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Fuzzy Intrusion Detection
Fuzzy Systems
Alireza Shakibaee
June 7, 2005
IDS functional components
– Information source
– Analysis engine
– Decision maker
Artificial intelligence techniques
Dynamic fuzzy boundary
– Fuzzy logic
– Support vector machine
Intrusion detection systems focus on
discovering abnormal system events in
computer networks and distributed
communication systems
Uncertainty nature of intrusions => Fuzzy Set
Different levels of security needs => Dynamic
fuzzy boundary
Introduction (Cont.)
Intrusion detection systems are important in
maintaining proper network security
People use intrusion detection systems to:
– Monitor the events occurring in a computer
system or network
– Analyze the system events
– Detect suspected intrusion
– Raise an alarm
IDS functional components
A typical IDS consists of three functional
– An information source
• Provides a stream of event records (event generator)
– Data sources related to operating systems (system calls)
– Network traffic monitors (generate raw network packets)
– Data collectors of different applications
– An analysis engine
– A decision maker
Analysis engine
The analysis engine finds signs of intrusions
 There are two basic approaches used to
detect intrusions:
– Misuse detection
• Detects intrusions which follow well-known
– Anomaly detection
• Recognizes patterns of activities that appear to be
Decision maker
Applies some rules on the outcomes of the
analysis engine
 Decides what reactions should be done on
the outcomes of the analysis engine
 Major function:
– Increase the usability of an intrusion
detection system
Artificial intelligence techniques
For a misuse detection system:
– An expert system can be used to store a set of
rules designed to detect the known intrusion
– Pattern matching (Kumar et. al.)
• Known intrusion signatures are encoded as patterns
• Then matched against the audit data introduced by
the analysis component
Artificial intelligence techniques (Cont.)
Anomaly intrusion detection consists of two
processes (from the viewpoint of classification):
– Training the parameters of a classifier from a training data set
– Using the classifier to classify a data set
Some approaches:
– Using Hidden Markov Model to analyze the trace of system calls
coming from a UNIX system (Qiao)
– Combining neural networks and fuzzy logic
– Using genetic algorithms to optimize the membership function for
mining fuzzy association rules (Wang)
Artificial intelligence techniques (Cont.)
All the methods mentioned use static classifier or
static decision boundary to classify data, then
detect possible intrusions
 However,
The security needs may differ for various
There are some connections between:
detection accuracy & computation complexity
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic is very appropriate for using on
intrusion detection:
– Usually there is no clear boundary between
normal and anomaly events
• Use of fuzziness to smooth the abrupt separation of
normality and abnormality
– When to raise an alarm is fuzzy
• At what degree of intrusion we should raise an
Support vector machine
SVM in short is a machine learning method based
on statistical learning theory
 SVM classifies data by determining a set of
support vectors, which are members of a set of
training inputs
 SVM has two unique features:
– Based on Structural Risk Minimization principal, SVM
minimizes the generalization error
– The ability to overcome the curse of dimensionality
Support vector machine (Cont.)
SVM constructs the classifier by evaluating
a kernel function between two vectors of the
training data instead of explicitly mapping
the training data into the high dimensional
feature space
 So,
SVM is capable of handling a large
number of features
Support vector machine (Cont.)
The nonlinear discrimination function of SVM is:
 
f ( x )  sgn( i yi K ( xi , xi )  b)
i 1
The Radial Basis Function is used as the kernel
function so, the final discrimination function is:
  2
 xi  x .
f ( x )  sgn( i yi e
 b)
i 1
Dynamic fuzzy boundary
A hybrid method consisting SVM & fuzzy logic
techniques is used to develop a dynamic and fuzzy
decision boundary
The dynamic decision boundary is based on a set
of support vectors generated by SVM and fuzzed
with fuzzy logic technique
With the hope of two features:
High generalization from SVM &
flexibility from fuzzy logic
Dynamic fuzzy boundary (Cont.)
The basic thought of our method is extracting a
fuzzy rule set from support vectors which are the
training result of a SVM
To make the decision boundary dynamic, we train
a SVM several times using different values of
parameters, extract different fuzzy rule sets, and at
last build a dynamic decision boundary according
to the fuzzy rule sets
Dynamic fuzzy boundary (Cont.)
The fuzzy rule set would be like:
b0  b, A0k  a k (0),
bi   i yi , Aik  a k ( zik ),
k  1,...,n, i  1,...,m.
Dynamic fuzzy boundary (Cont.)
From the fuzzy rule set, the binary
discrimination function can be written as
the following form:
f ( x )  sgn(
(b0  t )   (bi  t )k 1 aik ( xk  z ik )
i 1
1   (bi  t )k 1 aik ( xk  z ik )
i 1
Using the proposed method, the decision boundary
can be adjusted easily, and the computing costs
corresponding to different decision boundaries are
Larger value of  => higher detection rate & high
computation cost
 Adjusting the decision boundary must be within a
range (when the accuracy is above some level,
increasing the accuracy becomes more difficult)
Conclusion (Cont.)
Users may decrease the computation cost
with only a small accuracy sacrifice
 It is also possible to build a dynamic
decision boundary using other popular
artificial intelligence techniques such as,
neural networks, decision tree and Bayesian
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