Week 1 - Subbarao Kambhampati

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Transcript Week 1 - Subbarao Kambhampati

Open only for Humans; Droids and Robots should go for CSE 462 next door ;-)
General Information
• Instructor: Subbarao Kambhampati (Rao)
– Office hours: after class, T/Th 11:45—12:45pm
• TA: Yunsong Meng
– Took this course in Fall 2006 and did very well…
– Office hours: TBD
– Additional help from CSE471 tutors..
• Course Homepage:
Grading etc.
– Projects/Homeworks/Participation (~55%)
• Projects
– Approximately 4
» First project already up! Due in 2 weeks
– Expected background
» Competence in Lisp programming
» Why lisp? (Because!)
• Homeworks
– Homeworks will be assigned piecemeal.. (Socket system)
• Participation
– Attendance to and attentiveness in classes is mandatory
– Participation on class blog is highly encouraged.
– Do ask questions
– Midterm & final (~45%)
Lisp Programming
• Use Lisp-in-a-box (link from the class page)
– Easy to install and use. Take the clisp version
• There is a link to a lisp review book
• There is also a link to Lisp vs. Scheme differences
• You are allowed to use other languages such as
Java/Python/C etc.—but the partial code snippets
will only be provided for Lisp
– If you plan to take this option, please do talk to the
It has not been the path for the faint-hearted, for those who
prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame.
-Obama inadvertently talking about CSE471 in his inaugural address 
Course demands..
• ..your undivided attention
– Attendance mandatory; if you have to miss a
class, you should let me know before hand
• Has been repeatedly seen as a 4-5 credit
– (while the instructor just thinks your other
courses are 1-2 credit ones  )
– No apologies made for setting highexpectations
Grade Anxiety
• All letter grades will be awarded
– A+,A,B+,B,B-,C+,C,D etc.
• No pre-set grade thresholds
• CSE471 and CSE598 students will have the same
assignments/tests etc. During letter grade
assignment however, they will be compared to
their own group.
– The class is currently ~33 CSE471 and ~10 CSE598
(grad) students
Honor Code
• Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all
assignments are:
– Strictly individual effort
– You are forbidden from trawling the web for
answers/code etc
• Any infraction will be dealt with in severest
terms allowed.
Life with a homepage..
• I will not be giving any handouts
– All class related material will be accessible
from the web-page
• Home works may be specified incrementally
– (one problem at a time)
– The slides used in the lecture will be available
on the class page (along with Audio of the
• I reserve the right to modify slides right up to the
time of the class
• When printing slides avoid printing the hidden
About the only thing Microsoft &
Google can agree on these days…
• “If you invent a
breakthrough in
artificial intelligence,
so machines can
learn," Mr. Gates
responded, "that is
worth 10 Microsofts."
(Quoted in NY Times, Monday
March 3, 2004)
• No. 1: AI at human
level in 10-20 year
time frame
– Sergey Brin &
– Larry Page
– (independently, when
asked to name the top 5
areas needing research.
Google Faculty
Summit, July 2007)
Course Overview
What is AI
– Intelligent Agents
Search (Problem Solving Agents)
– Single agent search [Project 1]
• Markov Decision Processes
• Constraint Satisfaction Problems
– Adversarial (multi-agent) search
Logical Reasoning [Project 2]
Reasoning with uncertainity
Planning [Project 3]
Learning [Project 4]
Although we will see that all four views have
Do we want a machine that beats humans in chess or a machine that thinks like humans
while beating humans in chess?
DeepBlue supposedly DOESN’T think like humans..
(But what if the machine is trying to “tutor” humans about how to do things?)
(Bi-directional flow between thinking humanly and thinking rationally)
What if we are writing intelligent
agents that interact with humans?
The COG project
The Robotic care givers
Mechanical flight became possible only when people decided to stop
emulating birds…
What AI can do is as important as
what it can’t yet do..
• Captcha project
Arms race to defeat Captchas…
(using unwitting masses)
• Start opening an email account at
• Clip the captcha test
• Show it to a human trying to get into
another site
– Usually a site that has pretty pictures of
the persons of apposite* sex
• Transfer their answer to the Yahoo
Note: Apposite—not opposite. This course is nothing if not open minded 
It can be argued that all the faculties needed to pass turing test are also needed to act rationally
to improve success ratio…
Discuss on
Class Blog
Playing an (entertaining) game of Soccer
Solving NYT crossword puzzles at close to expert level
Navigating in deep space
Learning patterns in databases (datamining…)
Supporting supply-chain management decisions at fortune-500 companies
Learning common sense from the web
Navigating desert roads
Navigating urban roads
Bluffing humans in Poker..
Architectures for Intelligent Agents
Wherein we discuss why do we need representation, reasoning and learning
What action next?
A: A Unified Brand-name-Free Introduction to Planning
Subbarao Kambhampati
and prior knowledge
Rational != Intentionally avoiding sensing
“history” = {s0,s1,s2……sn….}
Performance = f(history)
Expected Performance= E(f(history))
Partial contents of sources as found by Get
Cheapest price on specific goods
Internet, congestion, traffic, multiple sources
Qn: How do these affect the complexity of the problem the
rational agent faces?
Lack of percepts makes things harder
Lack of actions makes things harder…
Complex goals make things harder
How about the environment?
(Static vs. Dynamic)
(perfect vs.
(Full vs.
Partial satisfaction)
(Observable vs.
Partially Observable)
(Instantaneous vs.
(Deterministic vs.
What action next?
A: A Unified Brand-name-Free Introduction to Planning
Subbarao Kambhampati
Accessible: The agent can “sense” its environment
best: Fully accessible worst: inaccessible typical: Partially accessible
Deterministic: The actions have predictable effects
best: deterministic worst: non-deterministic typical: Stochastic
Static: The world evolves only because of agents’ actions
best: static worst: dynamic typical: quasi-static
Episodic: The performance of the agent is determined episodically
best: episodic worst: non-episodic
Discrete: The environment evolves through a discrete set of states
best: discrete worst: continuous typical: hybrid
Agents: # of agents in the environment; are they competing or cooperating?
Ways to handle:
Assume that the environment is more benign than it really is
(and hope to recover from the inevitable failures…)
Assume determinism when it is stochastic;
Assume static even though it is dynamic;
Bite the bullet and model the complexity
(Model-based reflex agents)
How do we write agent programs for these?
This one already assumes that the “sensorsfeatures” mapping has been done!
(aka Model-based Reflex Agents)
--Blackbox models
--Factored models
Logical models
Probabilistic models
It is not always obvious what action to do now given a set of goals
You woke up in the morning. You want to attend a class. What should your action be?
 Search (Find a path from the current state to goal state; execute the first op)
Planning (does the same for structured—non-blackbox state models)
Representation Mechanisms:
Logic (propositional; first order)
Probabilistic logic
the models
How the course topics stack up…
Blind, Informed
Logical resolution
Bayesian inference
..certain inalienable rights—life, liberty and pursuit of
?Daytime TV
?Happiness (utility)
--Decision Theoretic Planning
--Sequential Decision Problems
What can be learned?
--Any of the boxes representing
the agent’s knowledge
--action description, effect probabilities,
causal relations in the world (and the
probabilities of causation), utility models
(sort of through credit assignment), sensor
data interpretation models
What feedback is available?
--Supervised, unsupervised,
“reinforcement” learning
--Credit assignment problem
What prior knowledge is available?
-- “Tabularasa” (agent’s head is a blank
slate) or pre-existing knowledge