MMR Capabilities PPT - for sample projects
Transcript MMR Capabilities PPT - for sample projects
MMR Capabilities
Sample Projects
Corporate Clients- Sample projects
Assignment: Review and Edit J&J RFI; Create list of Outstanding Ad Agencies, PR Firms, Market Research
Firms, Translation Companies; Distribute RFI to Selected Firms
Incoming Email from Client with Assignment (2011):
Hi Lisa.
I hope this message finds you well. I am with the J&J team. I was asked to work on a draft RFI, leveraging your input as well as
what’s available on the MMR website. I would also welcome the opportunity to review my draft with you to understand if you have
any additional suggestions.
(My boss) has asked that I make every effort to get the RFI out to the vendors by the end of this week. She advised that you have a
list of contacts that we could leverage as well, so I would greatly appreciate you sharing that list of contacts.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Johnson & Johnson
Here is the RFI that would be sent out:
RFI Objective & Background
(Redacted version)
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFI) is to gain a better understanding of your company’s capabilities in regards to
multicultural marketing and market research services. The same information will be gathered from different companies and will be
used to develop a short list of suppliers who will be asked to complete an RFP in the future as projects develop.
Johnson & Johnson is interested in partnering with agencies, research firms, media and other resources to reach the Hispanic,
African American, Asian American, and other consumer markets.
This RFI is being utilized to take the first step at identifying a short list of suppliers with multi-cultural capabilities in market research,
advertising/marketing services, public relations, and medical translations. While we want to evaluate providers with multi-cultural
capabilities, we will also evaluate agencies with exceptional experience in these areas, yet only focus on one segment.
Assignment : Produce and Present Training Day on Multicultural Promotion Marketing
Produced training day for marketing team of 65 people at conference center plus global call-ins. MMR selected 4
speakers and served as moderator and presenter on Updates in “Multicultural Marketing in Pharma” (2009)
Client: Merck
Introductory Remarks/Course Overview (9:00-9:10)
Review Current Promotions/ Collaborating Internally (9:10-9:35)
Review Existing Multicultural Marketing Activities
2) Review of Multicultural/Diversity Activities of other Depts
Supplier Diversity
d) Public Relations
Corporate Social Responsibility
Employee Affinity Groups
The Business Case for Multicultural Marketing (9:35-9:50)
Understanding the Asian American Market Demographics (9:50 – 10:20)
Three Asian Market Mini Case Studies: (Osteoporosis); (Hepatitis B); (Hepatitis B – Canada) (10:20 – 11:00)
Break (11:00- 11:15)
Understanding the Hispanic Market Demographics + Case Study (11:15 -12:10)
(selected from the following:)
1. Oncology :
Pediatric Asthma and Respiratory:
HIV lipoatrophy:
Class Exercise (12:10 – 12:30)
LUNCH (12:30-1:15)
Understanding the African American Market + Case Study (1:15-2:15)
Selected from:
(influenza vaccine)
(Weight loss aid)
Showcase of Creative Work from other Industries (US) +
Int’l Snapshot: Multicultural Marketing Canada, UK, France (2:15– 2:30)
Class Exercise (2:30-2:50)
Wrap Up (2:50-3:00)
Client: Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.– Write Monthly Newsletter for Internal Distribution (2011)
Description of Assignment:
J&J – Wrote a monthly internal newsletter,
distributed by multicultural marketing vp to
her team on news snippets related to their
brands and the Hispanic, African American,
Asian American markets as well as women
and LGBT consumers. (Excerpts from
Newsletter shown at left)
Client: J&J – Research and Write Reports (2012)
Assignment (example shown): a Competitive Report on HIV/AIDS Promotional Programs
Ghostwrite PPT Presentation: Best Practices (Pharma) 2012
Presentation on:
Community Partnerships for Expanded Reach and
-AIDS Project LA: RED Circle Project
AID Atlanta: SISTA SOL Project
AID Atlanta: Deeper Love Project
AID Atlanta: GO Atlanta’s Gay Outreach Program
MOMS Pharmacy’s Adherence Packaging Program
Charles B.
National Latina Health Network (NLHN) Partnerships
to address the needs of Latinos
WYETH – Report / PPT Presentation (2008)
Assignment: Prepare Report to Answer Wyeth Supplied Questions. Format of Deliverables – Briefing Memo and
Bullet Points for Powerpoint presentation
Wyeth Supplied Questions:
Please provide answers to all the following questions to be used in a power point presentation I am developing for an internal meeting:
Multicultural Marketing Business Case
•The business case for multicultural marketing
•What stats exist on the relative ROI or incremental sales impact from "multicultural" marketing initiatives, vs general population efforts
Trends and Projections
•What are the key demographic and population trends (including birth rates)
•Buying Power
•What are the various sub-segments that comprise the various groups...Latino, Asian, African American
•Acculturation trends
•Are there any significant skews...ex. Younger skews, older skews etc.
Best Practices
•Who is doing "multicultural marketing"...(Examples across several categories in HBA, OTC, Pharma, Retail, Trade, Financial Services etc)
•What are best practices in multicultural marketing (in general).
•What are the key essentials to developing a successful multicultural marketing strategy.
•Give examples of companies who have been successful in this arena. Why were they successful. What are some good case studies.
•Which companies have not been successful . Why ? What are some common mistakes to avoid.
•What are the metrics that have been used to measure effectiveness
•Do many best practice companies have dedicated multicultural departments
•What are best practices for marketing to Latinos, African American, and Asian segments. Provide examples and/or case studies. What have been keys to success
•In our industry who is doing it well. Provide examples of what is being done. What are close-in competitors doing in the area of multicultural marketing (non-proprietary). Do they have dedicated
Consumer Insights
•Attitudes, Core Values, Cultural Insights, Purchasing/Shopping Behavior [Latino, African American, Asian]. What are some key differences and similarities vs. general population
•General information and where possible information related to industry
•What is the responsiveness to various marketing tactics (couponing, internet, online shopping, pharmacist and physician efforts, targeted direct mail etc, advertising, bi-lingual packaging.)
•"Expert" Speakers and Presenters on Marketing to Latino, African American and Asian segments
•A few contacts at companies who head multicultural marketing departments and who might be open to sharing their learning with us. (We're interested in it more from the marketing angle)
African American Marketing
•3-5 of the best agencies or groups in this area. Must have a proven track record of success with major and smaller brands/businesses. [Advertising, Promotions, 360 degree marketing, community
building, strategic alliances]. Provide contact information
Research Companies
•3-5 top-notch consumer research companies with expertise in conducting custom research on the African American Market. Expertise in Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Must be
organizations with sophisticated research capabilities. Proven track record of handling both large and small-case studies. Provide contact information.
•Three to five conferences on Multicultural Marketing that you think would be good to attend
Corporate Projects / Assignments
Hi There,
I would like to setup a phone call to discuss what your company has to offer. My company is gearing up to start an Asian-American (and Hispanic) campaign, an
we would like to see if your (research and ad agency) services would match well with our current needs.
Please let me know when we can discuss my company ’s needs further.
Thank you!
Marketing Specialist
Targeted Solutions for Spine
I was perusing ‘The Source Book of Multicultural Experts’ and am inquiring as to whether you have any recommendations or insight regarding potential Events
agencies that specialize in reaching the multicultural audience, specifically African American and Hispanic.
I am in Marketing at Target Corporation and have been working with our Events team to seek out events agencies that can bring us new and more focused
thinking. Thank you.
Target Corporation
At this moment, I’m looking for a research company who provides an online Hispanic panel to conduct product testing. However, this panel has to be
somewhat representative of the Hispanic market. Most companies will say they have acculturated Hispanics in their online panel and will complement
unacculturated Hispanics with off line methods. That is not my desire....I'm truly looking for doing research for unacculturated and acculturated
Hispanics on line.
If you can help us with that challenge, great. Thanks for your expert help.
The Clorox Company
Lisa –
I’m the Director of Multicultural Insights here at the NBA Orlando Magic in Central Florida. We are the first ever NBA team to focus on emerging demographics,
outreach and inclusion.
Our primary targets are African Americans, Asians and Hispanics along with Women right now.
Would really like to be able to provide intelligence to our marketing team on how to increase our market share among these demographics as it relates to ticket
sales, inclusive entertainment for games, and our advertising.
I appreciate anything you might be able to assist us with.
NBA Orlando Magic
Public Relations Firm Request:
We are currently in need of a celebrity mom. The following is the criteria we are looking for in our ethnic
spokespeople: must be a mother and have used our product, not celebrity status (charging no more
than approx $2,000 for a day's event,) Hispanic/ African American/ Asian candidates, in a profession
with mass media appeal, not just ethnic niche appeal (while the candidates are diverse, they should
appeal to all consumers,) recent professional activity, whether a business or book published that
relates to parenting, particularly with infant/ toddler. I appreciate any insight you can provide.
Diageo (Spirits Company): Candidate Research ; Ghostwriting assignment
Candidate Research/Bio Writing/Report
Assignment – Identify executives to be considered as candidates for
a multicultural advisory board. Select 50 to recommend. Follow
guidelines for acceptability. Write a 1 paragraph bio for each
Ghostwriting assignment
Assignment– write a powerpoint presentation on best practices at top
companies on multicultural marketing to identify who is the best in class in key
industries and describe their programs. Presentation to be delivered by the VP
to internal stakeholders.
Lisa Skriloff, President
Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.
150 West 28th Street, Suite 1501
New York, NY 10001
[email protected]
Multicultural Marketing Experts
Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.
Multicultural50 -!/Multicultural50