Transcript Slide 1

CHAPTER 12.1 Discovering Earth’s History
Uniformitarianism = forces and processes seen today have been
at work for a very long time.
Relative Dating = tells the sequence of events through layers of
sedimentary rock.
Law of Superposition = the layer on the bottom is oldest
Law of Horizontality = layers of
sediment are deposited in a horizontal
Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships = when a fault cuts through
rock layers or when magma intrudes other rocks, we can assume
that the fault or the magma are younger than the rocks they
Inclusions = pieces of one rock
unit that are contained in
Unconformity = time when
deposition stopped, erosion
removed rock, and then
deposition resumed.
Angular unconformity = unconformity involving folding or tilting
of rock during the time when deposition was halted.
Disconformity= unconformity involving flat erosion during the
time when deposition was halted.
Correlation of Strata = using multiple locations to piece together
the history of a large region.
Pg 341 Figure 8
Chapter 12.2 Fossils: Evidence of Past Life
Fossil Formation:
Unaltered Remains =
remains that have not
been changed over
time. Ex. Teeth,
bones, shells, frozen
Altered Remains =
Remains that have been changed
over time. Ex. Petrified wood,
molds, casts, carbonized leaves
and delicate animals.
Trace Fossils = indirect evidence left by prehistoric life.
Tracks, burrows,
dung, stomach
Two Conditions Favoring Preservation:
1. Rapid burial
2. Possession of hard parts (shells, bones, etc.)
Principle of Fossil Succession
= fossil organisms succeed
one another in a definite and
determinable order so that
any time period can be
recognized by its fossil
Index Fossil
• widespread geographically
• limited to a short geologic time span
• occur in large numbers
Using Fossils to Interpret Ancient Environments
If you found…
LAB: NC Fossil Hunt
You might identify the
ancient environment as…
Chapter 12.3 Dating with Radioactivity
Radioactive Decay:
• Alpha Emission = element looses
neutrons at a regular rate.
• Beta Emission = element looses beta
particles at a regular rate.
• Electron Capture = an electron falls into
then nucleus from the innermost Half-Life = the amount
of time necessary for
Animated Modes of Radioactive Decay:
one half of the nuclei in
a sample to decay to its
stable isotope.
Tutorial on Half-Life:
Radiometric Dating = procedure using rates of radioactive decay
to determine the age of rocks and minerals.
Example: As uranium decays it turns into lead. This decay from
uranium into lead is done at a measurable rate.
Carbon-14 Dating
• Carbon-14 is the radioactive isotope of Carbon.
• Normally Carbon-14 is lost into the atmosphere.
• We all have Carbon-14 in our bodies.
• As long as you are alive, you continue to replace the Carbon-14
and the balance between Carbon-14 and Carbon stays equal.
• When you die you immediately stop replacing the Carbon-14
and the balance changes.
• The difference in balance between Carbon-14 and Carbon tells
you how hold the item is or how long it has been dead.
• half-life of 5730 years
• half-life of 4.5 billion years
• up to 75,000 years ago
• extremely old samples
• used by anthropologists
(study human history)
• used by historical zoologists
(study ancient fossils)
• used by geologists studying
recent Earth history
• used by geologists studying
ancient Earth history
Chapter 12.4 The Geologic Time Scale
4.56 BYA
Phanerozoic – Cenozoic – Quaternary – Holocene – 0.01
Problems with the Geologic Time Scale?
Sedimentary rock
is made of
mixtures of older
rocks that have
weathered and
settled there.
Flash: Geologic Time Scale…30:00
Flash: Boneheads…(Jurassic Park?)
The age of
metamorphic rock
may just indicate
when it
metamorphosed –
not when it