Transcript Document

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primary History&Physical Notes in oncological
practice. //9th International HL7
Interoperability Conference, October 8-11,
2008, C.189-190.
Shvyrev SL, Zarubina TV. An integral
automatized watching system for intensive care
units. //Intensive care medicine.-V.27,
Supplement 2, S.186, September 2001/14 Annual
Congress Geneva, Switzerland 30 September-3
October 2001, Oral Pres. 202.
Islam T., Matveev N.V., Maibach H.I. Factors
influencing applied amounts of topical
preparations. // Marzulli and Maibach’s
Dermatotoxicology, 7th edition. Boca Raton, Fl.:
CRC Press, 2007 – p. 295-298.
Rebrova OY, K. Cpalka, T. Galkowski, L.
Rutkowski. On differential stroke diagnosis by
neuro-fuzzy structures. // Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 5097/2008: Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing, p. 974-980.
Kobrinsky BA Telemedicine in Russia. J. Brit.
J. Healthcare Comput. Info. Manage, 2006,
Vol.23, N.10, P.13–15.
CPOE Decision Support
Hospital Information System
Russian State Medical University
Russian Medical Informatics Scientists
Russia needs to implement HL7 standards to integrate medical
information systems on both horizontal and vertical levels
Our experience of using HL7
Our experience of using HL7
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HL7 Russia’s immediate activities and
goals will be directed at the following areas:
implementing HL7 standards in different areas of
clinical medicine and the healthcare field
•Teaching the methodology of HL7 architecture to
doctors, IT specialists, students and postgraduates,
and educating the public about HL7
•Assisting in the creation of national medical
standards using HL7 experiences
Thank You For Your Attention!
[email protected]