PPT - Geant4

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Geant4 v9.4
Physics III
Makoto Asai (SLAC)
Geant4 Tutorial Course
Cuts in Geant4 (a.k.a. production threshold)
Cuts per region
Decay process
Optical photon
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Geant4 v9.4
Cuts in Geant4
(a.k.a. production threshold)
Secondary production threshold
Every simulation user has to specify how low in energy his/her simulation should
go down.
– At what energy I should stop tracking a particle.
This is a balancing act between the accuracy and the computing speed.
– need to go low enough to get the physics you're interested in
– can't go too low because some processes have infrared divergences causing
CPU time to explode
• eg. Bremsstrahlung, d rays production
In the traditional Monte Carlo code such as MCNP, GEANT3, EGS, Fluka, user
specifies energy cut-off.
– Track is killed when it comes down to this cut-off energy.
– Remaining energy is dumped at that point.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Secondary production threshold - continued
But, such an absolute energy cut-off may cause imprecise stopping location
where energy is dumped.
There is an issue of particle dependency.
– The range of 10 keV g in Si is a few cm, while range of 10 keV e- in Si is a few
There also is a material dependency.
– Suppose you have a sampling calorimeter which is made of lead and plastic
– If you adjust the energy cut-off to be suitable for lead, it must be too high for
scintillator and the result would be inaccurate. On the other hand, if you adjust
it for scintillator, it is too low for lead and thus you would waste CPU time.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Production threshold
In Geant4, there is no energy cut-off (a.k.a. tracking cut).
– Tracks are always tracked down to a zero range/kinetic energy unless they
are killed by other reasons such as decay or interaction.
Only the production threshold exists in Geant4, and it is applied only for the
processes which have infrared divergence.
– Some EM processes have infrared divergences which lead to an immense
number of smaller and smaller energy secondary gammas/electrons (e.g. in .
Bremsstrahlung, d rays production).
The user specifies the production threshold in range (length) rather than energy.
– Only the secondaries which can travel longer than this threshold are
– Lower energy secondaries are not generated and their energies are integrated
in the energy deposition of the parent track along its trajectory.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Production thresholds = cuts in range
Production threshold (i.e. range cut) represents the accuracy of location where
energy is deposited.
– Default value is 1 mm. You can set yours in your PhysicsList.
– Only one value of range cut is needed for each of e+, e- and gamma for all
materials. Then the range cut is interpreted into energy threshold for each
• You may also define a cut for proton. It is used for all recoil ions by elastic
scattering processes.
Every track is tracked down to a zero kinetic energy. Thus, the stopping position is
always correct.
– If a track no longer has enough energy to produce secondaries above the
production threshold, following things happen.
• The discrete energy loss for this track ceases.
• The parent track still looses its kinetic energy through the continuous
kinetic energy.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Geant4 v9.4
Cuts per region
Cuts per region
Complex detector often has many different types of sub-detectors/structures.
– Finely segmented and very sensitive materials
– Large and undivided volumes such as support structure
The uniform value of range cut for whole detector may not be appropriate
– For example, you may not need to spend some significant amount of time to
simulate an accurate EM shower inside a concrete shield.
You may define regions (G4Region) of similar sensitivity/granularity in your
– Regions should be defined in your detector construction.
– Then, assign range cuts to the regions.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Cuts per region
Void PhysicsList::SetCuts()
SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "gamma");
SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "e-");
SetCutValue(defaultCutValue, "e+");
// Get the region
G4Region* aRegion =
// Define cuts object for the new region and set values
G4ProductionCuts* cuts = new G4ProductionCuts;
cuts->SetProductionCut(0.01*mm); // for gamma, e+, e// Assign cuts to region
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Geant4 v9.4
Decay process
Decay process
Decay can happed in-flight or at-rest.
G4Decay process is applicable to all unstable, long-lived particles.
– Decay of short-lived particles such as resonances are taken care within the
physics process which generates such particles. Thus, short-lived particle
won’t appear as a track.
Decay process is different from other physics processes.
– For most processes, mean free path 1/l = N ρ σ / A
– For decay in-flight, l = γ β c τ
Single decay process for all eligible particles
– Retrieves branching ratio and decay models from decay table dedicated for
each particle type.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Decay channels
Phase space
– 2-body e.g. p0 → g g , L → p p– 3-body e.g. K0L → p0 p+ p-
Many body
– Dalitz: p0 → g ℓ+ ℓ-
Muon decay and leptonic tau decay
– V−A theory, no radiative corrections, mono-energetic neutrinos
Semi-leptonic K decay: K → p ℓ n
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
External Decayer
Geant4 provides decay modes/channels for long-lived particles.
– You may modify decay channels if necessary.
Decay modes for heavy flavor particles (c, b, t baryons, tau) are not provided by
– You may implement a decayer class extending the G4VExtDecayer abstract
class. Such an external decayer should be assigned to G4Decay.
– Examples/extended/eventgenerator/pythia/decayer6 example demonstrates
the use of Pythia-6 as an external decayer for heavy flavor.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Special decay processes
– For polarized muons
– Produces Michel positron spectrum with first-order radiative corrections
– Initial muon spin is required
– Propagates spin in magnetic field (precession) over remainder of muon
– Only for “unknown” particles (Higgs, SUSY, etc.)
– Discrete process: only in-flight decays allowed
– Pre-assigned decay channels must be defined
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Pre-assigned decay products
Physics generator can assign a decay channel for each individual particle
separately, while in Geant4 you cannot specify a decay channel for each particle.
– Decay chain can be “pre-assigned”.
A parent particle in the form of G4Track object travels in the detector, bringing “preassigned” decay daughters as objects of G4DynamicParticle.
– When the parent track comes to the decay point, pre-assigned daughters
become to secondary tracks, instead of randomly selecting a decay channel
defined to the particle type. Decay time of the parent can be pre-assigned as
pre-assigned decay
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)
Geant4 v9.4
Optical photon
Optical photon
Technically, should belong to electromagnetic category, but
– Optical photon wavelength ≫ atomic spacing
– Treated as waves: no smooth transition between optical and gamma particle
– Represented by G4OpticalPhoton class which is independent to G4Gamma
Optical photon production processes
– G4Cerenkov
– G4Scintillation
– G4TransitionRadiation
WARNING: optical photons are generated without momentum/energy
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Optical photon processes
Photon can undergo
– Rayleigh scattering
– Refraction and reflection at medium boundaries
– Bulk absorption
– Wavelength shifting
Polarization but not phase (no interference)
Optical properties is to be specified in a G4MaterialPropertiesTable which is
assigned to G4Material
– reflectivity, transmission efficiency, dielectric constants, surface properties
Spectral properties may be also specified in G4MaterialPropertiesTable
– scintillation yield, time structure (fast, slow components)
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Optical boundary
Reflection, refraction handled by G4OpBoundaryProcess
Surface properties via G4OpticalSurfaceModel
– Boundary properties
• dielectric-dielectric
• dielectric-metal
• dielectric-black material
– Surface properties
• polished
• ground
• front- or back-painted, ...
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Reflection and refraction
Geant4 optical boundary process treats an optical photon as a particle.
– There is no “splitting”. The photon track undergo either reflection or refraction.
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Wavelength shifting
Taken care by G4OpWLS process
– Initial photon track is killed and secondary photon track with new wavelength
is created.
– G4OpWLS has its own physics table for mean free path
You need to specify
– Absorption length as a function of photon energy
– Emission spectra parameters as a function of energy
– Time delay between absorption and re-emission
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)
Absorption, scattering
– Photon attenuation length from material properties
→ Mean free path
– Photon track is killed after a selected path length
– Elastic scattering
– Polarization of initial and final photons
– Builds own physics table (for mean free path) using G4MaterialTable
– May only be used for optical photons
See documentation in App. Dev. Guide: Optical Photon Processes
Physics III - M.Asai (SLAC)