nanoscale-lab - romnet-era

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tehnologiilor si
dezvoltarea unui nou tip
de infrastructuri”
Dan Dascalu,
director general, INCD-Microtehnologie
Convergenta stiintelor si a tehnologiilor in PC7
• Convergenta stiintelor? De fapt o cercetare
multidisciplinara. Exista de multa vreme
biofizica, biochimie, chimie fizica etc.
• Convergenta tehnologiilor: apar atunci
cand anumite tehnologii patrund intr-un nou
domeniu de aplicatii, de fapt un domeniu
care isi are deja tehnologiile proprii.
• Convergenta tehnologiilor in PC7.
– Micro-nano-bio-info sau micro-nano-bio-cogno.
Suprapuneri intre tema ICT (TIC) si NMP, dar si
cu tema Health (Sanatate). Aceasta arata
interesul exceptional pentru anumite subdomenii.
M-N-O-B: Micro-Nano-Opto-Bio
N-M-B: Nano-Micro-Bio
M-N-O: Micro-Nano-Opto
B-O-N: Bio-Opto-Nano
M-B-O: Micro-Bio-Opto
MINOS selection of topics
• Micro-Opto
– RF (Microwave, Millimeter Wave)
– Opto (Photonics)
• Two laboratories from IMT (former centres
of excellence in RELANSIN and
MATNANTECH, respectively)
– Now designed as a common structure: a
Centre of excellence of EU in RF and Opto
A new project was invited for negotiation in Brussels
European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimetre Wave and
Optical Devices, based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for
Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors – MIMOMEMS
►Capacities - Part 4 - Research Potential.
Activity: 4.1.Unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU´s convergence regions and
outermost regions (REGPOT-2007-1)
►Cooperation – Theme 3 - Information & Communication Technologies.
Challenge 3: Components, systems, engineering
● The overall aim of the MIMOMEMS project is to bring the research activity in
RF and Optical-MEMS at the National Institute for R&D in
Microtechnologies (IMT) to the highest European level and create a
European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Optical
Devices, based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for Advanced
Communication Systems and Sensors.
● The Centre of Excellence will be created by developing IMT- Bucharest’s
existing scientific expertise and capacities and collaborating closely with
specialist research groups at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse and FORTH-IESL-MRG
in Heraklion.
Equipments to be acquired in the
MIMOMEMS project
► Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) up to 110 GHz
and on wafer measurement facilities
in order to upgrade the 0.8-65 GHz existing on
wafer characterization system
► Frequency synthesiser up to 65GHz
► Au plating facility for semiconductor wafers
►White light interferometer- optical profiling system
for research applications
►Near field scanning optical microscope (SNOM)
►White light interferometer- optical profiling system for
research applications
A Sub-nanometer resolution
Non-contact measurements by optical interferometry with vertical resolution down to 0.1 nm
Fast results
Full field 3D measurements in just a few seconds
Reflectivity 1% to 100% : Transparent films (Glass), Silicon, Metal
Non-contact measurements
All measurements are non destructive, repeatable and require no sample preparation
System stability and linearity
Measurement are related to wavelength. Highly stable metrology thanks to its design
including a capacitive sensor feedback loop in Heraklion. .
Examples of different investigations- Fogale – Nanotech web page
O perspectiva mai larga
• Convergenta tehnologiilor
– Nu este ceva nou (v. exemple mai departe)
– Ridica dificultati suplimentare
– Poate duce la convergenta industriilor (v.
exemple mai departe)
– Un cocktail exploziv: micro-nano-bio
– In general – noile materiale si tehnologii pot
afecta industriile traditionale
Convergenta in “tehnologia electronica”
• Ultimul deceniu al secolului trecut: convergenta
intre industria comunicatiilor si industria
calculatoarelor (de fapt tehnica calculatoarelor
digitale (cifrice, numerice) a patruns in tehnica
comunicatiilor (initial analogica).
• Astazi avem TIC = tehnologia informatiei si a
comunicatiilor (si industria TIC), dar are loc un
alt fenomen: convergenta TIC cu “industria
• Un contraexemplu: TIC se aplica si in
constructia automobilului (gasim produse TIC in
automobil, pe liniile de fabricatie), dar aceasta
nu inseamna convergenta tehnologiilor.
Care sunt implicatiile?
• Potentialul este enorm, dar apar si o serie de
• Necesitatea unei formatii interdisciplinare a
specialistilor (de ex. pentru proiectarea unui
microsistem electro-mecanic, MEMS).
• Abordari diferite (paradigme diferite) care
ingreuneaza mult colaborarea. Colective “mixte” de
cercetare – esentiale pentru formare.
• Sunt interesate firme de diverse “calibre”, dar ele
nu au toate mijloacele necesare (expertiza, dotari)
pentru a aborda produse noi cu tehnologii
avansate, neconventionale (v. platforma MINAM).
• Micro-nanofabricatie: accesul firmelor! ... Cel mai
practic “One-stop shop”?
A new concept for a new era!
• An “open” lab is containing various (up-to date)
equipments. An equipment may incorporate a
immense amount of new knowledge; at the
same time it may be seen as a platform for
creating, disseminating and using this
knowledge (most of it as “know-how”)
– Open to researchers from other labs
– Open to researchers from other organizations
• Laboratory open for companies
• Loboratory open for education
– The so-called “knowledge triangle”: research,
education, innovation
IMT- Bucharest is coordianting 2 Romanian innovative networks acting
in nanooelectronic and nanotechnology area, developing andvanced
research, providing services for structuring and characterization at
nanoscale and “ hands on training” activities
► RTN-NANOEL: Romanian Technological Network for integration in the
European Platform for NANOELectronics (ENIAC) (2006-2008)
Network of scientific services for nano-scale
structuring and characterization, with applications in the development of
convergent technologies (2005-2008)
The equipments acquisitioned by this networks contributed to the
development of a new lab in IMT- Bucharest:
These Networks,
for structuring, scientific
research services and characterization at nano-scale
well known research institutes and
academia, spread all over the country, using in common
infrastructures, characterization and manufacturing
equipments and complementary skills.
The new structuring and characterization facilities
were created, to promote the advanced of the fundamental
nano-knowledge, to strength the scientific, technological and
training excellence.
•This laboratory will become, in fact, a “Centre of
nanoscale structuring and characterization”, a
“conglomerate” of laboratories with equipments
financed from various sources.
Specific instruments and equipment available in the lab:
►Atomic Force Microscope,
noncommercial model developed by Twente
University (the first AFM in Romania- 1994)
• Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) performs high resolution surface morphology
• Main application consists in 3D surface topography recording and measurement
(waviness, roughness, step heights, grains, particles etc)
• It admits nearly all solid samples, both conductive and nonconductive
Maximum scan area: 20m x 20m
x, y scanner resolution: 5 nm
z resolution: 2 nm
Professional software for image
processing (SPIPTM – Image
Arsenium-dopped single crystal Si
surface 20m x 20m scan area; RMS
roughness Sq = 37,3 nm
AFM 2D and 3D images of a silicon diffrractive
structure. Scan area : 20m x 20m
1m x 1m AFM scan of titanium oxide thin
film deposited by magnetron sputtering onto
Applications to optical thin films
A new
Equipment composed of a SEM and EBL
●Scanning Electron Microscopy TESCAN VEGA 5136 LM
Resolution: 3 nm @ 30 kV, accelerating voltage 200V-30 kV, electron gun source: tungsten
filament, magnification : 13X – 1.000.000X, detectors: SE, BSE, LVSTD.
● PG Elphy Plus from RAITH
6 MHz high-speed pattern generation hardware
Examples of different investigations and tests
using EB Nanolitography
Test of nanolitography: Configurations in PMMA resist for
manufacturing subwavelength photonic devices (subwavelength
hole arrays for photonic cristals) realised for Photonic Lab of IMT
Examples of different investigations and tests
using EB Nanolitography
Test of nanolitography: Configurations in PMMA resist for
manufacturing Fresnel lens, realised for Photonic Lab of IMT
Examples TiAu nanostructures obtained by EBL and
lift off process
SAW structures with operating
frequencies in the GHz range. The
experiments were developed on AlN
and GaN thin films with nano-metric
lines for the IDT
Two experimental SAW structures with
the two IDTs placed “face to face”
The design transfer on the wafer was performed
using a Scanning Electron Microscope equipped
with an EBL by direct writing. The result of this
process, the nano patterning in PMMA resist
300nm wide and 200 nm high metallic TiAu
fingers obtained by lift off technique
Examples of nanostructuring using EB
Nanodots (Au on silicon) obtained
using EBL and lift-off techniques
50nm diameter nanodots (Au on glass)
for nanophotonics applications
Examples of nanostructuring
using EB Nanolitography
Structures obtained by
classical optical
Structures obtained by
EBL lithography
Details of the EBL
Example of mix and match lithography: optical
lithography and EBL
New Equipments in the NANOSCALE- LAB
► SPM - Multifunctional Scanning Probe Microscope
NTEGRA Aura (NT-MDT) has been recently installed
It allows operation in air, liquids, low vacuum (10-2 torr) and controlled
gaseous atmosphere.
• Vacuum operation optimises the resonance frequency or "Q factor" of the
cantilever, producing better images for semi-contact AFM modes and increased
sensitivity for non-contact modes such as MFM (magnetic force microscopy)
and EFM (electrostatic force microscopy).
• Temperature control of the sample is possible up to 200°C. The special
Thermohead™ provides extremely low thermal drift , which allows long-term
measurements to be done in pre-defined points on the specimen surface.
►Maximum scan range: : 100x100x10 µm (up to 150x150x15 µm in DualScan™ mode)
► Min Control Resolution XY: 0.0004 nm
► x, y: Nonlinearity, with closed-loop sensors 0.15%
► z: Noise level, with sensors: 0.04 nm (typically)
► Thermal stability to ± 0.005°C (typically).
► Operation modes in air: STM
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/ STS
Scanning Tunneling
Spectroscopy/contact AFM/ LFM/
ResonantMode (semicontact +
noncontact AFM)/ Phase Imaging/
Force Modulation (viscoelasticity)/
MFM/ EFM/ Adhesion Force
Imaging/AFM LithographyForce/Spreading Resistance Imaging
(SRI)/AFM LithographyVoltage/Scanning Capacitance
Imaging (SCI)/Scanning Kelvin probe
Equipments which will be available very soon!
► RAITH e-LiNE Nanoengineering System and ultra high
resolution electron beam lithography
● Field emission emitter
● Laser interferometer stage with 100 mm by 100 mm travel
and 2 nm resolution achieved by closed-loop piezo-positioning
● 10 MHz DSP -controlled digital pattern generator
Equipments which will be available soon:
► EDX- Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis in SEM- system
QUANTAX ( Bruker AXS)- liquid nitrogen free XFlash® silicon drift detector,
135eV resolution, boron detection.
► NANOIDENTER equipment for nanomechanical testing (mainly based on
nanoindentation), for characterization of hardness, modulus, elasticity and
viscoelasticity, wear etc at nanoscale.
• Nanomechanical testing provides a way to analyze materials at very small
scales and very high resolution
• This opens the door for a better understanding of materials and thin films
and yields quantitative information for research, development and
Ultra high resolution imaging at low kV
•Ideal for precise boundary, feature, and particle measurements
•High efficiency EsB detector for compositional information
•High efficiency In-lens SE detector for high contrast surface imaging
•BSE imaging at very short working distances - 1mm WD
•Ultra stable high current mode for X-ray analysis and EBSD applications - 20 nA /
•Large five axes motorised eucentric stage
•Easy operation through Windows® XP based SmartSEM™ control software
1.0 nm @ 15 kV
1.7 nm @ 1 kV
4.0 nm @ 0.1kV
12 - 900,000x in SE mode
100 - 900,000x with EsB detector
Thermal field emission type,
stability >0.2%/h
0.1 - 30 kV
4 pA - 10 nA (20 nA optional)
EsB detector with filtering grid
Filtering grid voltage 0 - 1500 V
High efficiency In-lens SE detector
Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron
Another example
• NanoBioLab
– Experimenting micro/nano structures (microarrays,
lab-on-chip-structures etc.) used for bio-medical
– Clean room environment
– Created by the RO-NANOMED network (open to the
other partners in networks and also to the companies)
– Extended by using other projects
– Basis of a “Centre of micro- and nantechnologies for
bio-medical applications”, inside IMT, open to
The laboratory is installed the technological area of IMT-Bucharest, in the “Scientific and
Technological Park for Micro and Nanotechnologies” MINATECH-RO.
NANOBIOLAB is devoted to technological research related to new materials, structures, particles,
devices etc., involving biological materials.
The activities developed in NANOBIOLAB are mainly dedicated to “microarray technologies”, with
applications in genomics and proteomics, using new specific equipments:
Omni Grid Micro Plotter
GeneTAC UC4 Scanner.
Omni Grid Micro Plotter can dip into a source plate and spot a given volume of
sample solution onto a solid surface (e.g. glass slide, silicon substrate) → up to
200 consistent spots can be produced from a single dip.
• The print speed is 10,000 spots/11 slides in less than 3.5 hr.
• A Control Computer assures the utilization interface .
A vacuum wash station ensures active washing in between sample transfers
while humidity control minimizes evaporation of precious sample.
“UC4 Microarray Scanner” is the pair of the nano-plotter, used for reading the chips, for DNA detecting and
deposition → it offers high resolution scanning across the entire surface of standard microarray substrates.
The system has two-color lasers - green (532nm) and red (635nm) - coupled with high
performance optics optimized to maximize collection of fluorescence signal while
minimizing the damage caused by photobleaching.
The scanner includes: → hardware;
→ powerful and easy-to-use microarray analysis software for
fast and reliable imaging, collection and storage of very large data sets and
consolidates these data with experimental information.
Development of NANOBIOLAB
New equipments for nano-biomaterials characterisation:
EIProScan – Electrochemical Probe Scanner
VersaSTAT3 for:
→ surface analysis:
microscopy (SECM)
• electrochemical
(applications in materials selection and performance
evaluation, to detect interfacial properties of catalysts
and to determine the biological molecular such as
protein and DNA or antigen-antibody interactions );
• corrosion
(such as ion-selective electrodes) and amperometric
conductive polymers in the
micrometer/nanometer scale
corrosion susceptibility of metallic biomedical implant).
• (bio)sensor
→ surface structuring: local
• imaging of electroactive surfaces;
• local pH gradients;
• study of enzyme activity in biological membranes
Recent results:
Surface Modification for Protein Attachment in Microarray Technology
Studies of different chemical substrate (glass slides coated with APS, NHS, ALD, poli-L-lysine, gold and silicon
slides coated with gold) printed with BSA of different concentrations and marked with CY3 were performed.
After printing, the slides were washed with PBS (pH=7,4) after 20, 40 and 60 minutes. Before and after washing
the intensity of the spots by scanning the slides and the UV – spectra of the washing residues were analyzed.
after spoting
after 20min washing
after 40min washing
Spot intensity CY3
Spot intensity as function of concentration
for silicon slides functionnalized with gold
after different time of washing
NANOBIOLAB is a platform of interaction open to all RO-NANOMED
participants, but also for cooperation with private companies, universities
and other research institutes from Romania and abroad.
New activities are foreseen in partnership within the European project
“INTEGRAMplus: Integrated MNT platforms and services – Service Action”,
IP coordinated by QinetiQ Ltd, UK.
A close cooperation is developed with two Romanian
companies DDS Diagnostic SRL and Dexter Com SRL
New PN II -PC project: 2007 - 2010
Multi Alergen Biochip realised by MicroArray technology
P1 University of Farmacy and Medicine “ Carol Davila
P2 -University Bucuresti
P3 – Telemedica SA
General objectives
P 4- DDS Diagnostic SRL
O1. Investigation and studying of the specific processes for technological development of a microarray biochip
containing multiallergens for the rapid and noninvasive detection for the allergies with high frequencies in Romania;
O2. Investigation of the biohibridic interfaces, with accent on proteins (allergens) on silicon substrate
New PN II – IDEI project: 2007 – 2010
Study of silicon-protein type biohybride nanostructured
surfaces with applications in bio(nano)senzing
Objective 1. Biofunctionalisation of the solid
support (Si, nanocrystalline silicon, Au/Si, Au/PS)
Objective 2. Protein biodetection
Secundary objectives:
- increase the knowledge for the development of
microdevices with supra-molecular architectures;
- optimisation of the Si-biomolecule interface in
correlation with specific applications;
- the establishment of the input parameters for
design a testing platform on a Si chip for biohybrid
interfaces for electrical and optical measurements in
real time.
Recent results:
Resorbable porous silicon nanocomposite reservoirs for mineral or drug delivery
Samples with Ag / PS / Si – n:
Samples with Fe / PS / Si – n:
plan view and cross section
plan view and cross section of spin-on of a mixing etoxyetanol / Fe(NO3)3
New PN II project: 2007 - 2010
The aim:
- development of silicon based nanostructured systems for vectorisation and
Silicon based multifunctional
nanoparticles for cancer therapy
controled release of the biological active substances of therapeutic interest
These systems will consists of superparamagnetic microparticules
• National Institute for Biological Science;
nanostructured silicon carriering
• Institute of Oncology
iron oxides
(Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanosized
drugs integrated in an organic matrix
Particles -SPION)
Impact: The devices which lead the drugs directly to the proximity of affected organ and
release them as prescribed doses will improve the medical treatment.
→ A particular effect will have on cancer treatment, because silicon, in nanostructured
form, allows the carrying out of cytostatic drugs as well as radioactive ions, and offers, in
this simple mode, the possibility of a complete treatment with minimum effort and
maximum benefit – the frequently negative secondary effects from classical therapy.
Recent results:
Nanocomposite silicon based membranes for microdevices
Two types of Si membranes were designed and fabricated:
1. suspended at the middle Si wafer, in depth;
2. integrated on the Si wafer face
~ 30 μm
~ 25 μm
PA2, x 100
Porosification process: - electrochemical
etching in HF based solution
The modifications of process parameters allow us to
obtain porous silicon layers with different dimensions of
pores / Si fibrils
Depending of PS membrane morphology specific applications were developed
Si nanostructured membrane can be the required elements to assure:
filter and dosing layer in
controlled drug delivery device
dielectric / sensing layer in capacitive
humidity / gas sensor
proton conduction for
miniaturised fuel cell
Department for converging technologies
– Centre for RF and Opto MEMS (European
Centre of Excellence)
• NanoScaleLab
– Centre for structuring and characterization at
the nano-scale
• NanoBioLab
– Centre for biomedical applications of microand nanotechnologies
Contributii din IMT-Microtehnologie
• Raluca Muller, director de departament
([email protected])
• Adrian Dinescu, sef laborator
([email protected])
• Raluca Gavrila ([email protected])
• Mihaela Miu ([email protected])
Multumim pentru atentie!
• Contact: Dan Dascalu ([email protected])