Transcript Chapter 8

Risk and Return
Chapter 8
© 2003 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Why Study Risk and Return?
Returns to equity investments (stock) have
historically been much higher than the return to
debt investments
Equity returns average 9% or 10% while debt
returns average about 3%
• Inflation also averaged about 3% during the same time
Returns on equity investments are much more
volatile than the returns on debt instruments in
the short-run
Why Study Risk and Return?
Since equity earns a much higher return but
with higher risk, it would be nice if we could
invest and earn a high return but reduce the
risk associated with such investments
Investing in portfolios of securities can help manage
• A portfolio is a collection of financial assets by investors
We wish to capture the high average returns of
equity investing while limiting the associated
risk as much as possible
The General Relationship
Between Risk and Return
Risk in finance is defined as the probability of
losing some or all of the money invested in a
Generally investments that offer higher returns
involve higher risks
Suppose you could invest in a stock that would
either return you 15% or a loss of everything (100%)
Also, suppose the chance of losing everything is 1%
and the chance of earning 15% is 99%
The risk associated with this investment is the 1%
chance of losing everything
The General Relationship
Between Risk and Return
Investors more or less expect to receive a
positive return but they realize that there is risk
associated with these investments and the
chance that they can lose their money
Stocks offering a higher likely return also have
higher probabilities of total loss
It is difficult to determine how much risk is
associated with a given level of return
Need to define risk in a measurable way
• The definition has to include all the probabilities of loss
Have to relate that measurement to return
Portfolio Theory—Modern
Thinking about Risk and Return
Portfolio theory defines investment risk in
a measurable way and relates it to the
expected level of return from an
 Has had major impact on practical
investing activities
The Return on an Investment
The rate of return allows an investment's return
to be compared with other investments
One-Year Investments
The return on a debt investment is
• K = interest paid  loan amount
• A return is what the investor receives divided by what is
The return on a stock investment is
• K = D1 + (P1 – P0)  P0
Returns, Expected and
The expected return on a stock is the
return investors feel is most likely to
occur based on currently available
Anticipated return based on the dividends
expected as well as the future expected
 No rational person makes any investment
without some expectation of return
Returns, Expected and
The required return on a stock is the minimum
rate at which investors will purchase or hold a
stock based on their perceptions of its risk
People will only invest in an asset if they believe the
expected return is at least equal to the required
• Different people have different levels of both expected and
required return
• Significant investment in a stock occurs only if the expected
return exceeds the required return for a substantial number of
Risk—A Preliminary Definition
A preliminary definition of investment risk is the
probability that return will be less than expected
This definition includes both positive and negative returns that
are lower than expected
Feelings About Risk
Most people have negative feelings about bearing risk
Risk averse investors prefer lower risk when expected returns
are equal
Most people see a trade-off between risk and return
However risk isn't to be avoided, but higher risk investments
must offer a higher expect return to encourage investment
Portfolio Theory
Review of the Concept of a Random
In statistics a random variable is the
outcome of a chance process and has a
probability distribution
 Discrete variables can take only specific
 Continuous variables can take any value
within a specified range
Review of the Concept of a
Random Variable
The Mean or Expected Value
The most likely outcome for the random
For symmetrical probability distributions
the mean is the center of the distribution
 Statistically it is the weighted average of
all possible outcomes
X =  XiP  Xi 
Portfolio Theory
Variance and Standard Deviation
Variability relates to how far a typical observation of
the variable is likely to deviate from the mean
• There's is a great deal of difference in variability around the
mean for different distributions
• Telephone poles don't vary much in height from pole to pole—
actual pole heights are closely clustered around the mean
• Office buildings do vary a great deal in terms of height—
widely dispersed around the mean
• The standard deviation gives an indication of how far from
the mean a typical observation is likely to fall
Portfolio Theory
Variance and Standard Deviation
Variance Formula
Var X     Xi  X  P  Xi 
i=1 
• Variance is the average squared deviation from
the mean
Standard deviation formula
  x   Xi  X  P  Xi 
i=1 
Review of the Concept of a
Random Variable
The Coefficient of Variation
A relative measure of variation—the ratio of the
standard deviation of a distribution to its mean
• CV = Standard Deviation  Mean
• For example, if the CV = 0.5, then the typical variation is
50% the size of the mean, or ½
Continuous Random Variable
Can take on any numerical value within some range
We talk about the probability of an actual outcome
being within a range of values rather than being an
exact amount
The Return on a Stock Investment
as a Random Variable
In financial theory, the return on a stock investment is
considered a random variable
Return is influenced by the future price of the stock and the
expected dividends
• There is an element of uncertainty in both of these variables
Return is a continuous random variable with a low
value of -100% but no limit to the high value
The mean of the distribution of returns is the stock's
expected return
The variance and standard deviation show how likely it
is that an actual return will be some distance from the
expected value
Actual return in a distribution with a large variance is likely to
be different from the mean
Risk Redefined as Variability
In financial theory risk is defined as variability in
A risky stock has a high probability of earning
a return that significantly differs from the mean
of the distribution
While a low-risk stock is more like to earn a return
similar to the expected return
In practical terms risk is the probability that
return will be less than expected
Risk Aversion
Risk aversion means investors prefer
lower risk when expected returns are
 When expected returns are not equal the
choice of investment depends on the
investor's tolerance for risk
Decomposing Risk—Systematic (Market)
and Unsystematic (Business-Specific) Risk
Fundamental truth of the investment world
The returns on securities tend to move up and down together
• Not exactly together or proportionately
Events and Conditions Causing Movement in Returns
Some things influence all stocks (market risk)
• Political news, inflation, interest rates, war, etc.
Some things influence only specific companies (businessspecific risk)
• Earnings reports, unexpected death of key executive, etc.
Some things affect all companies within an industry
• A labor dispute, shortage of a raw material
Decomposing Risk—Systematic (Market)
and Unsystematic (Business-Specific) Risk
Movement in Return as Risk
The total movement in a stock's return is the total
risk inherent in the stock
Separating Movement/Risk into Two Parts
A stock's risk can be separated into systematic or
market risk and unsystematic or business-specific
A portfolio is an investor's total stock holding
Risk and Return for a Portfolio
Each stock in a portfolio has its own expected return
and its own risk
Portfolios have their own risks and returns
• The return on a portfolio is a weighted average of the
returns of the individual stocks in the portfolio
• The risk is the variance or standard deviation of the
probability distribution of the portfolio's return
• Not the same as the weighted average of the standard
deviations or variances of the individual stocks within the
The Goal of the Investor/Portfolio Owner
Goal of investors: to capture the high
average returns of equities while avoiding as
much risk as possible
• Generally done by constructing diversified
portfolios to minimize portfolio risk for a given
Investors are concerned with how stocks
impact portfolio performance, not with the
stocks' stand-alone characteristics
Diversification—How Portfolio Risk Is
Affected When Stocks Are Added
Diversification means adding different (diverse)
stocks to a portfolio
Can reduce (but not eliminate) risk in a portfolio
Business-Specific Risk and Diversification
Business-specific risk is a series of essentially
random events that push the returns of individual
stocks up or down
• Their effects simply cancel when added together over a
substantial number of stocks
• Is essentially random and can be diversified away
• For this to work, the stocks within the portfolio must be from
fundamentally different industries
Diversification—How Portfolio Risk Is
Affected When Stocks Are Added
Systematic (Market) Risk and Diversification
If the returns of all stocks move up and down more or less
together, it's not possible to reduce risk completely
• Systematic risk can be reduced but never entirely eliminated
The Portfolio
If we have a portfolio that is as diversified as the market, its
return will move in tandem with the market
The Impact on Portfolio Risk of Adding New Stocks
If we add a stock to the portfolio which has returns perfectly
positively correlated with the portfolio, it will generally add risk
to the diversified portfolio
If we add a stock that is perfectly negatively correlated with the
portfolio, it will decrease the risk of the portfolio
Diversification—How Portfolio Risk Is
Affected When Stocks Are Added
The Risk of the New Additions By Themselves and in
Stocks with equal stand-alone risk can have opposite risk
impacts on a portfolio because of the timing of the variation in
their returns
A stock's risk in a portfolio sense is its market risk
Choosing Stocks to Diversify for Market Risk
How do we diversify to reduce market risk in a portfolio
• Theoretically it's simple: just add stocks that move counter
cyclically with the market
• Unfortunately it's difficult to find stocks that move in that direction
• However numerous stocks exist that have returns that are less than
positively correlated with the market
• Adding these stocks to the portfolio will generally reduce risk
somewhat, but will not eliminate it
Diversification—How Portfolio Risk Is
Affected When Stocks Are Added
The Importance of Market Risk
Modern portfolio theory is based on the
assumption that investors focus on portfolios
rather than on individual stocks
• How stocks affect portfolios depends only on
market risk
For the small investor with a limited portfolio,
these concepts do not apply
Measuring Market Risk—The
Concept of Beta
Market risk is a crucial concept in investing, so we need
a way to measure it for individual stocks
A stock's beta measures its market risk
It measures the variation of a stock's return which
accompanies the market's variation in return
Developing Beta
Beta is developed by determining the historical relationship
between a stock's return and the return on a market index,
such as the S&P500
• The stock's characteristic line reflects the average relationship
between its return and the market
• Beta is the slope of the characteristic line
Projecting Returns with Beta
Knowing a stock's beta enables us to estimate changes in its
return given changes in the market's return
Measuring Market Risk—The
Concept of Beta
Betas are developed from historical data
Small investors should remember that beta doesn't
measure total risk
A beta > (<) 1.0 implies the stock moves more (less)
than the market
Beta < 0 means the stock tends to move against the
May not be accurate if a fundamental change in the business
environment occurs
Stocks in gold mining companies are a real-world example of
negative beta stocks
Beta for a Portfolio
Beta for a portfolio is the weighted average of the betas of the
individual stocks within the portfolio
Using Beta—The Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM)
The CAPM helps us determine how stock
prices are set in the market
Developed in 1950s and 1960s by Harry Markowitz
and William Sharpe
The CAPM's Approach
People won't invest unless a stock's expected return
is at least equal to their required return
The CAPM attempts to explain how investors'
required returns are determined
Using Beta—The Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM)
Rates of Return, The Risk-Free Rate and Risk
The risk-free rate (kRF) is a rate for which there is no
chance of receiving less than what is expected
• Returns on federally insured bank accounts and short-term
Treasury debt are examples of risk-free investments
Investing in any other investment is a risky venture;
thus investors will require a return greater than the
risk-free rate
• Investors want to be compensated for the extra risk taken
via a rate known as the risk premium (KRP)
• The CAPM purports to explain how the risk premium in
required rates of return are formed
• The Security Market Line (SML) is the heart of the CAPM
The Security Market Line (SML)
The SML proposes that required rates of return
are determined by:
k X  kRF   kM  k RF  b X
Market Risk
Stock X's Risk Premium
The Market Risk Premium
• Is a reflection of the investment community's level of risk aversion
• It is the risk premium for an investment in the market as a whole
The Risk Premium for Stock X
• The beta for Stock X times the risk premium of the market
• Says that the risk premium for a stock is determined only by the
stock's relationship with the market as measured by beta
The Security Market Line (SML)
The SML as a Portrayal of the Securities
The standard equation of a straight line is
• y = mx + b
• Where: y is the vertical axis variable; x is the horizontal axis
variable; m is the slope of the line and b is the y intercept
The SML can be viewed as a straight line:
k X  k RF   k M  k RF  b X
• The slope of the SML plotted in risk-return space reflects
the general level of risk aversion
• The vertical intercept of the SML represents investment in
short-term government securities
The Security Market Line (SML)
The SML as a Line of Market Equilibrium
If, for every stock, its expected return equals its
required return, the SML represents equilibrium
Suppose that a stock's expected return now
becomes less than its required return
• Investors would no longer desire that stock and owners of
the stock would sell while potential buyers would no longer
be interested
• The stock price would drop because supply would exceed
• Since the stock price is dropping, its expected return is
increasing, driving it back toward equilibrium
• The SML represents a condition of stable equilibrium
The Security Market Line (SML)
Valuation Using Risk-Return Concepts
The SML allows us to calculate the minimum
required rate of return for a stock
This return can then be used in the Gordon model to
determine an intrinsic value for a stock
The Impact of Management Decisions on Stock
Since managers can influence a stock's beta and
future growth rates, management's decisions impact
the price of the stock
The Security Market Line
Adjustments to Changing Market Conditions
The response to a change in the risk-free rate
• If all else remains the same, a change in the risk-free rate
causes a parallel shift in the SML
• The slope of the SML remains the same which means KM
must increase by the amount of the change in kRF
The response to a change in risk aversion
• Changes in attitudes toward risk are reflected by rotations
of the SML around its vertical intercept
The Validity and Acceptance of
the CAPM and SML
CAPM is an abstraction of reality designed to
help make predictions
Its simplicity has lead to its popularity
• It relates risk and return in an easy-to-understand concept
However, CAPM is not universally accepted
Continuing debate exists as to its relevance and
• Fama and French found no historical relationship between
the returns on stocks and their betas