Transcript File

The History of Life
Chapter 14
What was early Earth like?
It likely formed 4.6 billion years ago from
gravity pulling in debris in space.
Early Earth was likely very hot on the outside
and inside.
There were probably many volcanoes.
The early atmosphere probably contained no
free oxygen, but did contain water vapor,
ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), & hydrogen.
Many scientists believe that life began in the
oceans 3.4-3.9 billion years ago.
How can we tell what Earth
was like?
There is no direct evidence of Earth’s earliest
years because rocks are constantly
destroyed and formed, but there are other
sources of information.
Fossils keep records of organisms that lived
in the past.
By studying rocks & fossils, much can be told
about Earth’s history.
How can we tell how old
fossils are?
There are 2 methods:
Relative dating: Determining the order in which
events occurred, not the actual age
Assumption: If undisturbed, the oldest layers are on
the bottom, youngest ones are on top, so the oldest
organisms would be found the farthest down in the
Radiometric dating: Determining the actual age of
rocks by measuring the radioactive isotopes
contained in the rocks.
Scientists compare the amount of radioactive isotope
to the stable isotope to determine how old it is.
The Geologic Time Scale
By using the information from relative and
radioactive dating of fossils and rocks,
scientists have put together a timeline of
Earth’s history, called the Geologic Time
Directions for Personal
Create a timeline of the events of your life.
Some things to include are births, deaths,
marriages, graduations, trips, moves,
significant first, and/or religious events. Every
event should have a direct relationship to
you. You may include symbols, pictures,
and/or illustrations.
Decide on a scale for your timeline, for
example 1 inch : 2 years.
best friend
Met my
Went to
Got 1st dog
Born Aug 13,
Example Timeline
The History of Life
Chapter 14.2
Spontaneous Generation
What does it mean for something to be
It used to be thought that living things could
arise from nonliving things.
This idea was called spontaneous
Experiments disproving
spontaneous generation
He used a cover on one flask, mesh on another, and no
cover on the last one.
He found that maggots didn’t appear on the meat that was
covered and free of flies.
Therefore, S.G. was not true.
Experiments disproving
spontaneous generation
Microorganisms were able to be seen with a
microscope, were thought to arise from a “vital
force” in the air.
He boiled two flasks of broth, one was left open,
one was sealed.
The open flask became filled with
microorganisms, the sealed one remained clear.
The debate? Broth was exposed to air.
Experiments disproving
spontaneous generation
Pasteur—mid 1800s
Boiled broth in curved
neck flask to allow air to
reach broth but not
Broth only became
cloudy when neck was
broken off.
New Idea
These experiments proved spontaneous
generation incorrect.
The idea that living things come from other
living things is called biogenesis.
Earth’s History
Evidence from computer models of the sun
shows that the early solar system was a
swirling cloud of gas and dust about 5 billion
years ago.
Most of this material collapsed to become the
Earth formed when large pieces of debris in
the early solar system collided over a period
of 400 million years.
Earth’s History
The estimated age of Earth is 4.6 billion
years, which was established using
radiometric dating.
The time it takes for half of a sample on an
isotope to decay is its half-life.
The age of a material can be determined by
measuring the amount of a particular
radioactive isotope that it contains.
Before life began, two things
had to be true:
1) Simple organic molecules must have
2) These molecules must have become
organized into complex organic molecules
(proteins, carbs, etc.)
Where did the Organic
Compounds come from?
It’s thought that all of the elements found in
organic compounds were present on Earth
and in the solar system when Earth formed.
How did these organic compounds come to
Alexander Oparin developed a hypothesis
called the primordial soup hypothesis.
Oparin’s Hypothesis
He proposed that the early atmosphere
contained ammonia (NH3), hydrogen gas
(H2), water vapor, and methane (CH4).
He thought that once the Earth cooled and the
organic compounds collected in lakes & seas,
energy supplied by lightning and ultraviolet (UV)
radiation started complex chemical reactions that led
to the formation of proteins and other organic
compounds, the precursors to life.
Testing Oparin’s Hypothesis
Oparin didn’t test his
hypothesis, but
scientists Miller & Urey
They were able to
produce organic
compounds including
amino acids.
From amino acids to…
These amino acids, when bonded to clay,
may have formed the first proteins.
It is also thought that RNA was the first
system for protein production
In other words, RNA was the first genetic material.
How did the first cells possibly
Sidney Fox produced protocells from solutions of
amino acids by heating them.
life-like properties: take up substances from the
surroundings, growth, surrounded by a membrane.
Non-life-like-properties: no hereditary characteristics, can’t
respond to natural selection
The Evolution of Cells
The first forms of life may have been
prokaryotic forms that evolved from a protocell.
little or no oxygen gas in existence: anaerobic cells.
They likely took in organic compounds from their
environment for food (heterotrophs) Chemosynthesis
These were probably like present-day archaebacteria (or
archaea) that live in harsh environments
Since these molecules probably became scarce, it
was necessary for autotrophs to evolve.
The Evolution of Cells
Eventually, photosynthesizing prokaryotes
Increasing the amount of oxygen in the
atmosphere. (cyanobacteria)
Lead to aerobic cells (with oxygen).
Finally, complex eukaryotic cells were
probably able to evolve due to protection
from ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer.
How did eukaryotic cells come
Lynn Margulis (1966) has proposed that
eukaryotes arose from prokaryotes in
1. A small aerobic prokaryote entered a large
anaerobic prokaryote and began to live and
reproduce inside it.
2. Eventually this small prokaryote became what is
now the mitochondria (sites of aerobic respiration).
This may explain why mitochondria have their own
How did eukaryotic cells come
3. Sometime later, a small photosynthetic
prokaryote entered the large prokaryote
4. This photosynthetic prokaryote may have
given rise to the chloroplasts, the sites of
Chloroplasts also have their own DNA (circular,
like in prokaryotes)
What else shows that mitochondria and
chloroplasts may have been their own
They have their own ribosomes.
They reproduce (by fission) independently of
the cells that they’re inside.
Last point, “The evolution of life is better
understood than how the first life
appeared. Fossil, geologic, and
biochemical evidence support many of the
proposed steps in life’s subsequent