,000
Jews are murdered in two days near Kiev.
• Reinhard Heydrich chosen to implement “Final
• First “Death Camp” was opened at Chelmno.
• Mass-gassing of Jews began at AuschwitzBirkenau
• Summer 1942 Jews from all over Europe were
sent to “Death Camps.”
• Anne's older sister, Margot, receives a call-up
notice to report for deportation to a forced-labor
camp. The family goes into hiding the next day.
Arrival at Camp
• Overfilled train to camp
• Gold teeth removed from
prisoners’ mouths
• Crowds entering camp
for the first time
Camp Life
• Children used in medical
•Ovens used to burn bodies
(alive and dead)
• Barracks
Camp Map: You Are Here
1944: The End
• The eight prisoners are transported in a sealed
cattle car to Auschwitz, on the last transport ever
to leave Westerbork. At Auschwitz, the men are
separated from the women.
• Anne, Margot, and Mrs. van Pels are transported
to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Edith
Frank remains in the women's subcamp at
Mr. Dussell = Fritz Pfeffer
• Fritz Pfeffer dies in Neuengamme concentration camp on
December 20, 1944.
Mr. Van Daan = Hermann van Pels
• A few weeks after his
arrival in Auschwitz,
Hermann van Pels was
Mrs. Van Daan = Auguste van Pels
• Auguste collapsed just
before the war ended,
during a brutal march
Peter Van Daan = Peter van Pels
• After an endless
march from
Auschwitz Peter
ended up in
Mauthausen, where
he died on May 5,
January 6, 1945
• Edith Frank dies at
January 27, 1945
• Otto Frank is liberated
from Auschwitz by the
Russian army. He is taken
first to Odessa and then to
France before he is
allowed to make his way
back to Amsterdam.
• He lives a full life until
March 1945
• Anne
Margot Frank
die at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
within days of each other.