Periodicity Power Point 15-16 - OPHS-AP

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Transcript Periodicity Power Point 15-16 - OPHS-AP

Trends of the Periodic Table
Rules to Abide By:
Electrons are attracted to the
protons in the nucleus of an atom.
This means:
The closer an e- is to the nucleus
the more strongly it is attracted.
(core e-)
More protons = electron is held
more strongly
2. Electrons repel each other.
So the core electrons SHIELD
the valence electrons from the nucleus.
The core e- limits the attraction of the
valence e- for the nucleus.
The SHIELDING AFFECT increases down a
group. More core e- are being added.
The SHIELDING AFFECT doesn’t impact
periods b/c the e- are being added in the
valence shell.
3. Completed shells are very stable.
Atoms prefer to add or subtract valence
Everybody wants to be a NOBLE GAS.
Metals lose e- to get a noble gas
Nonmetals gain e- to get a noble gas
Atomic Radius
Across a period  radius decreases
Left to right, protons are added to the nucleus,
so the valence e- are more strongly attracted
WHY is shielding unimportant????
B/C even though e- are being added, they are
in the same shell and the same distance from
the nucleus
Atomic Radius
Down a group
radius increases
Shells are being added, this creates more
distance between the valence e- and
the nucleus (SHIELDING AFFECT)
Shielding cancels out the affect of the
additional protons in the nucleus.
 Generally metals
 Positively charged ions
 Loss of valence e Smaller than parent atom
Outer shell is lost, electron-electron repulsions
are reduced, remaining valence e- move
closer to the nucleus
Generally nonmetals
 Negatively charged ions
 Gain valence electrons
 Larger than parent atom
Electron-electron repulsions increase moving
the valence electrons farther apart
Ionic Size Trends
Across a period  complicated trend
b/c of change from metal to nonmetals
Down a group
ion size increases,
same as atomic radius
Isoelectronic ions – ions containing the
same number of electrons
The ion size decreases as the atomic
number increases
Isoelectronic Example
Arrange the ions Se-2, Br -, Rb+ and Sr+2
in order of decreasing size.
Se-2 > Br- > Rb+1 > Sr+2
Ionization Energy
Energy required to remove an electron from
an atom
Multiple ionization energies b/c multiple
electrons can be removed
First, second, third….a slight increase until a
core electron is removed
Ionization energy increases dramatically
when trying to remove a core electron
Ionization Energy
Across a period  energy increase
Across a period, protons are added to the nucleus,
increasing the ‘+’ charge which more strongly holds
the negative electrons
Exceptions to the trend:
 The shielding affect caused by filling the s sublevel
cause a dip from group 2 to 3
 Slight dip when electrons start to pair in the p
Ionization Energy
Down a Group energy decreases
Shielding affect increases, so energy
decreases. There are more electrons
between the nucleus and the valence e, so the increased distance, decreases
the energy needed to remove a valence
How strongly the nucleus attracts
electrons shared in a bond between two
 Across a period  Increases
 Down a group
Across a period the nuclear charge
increases, while down a group the
shielding affect increases
Number of Protons Increases
Atomic Radius decreases
Ionization energy increases
Electronegativity / Electron Affinity
Ionization energy decreases
Atomic Radius increases
Shielding Affect Increases
Electronegativity /Electron Affinity Increases
Most Chemically
Reactive Metals
Most Chemically
Reactive Nonmetals