오토메타형식언어 - Soft Computing Lab.
Transcript 오토메타형식언어 - Soft Computing Lab.
5. Implementing a GA
GA를 사용해 실제 문제를 해결할 때 고려해야 하는
사항에 대해 이해한다
Huge number of choices with little theoretical guidance
Implementation issues + sophisticated GA techniques
When should a GA be used?
Encoding a problem for a GA
Adapting the encoding
Selection methods
Genetic operators
Parameters for GAs
When should a GA be Used?
Search space
known not perfectly smooth and unimodal
not well understood
Fitness function
not require global optimum
Fixed-length, fixed-order bit strings
Encoding a Problem for a GA (1)
Binary encodings: historical but unnatural for many problems
Bethke’s gray coding
Hillis’s diploid binary encoding scheme
Holland’s theoretical justification for binary encoding
Small number of alleles and long strings higher
implicit parallelism
Large number of alleles and short strings
Encoding a Problem for a GA (2)
Many-character and Real-valued encodings
Kitano’s many-character rep for graph-generation grammar
Meyer’s real-valued rep for condition sets
Montana’s real-valued rep for neural-network weights
Schultz-Kremer’s real-valued rep for torsion angles in
Tree encodings
Koza’s scheme for representing computer programs
open-ended search space
Guessing at an appropriate encodings and trying out a GA
Trial and Error!!
Adapting the encoding!!
Adapting the Encoding (1)
Linkage problem (how best to order the bits ahead of time)
Functionally related loci be more likely to stay together
on the string under crossover
Deal with the inkage problem in fixed-length strings
Reordering operator: each allele be given an index
indicating its “real” position
No change of fitness but linkages
produce orderings where beneficial schemas are more
likely to survive
Full set of loci after crossover?
permit crossover only between chromosomes with the
same permutation of the loci
employ a “master/slave” approach
Applications: ordering problems like DNA fragment
Adapting the Encoding (2)
Evolving crossover “Hot Spots”
evolve not the order of bits but the positions where
crossover was allowed
mutation on both chromosomes and attached crossover
templates coevolve good crossover templates
Messy GAs
explicitly building up increasingly longer, highly fit strings
from well-tested shorter building blocks
each bit is tagged with its “real” locus
Overspecification problem: left-to-right, first-come-first-
served scheme candidate schema
evolve candidate schemas, gradually building up longer
ones until a solution is formed
Selection Methods
Exploitation / exploration balance
Selection has to be balanced with variation from crossover
and mutation
Too strong selection: suboptimal highly fit individuals
reducing diversity
Too-weak selection: too slow evolution
Fitness-proportionate Selection
Expected value of an individual = its fitness / average
Roulette wheel sampling: bad in small populations
Stochastic universal sampling: spin the wheel once, but
with N equally spaced pointers for N parents
Problem: premature convergence (some multiply quickly in
population) too much emphasis on exploitation of highly fit
Selection Methods (2)
Sigma Scaling
mapping raw fitness values to expected values to prevent
premature convergence
retain some number of best individuals at each generation
Boltzmann Selection
different amounts of selection pressure for different times in
a run
Rank Selection
expected value of individual depends on rank
Tournament Selection
Steady-state Selection
Genetic Operators
single point, two-point crossover, …
recombine highly fit schemas
known as less important, but balance among crossover,
mutation, and selection is important
Other Operators and Mating Strategies
Crowding operator: newly formed offspring replaced the
existing individual most similar to itself preventing too
many similar individuals (crowds)
Fitness sharing: each individual’s fitness was decreased by
the presence of other population members Speciation!
Restrictions on mating for diversity: only sufficiently similar
individuals are allowed to mate mating tag approach
Parameters for GAs
population size, crossover rate, mutation rate
typically interact with one another nonlinearly no way to
optimize one at a time
De Jong’s guideline
population size: 50~100 individuals
crossover rate: ~0.6
mutation rate: 0.001
Meta-level GA
population size: 30
crossover rate: 0.95
mutation rate: 0.01
elitist selection
self-adaptation methods required!
Parameter values adapt in real time to the ongoing search
Schedule for Remaining Lectures
11/5: Co-Evolution and Speciation
11/10: Interactive Evolutionary Computation
11/12: 정태민, 차옥균
11/17: 이승현
11/19: 황주원, 윤종원
11/24: 박지인
11/26: 고유선, 오근현
12/1: 안재균
12/3: 박수상, 이영설
12/10: Term Project 최종발표