Transcript Chapter 3

Of Atoms and Elements
Historical and Modern Perspectives
1831: Michael Faraday
Discovery of ions
Anion : negatively-charged particles
 Cation : positively-charged particles
Science of electrolysis: splitting substances using
Determined that atoms were electrical in nature
1895: Wilhelm Roentgen
Studying glow produced from cathode rays
Noticed that the glow could be transmitted to
chemically-treated paper
X-rays discovered, but not fully understood
1895: Antoine Bequerel
Photographic film fogged when placed close to
samples of uranium
Required no input of energy
Graduate student Marie Curie and later her
husband Pierre continued to study the
Marie coined the term “radioactivity”
1897: Joseph John Thomson
Showed that the beam created in a cathode-ray
tube was attracted to a positive plate and
repelled by a negative plate
The particles were the same regardless of the
material from which the ray was generated
Coined the term “electrons” for the negative
Thomson’s Experiment
Image source:
Thomson’s Model
Realized that the negatively-charged particles
had to be balanced by a positively-charged
“Plum Pudding Model”
1909: Robert Millikan
Received Nobel Prize in 1923 for work
Calculated mass and charge of electrons
Mass = 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 911 kg
Millikan’s Experiment
Sprayed oil droplets into a chamber
Calculated mass of droplets by how fast they
fall (gravity)
Charge 2 plates-one positive, one negative
Oil droplets acquire extra electron by friction
or x-ray irradiation
Oil falls between 2 plates until it stops falling:
positive charge counteracts gravity
How much energy necessary in charged plates?
1910: Ernest Rutherford
Gold foil experiment
Rutherford Model
The atom had to have something very dense
and positively-charged that was repelling the
positive alpha particles
1913: Neils Bohr
Built on discoveries of James Chadwick (the
neutron) and Henry Moseley (atomic number
= number of protons in nucleus)
Proposed an atom with distinct energy shells
occupied by electrons around nucleus
Erwin Schrodinger: Current Model
Less structured, more uncertainty
“Electron cloud” representing where electrons
are most likely to be found
What Do We Know Now?
What Do We Know Now?
Structure of atoms
Nucleus: dense cluster, nearly all the atomic mass
Electron cloud surrounding nucleus
Protons: positive charge
Neutrons: no charge
Negative charge, in distinct patterns of arrangement
Description of elements
Atomic number: number of protons
Mass number: number of protons + neutrons
Atomic symbol: one or two letters
What Do We Know Now?
Organization of elements
Isotopes = atoms with the same number of protons,
but different numbers of neutrons
Image source:
Atomic mass = average of the masses of all
isotopes of an element
What Do We Know Now?
What Do We Know Now?
Electrons orbit the nucleus in discrete energy levels
Principal quantum numbers represent energy levels
Lowest numbers closest to nucleus
Electrons CANNOT
park between
energy levels!
What Do We Know Now?
Light behaves as both waves and particles, and
its behavior is due to atomic structure
Atoms in ground state can absorb energy and kick
an electron up to a higher energy level
Excited state
An electron can ONLY change state if there is
an available higher quantum level
Otherwise, incoming energy will not be absorbed
What Do We Know Now?
• Energy needed to excite an electron to a higher quantum
level is very
• Falling electrons
emit photons with
wavelengths equal
to the amount of
energy absorbed
For Example…
Organization of the Atom
Principal quantum number (n)
Higher number = electron energy increases
Number of electrons allowed
Organization of the Atom
The number of sublevels in an energy level is equal to
the principal quantum number
Increasing energy
Organization of the Atom
Theoretical 3-D regions of probability
Where an electron is most likely to exist
Orbital shapes
s-orbitals: spherical
 p-orbitals: dumbbell shaped (2 lobes)
All orbitals of the same type (e.g. s-orbital)
have the same shape, but volume depends on
energy level
 Hold 2 electrons
Organization of the Atom
Farther from the nucleus = higher energy
Filling order depends on energy
Organization of Elements
Read from left to right = order of filling
Remember: large atoms will fill an s orbital of
the next higher energy level before filling a d
Review: Atomic Organization
Atomic spectra give us clues about the organization of
electrons around the nucleus
Type of energy given off corresponds to energy levels,
sublevels and orbitals of electrons
Organization of Elements
Electron configuration of oxygen?
Organization of Elements
Alkali Metals
Group 1 (1A) on the
Periodic Table
Except hydrogen, soft
shiny metals with low
melting points
Good conductors
React vigorously with
Organization of Elements
 Alkaline
Earth Metals
Group 2 (2A) on the Periodic Table
Shiny metals
Not as reactive with water as Group 1
Organization of Elements
 Halogens
Group 17 (7A) on the Periodic Table
Strongly reactive
Form compounds with most of the
Organization of Elements
 Noble
Group 8 (8A) on the Periodic Table
All gas
Highly non-reactive, seldom in
combination with other elements
Organization of Elements
Metals, Metalloids, Non-metals
Quiz Yourself
Convert 116.3 kg into mg. Record the number in regular and
scientific notation.
Refer to the periodic table and name at least one element that is:
Noble gas
Alkali metal
Alkaline earth metal
Write the full and abbreviated electron configuration of:
What is the density of a piece of molybdenum that has a mass of
13.2g and a volume of 9.43mL?
Quiz Answers
1.163 x 108
Noble gas = any element in group 18 (8A) on the Periodic Table
Alkali metal = any element in group 1 (1A)
Alkaline earth metal = any element in group 2 (2A)
Halogen = any element in group 17 (7A)
Non-metal = any noble gas, halogen and O, N, C, P, S, Se, I
Metalloid = B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At
Full electron configuration of:
Silicon = 1s22s22p63s23p2
Manganese = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5
Potassium = 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
1.40 g/mL