Transcript File

In The Beginning
What was life like?
Man Created Gods
God of Sun
God of lightening
God of Thunder
God of the oceans
The Bible
Considered as the oldest book known to man
Old testament – 800 – 650 BC
The Biblical Time Scale – widely accepted
in17th century
James Usher – Arch Bishop of Armagh – did
the math – Earth was formed 4004 BC
Early Theories
Burnett – Sacred Theory of the Earth (1691)
Descarts – Dead Star – Noahs flood result of
collapse of the originally smooth surface
Whiston – New Theory of the Earth (1696)
Newton – flood was a result of water resulting
from a near miss with a comet
Both followed the Biblical Time Scale
Fossils began to be acceptable as evidence
Buffon – The Dark Abyss of Time
The Age of Enlightenment - 18th century
Maillet – Telliamed -allowed more time than
biblical record
Georges Louis Leclerk – Comte de Buffon –
Natural History – his calculations related to
cooling of molten Earth indicated 70,000 yrs,
challenged the biblical timeline
Based on the principal of superposition – new
rocks always on top of older rocks
Werner – Neptunist Theory – as the great
ocean dried – chemicals precipitated out –
each becoming a different layer of
sedimentary rock.-became labeled as bad
Stratigraphy did prevail allowing for order to be
determined by the way it is layed
Found everywhere – allowed geologists to
predict age by comparing to other fossils
Cuvier – established the reality of extinction
beyond all reasonable doubt
Brogniart- established useable guide to
establish thesequence of rocks in Paris basin
Sequence completed
Sedgwick & Roderick – Wales – named the
Cambrian & Silurian systems
By the 1830's – all knowledgeable geologists
agreed – Earths crust was composed of series
of deposits, each representing an epoch of
geological time
John Phillips – 1841 – named the eras of life –
Paleozoic, Mesozoic(age of reptiles) and
Cuvier – noticed changes in fossils appeared
to be sudden
Extinction must be due to catastrophic Earth
movements and tidal waves
Findings include dried mud in caves,
unexplainable rocks and boulders all over the
land in Europe – must have been a great flood
Great Earthquakes & cooling Earth theory
This model accepted a methodological
approach that true science must be based on
what can actually be observed
Hutton & Lyell – used this beginning in the
This model also requires vast time periods &
accepts cyclic model of Earth history
Theory of the Earth
Dismissed retreating ocean theory
Vulcanism – his theory was that all rocks were
formed in essentially the way they are formed
today. Converted many Neptunists
Went to great lengths to include factors of
erosion – wind, rain, flowing streams
Principles of Geology
Attacked catastrophists of wild speculation
Named Eocene, Miocene & Pliocene
Showed that some fossils did not abruptly
A popular writer that influenced the public that
the Earth was very old
Physics & the age of the Earth
Radioactivity discovered in 1896
PierreCurie – 1903 – radioactive elements
give off heat
Lord Rayleigh – elements are distributed
throughout the earth and therefore a
substantial amount of heat is generated
Radioactive Decay
A way to measure geological time
Compare proportions of original element and
decay present to calculate how old the Earth
Consensus - 4.5 billion years old