11-12-1 SME-SEN presentation vF

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Transcript 11-12-1 SME-SEN presentation vF

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Strengthening and Differentiating the Sony Entertainment Network
December 1, 2011
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Key Initiatives
SME has identified several potential initiatives
to grow Music Unlimited
1 For 12 months, charge fees to Music Unlimited which represent outof-pocket costs only (e.g., artist royalties, operational preparation/
delivery), with savings to be reinvested in music programs
2 Support SEN with thorough review of Music Unlimited service
3 Leverage SME artists and content to further market
and promote Music Unlimited in key markets
4 Leverage Vevo environment for marketing and
potential integration into Music Unlimited
5 Assign dedicated infrastructure/resources to
support Music Unlimited
from SEN
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Potential Single/Multiple Artist Marketing Programs
 Monthly artist-branded radio channels/playlists to complement existing
genre-based channels
 Live concerts/events presented by Music Unlimited, with exclusive
streaming window post-concert on service
 Song/album pre-release streaming event
 SME artist video concert content on Video Unlimited as cross-sell to
Music Unlimited
 Sync licensing for use in Music Unlimited promotional spots
 Standard advertising and custom marketing programs on artist websites
 Promotion on artist social networking profiles or email lists
Various programs & elements can be combined together
into larger, comprehensive programs
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Potential Vevo Opportunities
‘Vevo+’ service – ad-free Vevo
channel with music videos and
other premium content
Advertising inventory on Vevo
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Next Steps
• Complete and present service review
• Finalize and initiate price changes for 12 months
• Artist / Vevo marketing and integration plans
Identify target consumer and review existing marketing plans for service
Brainstorm single/multi-artist programs and Vevo advertising/integration
Identify artist and assets that best reach target consumer
Create budget and develop plans to execute
• Further develop idea of dedicated resources for SEN