Transcript Number 5

Centrality revisited
We have already seen how to compute the
If we use the median as an axe we cut the data into
two halves, each with an equal number of entries.
(Careful: if n is odd the two halves do not contain
the median, if n is even they may)
We compute the “median” on each half, and …
call the two resulting numbers (one on the left, one on
the right of the median)
the lower (on the left) quartile
the upper (on the right) quartile.
We get this nice “breakdown of data:”
That justifies the name quartiles (duh!)
We could go on cutting sets of data in half, but not
now. Instead we look at
Measures of “Spread”
One measure of spread comes immediately to
mind, the range, but a quick look at some
examples shows right away that this isn’t precise
enough, wildly different sets of data have the
same range.
Now what?
Another way to look at spread, besides range
(which is too crude a measure), is to look at how
“spread out” the data are, that is,
how far they wonder away from the middle.
Unfortunately we have to decide first
which middle?
Say we have a finite set of data
x1, x2, x3, …, xn
Intuitively we would like to take the median, but
for computational ease we’ll choose the average,
( x for a sample,
for a population). So …
we write the distance between x and xi for each
datum, add the distances and divide by n. We can
write a long hand formula for this as follows:
Or an even prettier short hand formula
(BUT forget about pretty long or pretty short,
learn the method!)
This is very nice, except that absolute values are
computationally intractable!
Much nicer (computationally)
The right-hand side is called the
(denoted by Var)
So we have the baptism (definition)
(This formula may lead to fairly difficult
computations, we’ll learn a short-cut soon)
If the data are from the entire population of
interest life is good. If however the data are from
just a sample of the population, it turns out that
the value we get from Var tends to underestimate
the true value of Var (from the entire population,
such is life!) We compensate for this slight
underestimation by a slight increase in the value of
Var. We just multiply by the fraction
(why is
this an increase ?).
In summary:
population Var
sample Var = (population Var)•
We have stated before that the formula
can lead to some seriously difficult computations.
Try applying it to the set of numbers
3 5 7 -4 6 8 -2
There is, however, a short-cut. In formula it looks
worse, but in words (and use) it is much easier.
In words it says:
1. First compute the mean
2. Then compute the
mean of the squares
3. Then subtract 12 from 2.
Let's try the short-cut on the set of numbers
3 5 7 -4 6 8 -2
Step 12 gives
Step 2 gives
We get Var =
When the number of data is small there is an even
easier (visually) way to proceed. We apply it to the
same set of seven data:
Final Remarks
The variance we have computed is a
population variance
If the data come from a sample we must remember
to correct our answer, multiplying by
the correction factor
Then we take a square root and obtain the
corresponding standard deviation
(population or sample)