Lens 1 - Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory
Transcript Lens 1 - Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory
Physically Based
Lens Flare
Phillip Ho
CS348b Final Project
Spring 2011
Final Image
What is lens flare?
Various artifacts of optical systems
• Diffraction, internal reflection
But why simulate an artifact?
Dramatic effect
Emphasize brightness
Camera imperfections add
to realism
Implies that an image is “un-
edited”, original footage from
the camera
Where is it used?
Video games
Animated feature films
Live action films
Technical Aspects - Starburst
Starburst pattern
Caused by diffraction with aperture blades
Light waves that hit small-scale geometry diffract
according to Huygens-Fresnel principle
• Points of interference become sources of spherical waves
• Resulting pattern is the superposition of these waves
Technical Aspects - Starburst
Represent aperture shape and imperfections as
texture maps
Technical Aspects - Starburst
Fraunhofer approximation of power spectrum
Technical Aspects - Starburst
FFT computed for average wavelength 575nm
Different wavelengths create the same pattern
at different scales
Superimpose multiple scaled
copies at each wavelength
to get resulting starburst
Largest starburst
Smallest starburst
Technical Aspects - Starburst
technique to
multiple copies with
random rotation and
Technical Aspects - Ghost
Ghost artifacts
Caused by interreflections of light
rays within lens system
Fresnel equations determine
Technical Aspects - Ghost
Trace rays through camera system
Interreflections between each pair of interfaces
Weight by reflectivity
Only consider second-order
Technical Aspects - Ghost
Photon mapping-like implementation
Interpolate between photons to reduce noise
Technical Aspects - Ghost
Anti-reflective lens coating alters ghost
Well-kept manufacturer secrets
Solution: user-defined coloration
Lens 1:
Lens 2:
Lens 3:
Lens 4:
Lens 5:
Monochromatic lens flare
Colored lens flare
Technical Aspects –
Chromatic Aberration
“Fringing” effect seen at the edges
Light waves refract at different angles
Refractive index varies for different wavelengths
Wavelength determines the IOR to use for Snell’s law
Technical Aspects –
Chromatic Aberration
Split light rays into RGB components
Cauchy’s equation
where A and B are unique
to the lens material
Putting It All Together
Essentially more light on the sensor
Linear Dodge (Add) in Photoshop!
Web pages
How to Create (and Avoid) Starburst Highlights (http://www.cameratechnica.com/2011/02/24/how-to-create-and-avoid-starbursthighlights/)
Understanding Lens Flare (http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/lens-flare.htm)
Flare (http://toothwalker.org/optics/flare.html)
Spectral Rendering (http://www.baylee-online.net/Projects/Raytracing/Algorithms/Spectral-Rendering/Material-Properties#Dispersion)
Raytracing Chromatic Aberration (http://senlinhou.wordpress.com/2010/12/07/raytracing-chromatic-aberration/)
CS348b ‘03: Rendering Glare (http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-competition/cs348b-03/glare/)
CS348b ’07: Realistic Camera Lens Flares (https://graphics.stanford.edu/wikis/cs348b-07/JulienChaumond/FinalProject)
Technical Papers
Matthias B. Hullin, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel, Sungkil Lee. Physically-Based Real-Time Lens Flare Rendering. In: ACM
Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 30 (4), 2011 (Proc. SIGGRAPH).
Tobias Ritschel, Matthias Ihrke, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Joris Coppens, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel. Temporal Glare: Real-Time
Dynamic Simulation of the Scattering in the Human Eye. Proceedings Eurographics 2009, Munich 30 March—3 April 2009.
Spencer, G., Shirley, P., Zimmerman, K., and Greenberg, D.P. Physically-Based Glare Effects for Digital Images. In Proceedings of
SIGGRAPH. 1995, 325-334.
Kakimoto, M., Matsuoka, K., Nishita, T., Naemura, T., and Harashima, H. Glare Generation Based on Wave Optics. In Proceedings of
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications. 2004, 133-142.