Transcript 2) mitosis

There are 3 stages in the cell cycle:
1) INTERPHASE – cells grow and prepare to divide
2) MITOSIS – cells start to divide
3) CYTOKINESIS– two cells are formed from one
most the cell’s life is spent in this stage
normal cell activities take place
the DNA is in long, thin , invisible strands
DNA gets copied at the end of Interphase
There are 4 stages of Mitosis:
1 - Prophase
2 - Metaphase
3 - Anaphase
4 - Telophase
To make exact copies of cells
Each chromosome appears as two strands of
identical DNA
Each strand is called a chromatid
The nuclear membrane disappears
Think Well Mitosis Part 1
centrioles move to either side of the cell
chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
sister chromatids separate
Each chromatid is called a ‘daughter’
spindle fibres from centrioles pull them to
opposite sides of the cell
nuclear membrane starts to form around each
group of daughter chromosomes
cell appears to have 2 nuclei (nucleus)
The cell membrane pinches to make two new
daughter cells
Each cell is identical to the original parent cell
Think Well Mitosis Part 2