Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
Transcript Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
Data Analysis: Descriptive
After data are collected, analysis of the
findings is required
Analysis entails the application of both
investigative curiosity and a detective’s
instinct to make sense of the evidence
before you
Starting Point
The exploration should start with
Refamiliarizing oneself with the research
questions or hypotheses
Refreshing one’s memory on the
specification of needs important to the
Next, chart the course
A mental (if not written) outline of the basic
information that will be important to writing
the story is a helpful guide
Who: The research sample
What: The variables & operationalization criteria
used for each; relationships between variables
How: Research method and design
Reporting Data
The means by which data is reported is
partially driven by the choice of measurement
Nominal, ordinal = Lower levels of
Interval, ratio = Higher levels of
Reporting Data
Fewer data analyses are appropriate for
lower levels of measurement
Higher levels of measurement can be
analyzed using all statistical techniques
Reporting Frequency Distributions
Present the initial frequency distribution
(one-to-one match)
Re-categorize data as necessary to
present different ‘angles’ of the data
Category Data Descriptives
Frequency distributions are most
commonly used by researchers to
Get a sense of the raw number of
responses to each category
As a visual check of response codes
As a baseline to more commonly reported
proportions and percentages
Category Data Descriptives
The frequency of responses relative to the total
Total response proportion = 1.0
Percentages (and adjusted percentages)
Proportion multiplied by a quotient of 100
Utility: Presents data relative to
The whole
Other categories within the response set
Other categories across response segments (cross tabs)
To the same question relative to other points of
Descriptive Techniques
Used when the relationship between
objects is important
X ‘in relation to’ Y
“The representation of males to female
respondents was 3 to 1….”
Continuous Data Descriptives
Continuous data utilize higher levels of
Interval level of measurement
Ratio level of measurement
Researchers have the opportunity to
apply a wider range of statistics to their
description of the research results.
Important Information for
Continuous Data
Average – Measure of Central Tendency
Spread – Dispersion or variance (around
the central point)
Shape (of the distribution) – skewness,
Data Descriptives for the
The most frequently-observed value in a data set
‘The most typical case’
The middle value of a data set
Assumes an equal distribution of scores above and
below the mid-point
Measures of Central Tendency
Provides a summary of the data average
Assumes a normal (representative)
distribution of the scores
Limited in its sensitivity to outliers, which can
result in an atypical reflection of the average
Data Descriptives for the
Gives the researcher a sense of how
spread out the responses are around
the mean
Maximum and minimum
Reflect the extreme upper and lower points in
the data set
Range of distribution
Maximum – minimum = range
Data Descriptives for the
Standard deviation
Allows for estimation of the proportion of
respondents/cases within certain ranges in the
center part of the distribution, assuming a
normal distribution of scores
*Limited in its applicability if the distribution of
scores does not reflect normalcy.
(see p. 291 Guidelist 10-3)
Data Descriptives for the
The degree and direction of asymmetry from a
normal distribution.
Indicates the presence of ‘leaning’ in responses
Can be a reflection of question bias, sample bias,
or some other form or bias (including deliberate
Data Descriptives for the
An indication of how peaked or flat the
distribution is relative to a normal
Indicates how tightly or loosely responses
are distributed around the mean
Issues that May Arise In
Descriptive Statistics
Floor effects
Responses grouped at or near the lower
boundary of a scale
Ceiling effects
Responses groups at or near the upper
boundary of the scale
Issues that May Arise In
Descriptive Statistics
The presence of two ‘typical’ averages
Indicates segmentation differences within
the sample