Evolution part II

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Transcript Evolution part II

part II
“Explanations for Evolution, Natural
Selection, Evidence for Evolution, and
mechanisms of Evolution”
Explanations for Evolution
– states that natural disasters like floods
and earthquakes have happened during
Earth’s long history and that they have
caused species extinction in some cases
– Canyons carved by rivers are examples
of gradual changes over time altering
the landscape
Explanations for Evolution
– Geologic processes that shape the earth
are uniform through time and can be
seen by look at rock strata like an
ancient “yearbook”
Explanations for Evolution
Fossils !
– Traces of organisms that lived in
the past
– After deposition into the Earth
some specimens are “preserved”
and their bones, over a long
period of time, become
mineralized into a rock-like
substance we call fossils
Evidence for Evolution
Charles Darwin saw evidence for evolution in
his travels that convinced him that life must
have evolved over time
– Fossils – Darwin found fossils that closely
resembled living counterparts
– Geography – as Darwin traveled from island to
island he noticed similar species with different
adaptations depending on food sources
 Biogeography- is the study of different organisms and
their relatedness around the world
– Embryology – comparison of embryos between
similar species shows closely similar traits!
Evidence for Evolution
Anatomy – some of darwin’s best evidence
came from the comparison of the body parts
of different species
– Homologous structures – are features that are
similar in structure but appear in different
organisms and often have different functions
– Analogous structures – structures that perform a
similar function but are not similar in origin
– Vestigial structures – remnants of organs or
structures that had a function in an early
Evidence for Evolution
Natural Selection
One of the accepted definitions for natural
selection is:
– “the mechanism by which individuals that have
inherited, beneficial adaptations produce more
offspring (on average) than do other individuals”
Darwin was comparing the rates of
reproduction in nature to that of human
reproduction according to Malthus and
– “variation within a population must be the answer
to success in population growth”
 Four Main Principles of Natural Selection:
– Variation – heritable differences exist in all
populations and natural selection “acts on” those
traits present in the environment
– Overproduction – having many offspring results
in competition for resources and promotes natural
– Adaptation – the better adapted individuals in any
population live longer and pass their successful
genes to their offspring
– Descent with modification – over time, natural
selection will result in species with adaptations that
make them well suited for survival and reproduction
in that particular environment
Natural Selection
– Natural selection “acts on” phenotypes rather than
on the genetic material itself. New alleles are not
“made” by natural selection – they occur by natural
selection. Natural selection can act only on traits
that exist in a population!
Fitness –
– The measure of the ability to survive long enough
to produce “successful” offspring
 The key is to have your offspring survive long enough to
have their own offspring
Mechanisms of Evolution
Natural selection is not the only mechanism
by which populations evolve
– Gene flow – the movement of alleles between
– Genetic drift – a change in allele frequencies due
to chance
– Bottleneck effect – genetic drift that occurs after
an even greatly reduces the size of a population
– Founder effect – genetic drift that occurs after a
small number of individuals colonize a new area
Mechanisms of Evolution
Bottleneck effect occurs
after an event greatly
reduces the size of a
population such as over
hunting or a meteor
from outer space!
Mechanisms of Evolution
Random mutations occur in populations that may
provide a new allele that is advantageous or not.
Changes in allele frequency are due to genetic drift
Factors in Evolution
Genetic drift – allele
frequencies change due
to chance
 Gene flow – movement
of alleles from one
population to another
 Mutation – new alleles
form through mutation
 Sexual selection –
certain traits improve
mating success and
increase in frequency