Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG) 태반성 성선자극호르몬

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Transcript Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG) 태반성 성선자극호르몬

Chorionic Gonadotropin Has a Recent Origin Within
Primates and an Evolutionary History of Selection
Glenn A. Maston & Maryellen Ruvolo
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Purpose of this study
It’s presents an opportunity to study the molecular evolution of a
gene family from its origin throughout its evolutionary history
including changes in gene expression and functional properties.
It’s allows us to understand the connections between the
molecular evolution of the new gene and the morphological
evolution of the tissue in which it is expressed.
Southern blotting
PCR, Cloning, DNA sequencing
DNA Sequence Analysis
ClustalX - multialignment
PAUP - phylogenetic analysis
PAML – substitution rates
GENECONV1.81 – statistical test for gene conversion
Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG)
태반성 성선자극호르몬
생식선을 자극하는 호르몬.
임신중인 포유류 암컷에서는 생식선자극 호르
몬이 뇌하수체 전엽에서 뿐만 아니라, 태반의
융모막 조직에서도 분비된다.
이것을 융모성 생식선자극 호르몬이라고 한다.
임신부의 오줌 속에서 발견되는 것을
HCG(human chorionic gonadotropin)라고
하는데, 이것은 임신의 판정에 이용된다.
황체형성 호르몬과 유사한 작용을 나타낸다.
HCG를 투여하면 어린 마우스의 난소는 성숙
하고, 토끼는 교미 없이 배란이 일어난다
Structure of Glycoprotein H.
Model for the evolution of the glycoprotein hormone
New World monkey
Common ancestor of anthropoids
LH-beta + CG-beta
Large-bobied hominoids
Common ancestor of anthropoids