Radioactive dating

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What’s the link?
Two films
One pure fiction – The Mummy Returns
One based in fact – 300
There is a link between the two films that was a major hoax
in 2000
King Xerxes was a King of Persia (now Iran). He
had a daughter called Ruduuna whose coffin
had never been found until………
October 2000
A coffin was found in Pakistan and the
people who found it claimed that it
contained the mummified remains of
Princess Ruduuna.
 They tried to sell it.
 Before they could, it was seized by the
Pakistani police
 How did scientists find out how old it was?
Carbon Dating
A sample of bone thought to be the
preserved remains of a prehistoric man
was found to have an activity due to
carbon 14 of 50 counts per minute.
 The same mass of living bone would have
an activity of 200 counts per minute.
 The half life of carbon 14 is 5730 years.
 How long has the man been dead?
How many times has the activity halved?
 200/2 = 100, 100/2 = 50
 The activity has halved 2 times so two half
lives have passed
 One half life = 5730 years so the man
died 2 x 5730 = 11460 years ago
Dating rocks
Igneous rocks contain radioactive uranium.
 The radioactive uranium atoms decay over
time to form lead atoms that aren’t
 The proportion of uranium to lead in the
rock can tell us how old the rock is.
Millions of years ago
The rock only contained radioactive uranium
atoms. In this case, the mass of uranium was
Uranium atom
After one half life
How many uranium atoms will have
decayed into lead?
Uranium atom
Lead atom
What is the ratio of lead atoms to uranium
What mass of uranium is left?
After two half lives
How many uranium atoms will have
decayed into lead?
Uranium atom
Lead atom
What is the ratio of lead atoms to uranium
What mass of uranium is left?
Learning outcomes
Grade D: be able to identify materials that
can be dated using carbon dating
Grade C: be able to work out how much
carbon-14 is left in a material using half-life
Grade B: be able to work out how old a
sample is based on activity or mass of carbon
Grade A/A*: be able to work out the age of
an igneous rock using the proportion of
uranium to lead present in the rock