Chapter 8 -

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Chapter 8 Linear regression
• One double Whopper (a kind of sandwich of Burger King) contains
53 grams of protein, 65 grams of fat and 1020 calories. So two
double would contain enough calories for a day.
• fat versus protein for 30 items on the Burger King menu
The linear model
• Parameters
– Intercept
– Slope
• Model is NOT perfect!
• Predicted value ŷ
• Residual =
Observed – predicted
– Overestimate when
– Underestimate when
The linear model (cont.)
• We write our model as
ŷ  b0  b1 x
• This model says that our predictions from
our model follow a straight line.
• If the model is a good one, the data values
will scatter closely around it.
How did I get the line?
“Best fit” line
– Minimize residuals overall
– The line of best fit is the line for which the sum
of the squared residuals is smallest.
– Least squares, that is to minimize
How did I get the line? (cont.)
• The regression line
– Slope: in units of y per unit of x
– Intercept: in units of y
Enter data as lists first
Press STAT
Then move the cursor to CALC
Press 4 (LinReg(ax+b)) or Press 8 (LinReg(a+bx))
Then put the list names for which you want to do
regression, e.g., L1, L2
• Press ENTER
• To see
2ND + 0 (CATALOG), move the cursor down to DiagnosticsOn
Press ENTER (You will see ‘DONE’)
Now repeat the above operations for linear regression, you will
see the correlation coefficient and
• How to make the residual plot?
– Same as making a scatterplot
– Make the XLIST as the explanatory variable
– Make the YLIST as ‘RESID’
Interpreting the regression line
• Slope:
– Increasing 1 unit in x  increasing
units in
• Intercept: predicted value of y when x=0
• Predicted value at x
Fat Versus Protein: An Example
• The regression line
for the Burger King
data fits the data well:
– The equation is
– The predicted fat
content for a BK
Broiler chicken
sandwich is
6.8 + 0.97(30) = 35.9
grams of fat.
Correlation and the Line
• Moving one standard deviation away from
the mean in x moves us r standard
deviations away from the mean in y.
How Big Can Predicted Values
• r cannot be bigger than 1 (in absolute
value), so each predicted y tends to be
closer to its mean (in standard deviations)
than its corresponding x was.
• This property of the linear model is called
regression to the mean; the line is called
the regression line.
Sir Francis Galton
Residuals Revisited
• The residuals are the part of the data that
hasn’t been modeled.
Data = Model + Residual
or (equivalently)
Residual = Data – Model
Or, in symbols, e  y  yˆ
Residuals Revisited (cont.)
• When a regression model is
appropriate, nothing interesting
should be left behind.
– Residual plot should have no
pattern, no bend, no outlier.
• Residual against x
• Residual against predicted value
– The spread of the residual plot
should be the same throughout.
Residuals Revisited (cont.)
• If the residuals show no interesting pattern in the
residual plot, we use standard deviation of the residuals
to measure how much the points spread around the
regression line. The standard deviation of residuals is
given by
• We need the Equal Variance Assumption for the
standard deviation of residuals. The associated condition
to check is the Does the Plot Thicken? Condition.
Residual plot
Residuals vs Fitted
Fitted values
lm(cars$dist ~ cars$speed)
How well does the linear model fit?
• The variation in the residuals is the key to
assessing how well the model fits.
• Total fat (y): sd =16.4g
• Residual: sd = 9.2g
– less variation
• How much of the variation
is accounted for by the model?
• How much is left in the residuals?
• The squared correlation
gives the fraction of
the data’s variation explained by the model.
• We can view
as the percentage of
variability in y that is NOT explained by the
regression line, or the variability that has been
left in the residuals
• For the BK model, r2 = 0.832 = 0.69, so 31% of
the variability in total fat has been left in the
R —The Variation Accounted For
• 0: no variance explained
• 1: all variance explained by the model
• How big should R2 be to conclude the model
fit the data well?
– R2 is always between 0% and 100%. What
makes a “good” R2 value depends on the kind
of data you are analyzing and on what you
want to do with it.
Check the following conditions
• The two variables are both quantitative
• The relationship is linear (straight enough)
– Scatterplot
– Residual plot
• No outliers: Are there very large residuals?
– Scatterplot
– Residual plot
• Equal variance: all residuals should share the
same spread
– Residual plot: Does the Plot Thicken?
• Whether the linear model is appropriate?
– Residual plot
• How well does the model fit?
Reality Check:
Is the Regression Reasonable?
• Statistics don’t come out of nowhere. They are
based on data.
– The results of a statistical analysis should reinforce
your common sense, not fly in its face.
– If the results are surprising, then either you’ve learned
something new about the world or your analysis is
• When you perform a regression, think about the
coefficients and ask yourself whether they make
What Can Go Wrong?
• Don’t fit a straight line to a nonlinear
• Beware extraordinary points (y-values that stand
off from the linear pattern or extreme x-values).
• Don’t extrapolate beyond the data—the linear
model may no longer hold outside of the range
of the data.
• Don’t infer that x causes y just because there is
a good linear model for their relationship—
association is not causation.
• Don’t choose a model based on R2 alone.
What have we learned?
• When the relationship between two
quantitative variables is fairly straight, a
linear model can help summarize that
– The regression line doesn’t pass through all
the points, but it is the best compromise in the
sense that it has the smallest sum of squared
What have we learned? (cont.)
• The correlation tells us several things about the
– The slope of the line is based on the correlation,
adjusted for the units of x and y.
– For each SD in x that we are away from the x mean,
we expect to be r SDs in y away from the y mean.
– Since r is always between -1 and +1, each predicted y
is fewer SDs away from its mean than the
corresponding x was (regression to the mean).
– R2 gives us the fraction of the response accounted for
by the regression model.
What have we learned? (cont.)
• The residuals also reveal how well the
model works.
– If a plot of the residuals against predicted
values shows a pattern, we should reexamine the data to see why.
– The standard deviation of the residuals
quantifies the amount of scatter around the
What have we learned? (cont.)
• The linear model makes no sense unless the
Linear Relationship Assumption is
• Also, we need to check the Straight Enough
Condition and Outlier Condition with a
• For the standard deviation of the residuals,
we must make the Equal Variance
Assumption. We check it by looking at both
the original scatterplot and the residual plot
for Does the Plot Thicken? Condition.
Summary for Chapters 7 and 8
• How to read a scatter plot?
– Direction
– Form
– Strength
• Correlation coefficient
– When can you use it?
– How to calculate it?
– How to interpret it?
• Linear regression
When can you use it?
How to calculate it?
How to interpret it?
How to make predictions?
How to read residual plot?