Transcript Ecology

Ecology - the study of ecosystems.
Ecosystem - interactions among and
between organisms and their
Biotic factors are the living
organisms (animals, plants, fungi,
protists and bacteria).
Abiotic factors are the nonliving
things (water, air, soil, etc.).
Levels of Organization:
Individuals - one of a species.
Populations - many of the same species.
Communities - different populations
• Ecosystems - the community and the
environment together.
• Biomes - the ecosystem and the climate.
• Biosphere is the biotic and abiotic factors
together (the planet and the atmosphere).
Ecology and Evolution
• Evolution is a change in genetic
characteristics of a population from one
generation to the next
• Evolution of species occurs because of
natural selection
• Natural Selection happens when an
organism is better adapted to an
environment and therefore survives to
pass on it’s genes to the next generation
Natural Selection and Adaptations
• An adaptation is an inherited trait that
increases an organisms chance of survival
and reproduction in a certain environment
• Examples:
– Darwin’s Finches
– Deer’s fur thickness
– Snakes
• Organisms that evolve adaptations to
other organisms and to their physical
• Example:
– Honeycreeper bird and Lobelia flower
• The Lobelia flower evolved a flower with a curved
shape to accommodate the curved beak of the
Natural vs. Artificial Selection
• Natural selection happens without
• Artificial selection occurs when humans
control plant and animal breeding
• Examples:
– Domesticated animals
– Agriculture
Evolution of Resistance
• Animals and plants have developed ways
to tolerate the chemicals designed to kill
them – resistance
• Examples:
– Pesticide resistance in insects
– Antibiotic resistant bacteria
The Diversity of Living Things
• All living things are classified into groups.
• When classifying organisms we start with
the largest groups and narrow it down
from the largest group to the individual
• Domain  Kingdom  Phylum  Class
 Order  Family  Genus  Species
• We will focus on the KINGDOMS
Single-celled prokaryote
No nucleus
Autotrophic – they make their own food
Archaea live in harsh environments and may
represent the first cells to have evolved
• Reproduce by dividing in half
• A decomposer of dead/waste materials
• Lacks peptidoglycan in their cell wall
• Thermophiles – “heat lovers.” Occur in hot,
acidic environments, such as deep sea
thermal vents. Oxidize sulfur to grow
• Halophiles – “salt lovers.” Can survive in
salt concentrations up to 32%. Found in
the Great Salt lake and the Dead Sea
• Methanogens – can survive without
oxygen. They convert carbon dioxide to
grow. Found in swamps and marshes
Single-celled prokaryote
No nucleus
Autotrophic – they make their own food
Reproduce by dividing in half
Incredibly common
A decomposer of dead/waste materials
Their cell wall contains peptidoglycan
• Proteobacteria – common in soils and
animal intestines
• Cyanobacteria – also known as blue-green
• Most are multi-celled eukaryote, a few are
• Cell contains a nucleus
• Heterotrophic – they get their food outside
of their body – “Different eater”
• Have a cell wall
• Absorb their food through their body
• A decomposer of dead/waste materials
• Single-celled:
– yeasts
• Multi-celled:
– molds
– mildew
– mushrooms
– rust
Multi-celled and single-celled eukaryotes
Cells contain a nucleus
Have a cell wall
Can be autotrophic or heterotrophic
Mostly live in the water
Can be producers and consumers
• Examples:
– diatoms
– dinoflagellates
– amoebas
– paramecia
– Euglena
Multi-celled eukaryotes
Cells contain a nucleus
Have a cell wall
Autotrophic – they make their own food
All plants are producers
Plants – lower plants
1st land plants
No vascular tissues
Swimming sperm
Small in size and live in or near water
– mosses
– ferns
Plants - gymnosperms
1st woody plants
Produce seeds protected by cones
Needle-like leaves
Pollen producer
– Pine trees
– Evergreens
Plants - angiosperms
Flowering plants
Produce seeds in fruit
Pollen producer
Food and building staple for land animals
– Wheat, rice, beans, oranges, lettuce, etc…
– Oak, cotton, etc…
Multi-celled eukaryotes
Cells contain a nucleus
All animals are heterotrophic
All animals are consumers
Animals - Invertebrates
Animals that lack a backbone
Several stages in their life cycle
Many have an exoskeleton
Largest group of animals on the planet
– Jellyfish
– Arthopods:
• Insects
• Worms
• Mollusks
Animals - Vertebrates
• Animals that have a backbone
• Examples:
– Fish
– Amphibians
– Reptiles/Birds
– Mammals
Energy Flow
• Sunlight - the main source of energy for all
life on Earth. (In a few ecosystems, some
organisms obtain energy from a source
other than sunlight.)
• Producers make their own food from the
sun's energy through a process called
• Autotrophs (producers) plants, some
algae, and certain bacteria capture the
sun's energy to produce food for
6CO2 + 6H2O
C6H12O2 + 6O2
• Chemosynthesis occurs when organisms
use chemicals instead of sun light to make
(Example =
• Heterotrophs (consumers) are organisms
that rely on other organisms for their
energy and food supply.
• Energy is produced in the mitochondria of
the cell via “cellular respiration.”
• You must know the chemical formula
for cellular respiration:
Cellular Respiration:
C6H12O2 + 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
Types of Heterotrophs:
• Herbivores - eat plants.
• Carnivores - eat animals.
• Omnivores - eat both plant and animals.
• Detritivores - feed on plant and animal
remains and other dead matter
• Decomposers bacteria and fungi that break
down organic matter into usable nutrients.
Flow of Energy
• Energy flows in one direction through an
• Food Chain - a series of steps in which
organisms transfer energy by eating and being
• Starts with the sun, then producer, 3
consumers, and finally, a decomposer puts
nutrients back into the system.
• Food Web links many food chains in an
ecosystem together.
• Energy flows in the
direction that the
arrow goes. So, the
arrow points to who
is doing the eating.
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Trophic Level
• One of the steps in a food chain or food pyramid
Trophic Levels
• Each time energy is transferred, some
energy is lost through work and waste.
• Less energy is available to organisms at
higher trophic levels.
Energy Loss Affects
• Decreasing amounts of energy at each
trophic level affects number of:
– organisms at each level.
– trophic levels in ecosystem.
• Tertiary consumer (usually carnivores)
• Secondary consumer (omnivores and
• Primary consumer (herbivores)
• Producer (plants/autotrophs)
• Decomposers (fungi/bacteria)
• Each consumer depends on the trophic
level below it for energy. Energy flows
Recycling in the Biosphere
• Unlike Energy, which flows in one direction
through an Ecosystem, Matter is recycled.
• Matter cannot be created or destroyed, it
can only be re-arranged. It makes up living
and non-living things.
• Matter cycles throughout ecosystems over
and over again.
• A series of changes in a community in
which new populations of organisms
gradually replace existing ones
Primary succession
• Colonization of new sites by communities
of organisms – takes place on bare rock
Primary succession
• New bare rock comes from 2 sources:
1. volcanic lava flow cools and forms rock
2. Glaciers retreat and expose rock
Pioneer organisms
• The first organisms to colonize a new site
– Ex: lichens are the first to colonize lava rocks
Primary Succession
Climax community
• A stable, mature community that
undergoes little or no succession
Secondary succession
• Sequence of community changes that
takes place when a community is
disrupted by natural disaster or human
actions – takes place on existing soil
Secondary succession
• Examples:
• A fire levels portions
of a forest
• A farmer plows his
Secondary succession
Pond Succession
Pond Succession