Mission Based Marketing - Association for Progressive

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Transcript Mission Based Marketing - Association for Progressive

Mission Based Marketing
How your Not-For-Profit can succeed
in a more competitive world.
to the
Association for Progressive Communication
October 15 -16, 1998
Charles P. Sitkin, Consultant
in affiliation with Carnegie-Mellon University
Outline of Presentation
Mission-Based Marketing—What?
 Customers
 Competition
 Marketing
 Marketing Material
 Customer Service
 Financial Empowerment
 Final Words
Mission-Based Marketing
The tide is changing—the world of the
Internet is competitive
 You are now in a competitive world—Is
there still a need for NGO-specific
 Dealing with this means being
Mission-Based yet Market-Driven
The Mission or the Market
– The market is always right—determines
– The market is not always right for you
– The mission should be the ultimate guide
Moving with the markets—maintaining
your mission
– Have the Mission visible—everywhere
– Use the mission statement constantly
– Use the mission in market/service decisions
Hold on to your Core Values
Successful Not-For-Profits
Meet wants not needs
 Treat everyone like a customer
 Have everyone on the marketing team
 Ask, Ask, Ask and then Listen
 Innovate constantly
 Don’t fear the Competition
Meeting Customer Wants
Huge difference between needs and
 Target wants
 People have needs—people seek wants
The Customer is Always Right—Wrong!
The Customer is not always right—but
 The Customer is always the Customer
 The Customer may not be right for you
Competitive Intensity
Who Are your Competitors?
Internal Markets
– Board Members
– Staff
External Markets
– Funders: government, members,
foundations, donors
– Products/Services: fees, prices, charges
– Referrers: customers, suppliers, funders
Study the Competition
Do Not Fear Competition —Learn From
 What do you know about them?
What Services do they provide?
What clientele are they seeking?
What value do they provide customers?
What are their prices
How Do you research your competition?
– Public Records, customer, and Board, Staff, and Volunteers
What are your competitors after?
– What people or things is your competition trying to take away
Be Better than your Competition
Pay attention to what customers want—
give it to them
 Be better than your competition in the
eyes of your customers
 Competing is not bad—not immoral
 Competing means being able to do
more Mission
 Tell customers how good you are.
Marketing—A Team Effort
Everything that everyone in your
organization does every day
 Every action effects the entire
Motivating Board and Staff
Talk about the reality of competition
 Talk about your mission
 List similar organizations that are now in
trouble/out of business
 Get comfortable with the idea of
 Get comfortable with the idea of
Results of being Market-Driven
Happier markets—consumers and
 Better image
 Retain your market
 More effective and efficient
 New revenue sources
 More financially stable
Results of Staying Service-Driven
Risk continuing to provide outdated
 Risk continuing poor relationships with
key funders
 Risk losing historically loyal customers
 Risk true, perhaps fatal, financial crisis
Change with the Market
The Marketing Cycle is never-ending
Needs flexibility
 Maintain the capacity for flexibility
 Be a Change Agent
Being a Change Agent
Show the Mission connection
 Go through change together
 Talk regularly about competition
 Point out changes outside the
 Don’t wait for big changes
 Don’t criticize the Past—look to future
 Be patient!
Change in a Competitive Environment
Shorter attention span
 Louder advertisement and media
 Shorter product cycle
 End of annual cycles
 Less sympathy for Not-For-Profits that
can’t keep up
– Stability is no excuse
– Poverty-Chic is out!
The Not-For-Profit Marketing Cycle
The marketing cycle that works
– Marketing doesn’t start with a
– Marketing starts with the Market
Most Not-For-Profits have a marketing
Marketing Cycle of a Not-for-Profit
1. Define/Redefine the Market
2. Establish what the Market wants
3. Shape and Reshape your
4. Se a Sensible Price
5. Promote the Product/Service
6. Distribute the Product/Service
7. Evaluate, Evaluate, Evaluate
8. Return to # 1.
Set a Sensible Price
Recovers all of your costs
 Adds a profit
 Meets the reality of the market
 People buy based on value.
Disability of Most Not-For-Profits
Have service oriented backgrounds
 React to their own training
 Knowing what people need—not
listening to what they want
Train yourself to listen for wants!
Ask, Ask, Ask and then Listen
First, you ask
 Second you listen
 Then, meet as many wants as you can.
Who are your Markets?
Identify and Quantify your Markets
 Segment your Market
 Focus on your target Markets
 Treat All your Markets like Customers
The Market of a Not-For-Profit
– Board of Directors
– Staff Members
Reference Sources
Focusing on your Target Markets
Segment your market
 The 80/20 Rule
80 % of your income comes from 20 %
of your customers
 The Strategic Plan Method
– Which markets do we want to grow?
– Which parts of our community are most
important to our mission?
Treat All your Markets as Customers
Customers, customers everywhere
 Barriers to the customer service
 Internal customers
 Funder or payer customers
 Service customers
Focus on your Core Strengths
Review the Markets
 Evaluate the Competition
 Look at your core competencies
– Do a SWOT analysis
– How do your Strengths and weaknesses
compare to your competitions’?
SWOT Analysis
A positive internal aspect of your not-for-profit that you can
A negative internal aspect of your not-for-profit that you can
control, and plan for
A positive external condition that your not-for-profit does not
control, but of which you can take advantage
A negative external condition your not-for-profit cannot
control, but you can perhaps lessen.
Customer Service
Three Customer Service Rules
The customer is not always right, but
the customer is always the customer.
 Don’t sell services, solve problems—
from the customer’s perspective
 Customers don’t have problems, they
have crises
The Customer is always the Customer
Listen to the whole complaint
 Acknowledge and apologize
 Ask them what they want
 Never make problems you can’t keep
 Keep excellent notes
 Never assume a customer is happy
Regular Customer Contact
All key markets should be offered the
opportunity to have input
Keep up on customers’ important issues
Tell them if things aren’t fixed immediately—
call YOU
Send a note thanking them for each gift,
payment, effort
If you guarantee—live with it
Check on quality
Always follow up with new customers
Turn Customers into Referrals
Referrals are not truly”free”
 Don’t be too eager with new customers
 Always ask permission to use a name
as a reference
 Remember to meet referrers’ wants
 Always call or write a note of thanks
Marketing Material
Not-For-Profits Marketing Material Problems
The marketing disability
– We know what you need—we don’t care
what you want
 Penny-Wise—Pound-Foolish
 Public Relations vs. Marketing
Include in your Marketing Material
Your Mission
 Your Focus
 Brevity
 Connect Problems to Solutions
 Appearance
 References
 Sources for more information about you
Avoid in your Marketing Material
 Inappropriate Photos
 Lack of Focus
 Asking for Money
 A history lesson
 Out-of-Date
 Boring
Different Material—Different Markets
Dono rs
Gov ern m en t
Fou nd ations
Me m bersh ip
Ser vice Recip ien ts
Refer ral Sou rces
Ini tia l info r mation , ong oing
infor m ation
Ini tia l info r mation , ong oing
infor m ation abou t the
or ganiz ation
Ways to g ive , w hat ha p pens
to don ations , w ho to call
Prog ram q u alit y, avail abilit y,
re g ula tion s
Dem ons tration of exp er tise
and e x perie nce
Benefit s and costs of
m em bershi p
Ser vices and o u tcome s,
a nu mber to call
Po s sibl e Mate rial
Board orie ntatio n manu al,
ne w sle tte r
Staff or ien tation
m ateri als , ne w sle tte r,
m anage m ent orie ntatio n
S pecific p ie ce des igned
for dono rs
S pecific p ie ce—em p has is
on ou t com es, q u ali ty,
cer tifi cation le vels
Gene ral info rm ationa l
p ie ce, fu ndin g sp ecifi cs
S pecific p ie ce on valu e of
m em bershi p
Pie ce des igne d wi th targe t
grou p in m ind
Info rm ation abo u t prog ram
q uality a nd a rray of ser vices
A p ie ce de signe d for
p rofe ssion al refer rer
The Market Planning Process
Build on Common Ground
 Identify target markets
 Develop baselines
 Develop an asking schedule
 Develop a marketing plan
Financial Empowerment
Three Essential Philosophies
Your Organization is a Mission-Based
 No one Gives you a Dime
 Not-For-Profit does not mean Non-Profit
Two Primary Rules for Not-For-Profits
Rule One:
Do More Mission
Rule Two:
No Money, No Mission
Ignore these rules at your peril!
Financial Empowerment
– More revenue than expenses in at least 7
out of 10 years
– Cash operating reserves of at least 90
– At least 5% of total income from
endowment earnings
– Sources of revenue from non-traditional
non-governmental sources: business
Financial Empowerment
– Shares its financial information widely,
practices bottom-up budgeting
– Use appropriate leverage
– Organizations supports their missions by:
» using rapid-response mission reserve
» Being financially flexible enough to
accommodate changes in service delivery
Final Words
World will always need Not-For-Profits!
 Special people form the philanthropic
cement for civil society!
 In ten years, today’s Not-For-Profits won’t
be needed!
 Organizations meeting future perceived
wants will be needed!
 You can be part of such Not-For-Profits!
 Ask, Listen, Respond!