Transcript Slide 1

For MATH 125
Computing Statistics
Useful link
• Surfstat: (an online text in introductory Statistics)
Computing descriptive statistics in Excel
Two ways:
1. Use the formula palette – click on
the fx button: This makes use of
the many Excel built-in functions
(Average, Stdev, Median, etc…)
2. Use the Data Analysis Toolpak &
select Descriptive Statistics
Built-in Functions
• Most, if not all, of these functions are built
into Excel
=average(range) where range can be like C3:C40
=quartile(range,which quartile)
Descriptive Statistics tool
Input range:
sequence of cells
containing the data
Label in First row
Output range:
tell Excel where to
display the output
Summary statistics:
box to be checked
Data: Table 1.10
Step by step:
Open an Excel worksheet and paste or import a data set into a
Click on the tab “Data Analysis”, and choose “Descriptive Statistics”
Just like for Histograms:
• In “Input Range” enter the range or highlight your data column.
• In “Output Range” click on a remote cell where you want the output
to appear.
• Check “Summary Statistics” box
• Click “OK”.
The output will consist in several statistics, including: Mean, Median
Mode, Minimum, Maximum, and Count
Using Excel to find the standard deviation:
Step by step:
Start Excel
Type in a cell: =STDEV(data)
That’s it!
Use the Data Analysis ToolPak to get full Statistics (Min, Max,
Stdev, Mean, Median, etc…)