File - Biology at Halsey

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Transcript File - Biology at Halsey

Which of the following best explains how the
fossil record provides evidence that evolution has
 A. It indicates that forms of life existed on Earth
at least 3.5 billion years ago.
 B. It indicates the exact cause of structural and
behavioral adaptations of organisms.
 C. It shows how embryos of many different
vertebrate species are very similar.
 D. It shows that the form and structure of
groups of organisms have changed over time.
 What
do Developmental
biologist do?
 What
do Developmental
biologist do?
 study
living organisms
from embryos to mature
adult and beyond. Pg. 45
 Are
organisms before they are
born or hatched.
Determine which 3 embryos belong to the
following vertebrates( organisms with a back
bone) a fish, chicken, human, calf, and a frog.
Remember each organism has 3 embryos.
Start with late stage, middle stage, and early
Similar structures are present in the embryos of
fish, chickens, and rabbits. In fish, these structures
develop into gills, but in chickens and rabbits, they
either disappear or develop into other body parts
later in embryonic development. Which of the
statements below best explains the presence of
these structures in the embryos of all three species?
a. The embryos of the three species are similar in
b. Breathing structures are similar among the young
of the three species.
c. The three species have common ancestor with
these embryonic structures.
d. The reproductive mechanisms are similar among
the adults of the three species.
Questions for Modern Life: Evidence for Evolutionary
Change (pg. 107-109)
1. Species change gradually over time. Briefly
summarize the bird study from the essay that
supports this claim.
2. What environmental change caused the biological
change in the two bird species from the study?
3. What is a homology? Provide an example.
4. What is a vestigial structure?
5. Describe one of the vestigial structures in figure
E2.6. (pg. 109). Why is this structure vestigial?
6. True or False: All living things, including bacteria,
have the same bases for DNA (A, T, C, G).
7. Look at figure E2.7. Which animal is the least
similar to a human? How do you know this?
8. What are 4 pieces of evidence that support the
theory of evolution? (These are given throughout the
1) In general, which organisms have embryonic
stages that are the most similar in late
development? The least similar? Explain your
2) What do you think these similarities and
differences tell scientists about how these
organisms have changed across time and how
they are related?
 Page
 Question D (1-2)