Transcript File

“If we
lose forests, we lose the
fight against climate
change” –GCP report
Anisa Amin
Fatima Anjum
What is it?
 Deforestation
refers to cutting , clearing
and removal of rainforest or related
ecosystem into less bio-diverse ecosystem
such as pasture, cropland , or plantation.
 Deforestation is permanent destruction of
indigenous forest and woodland s. the
term does not include the removal of
industrial forests such as plantation of guns
or pines.
 Forests
play an important role in removing
CO2 from the air due to photosynthesises
 Photosynthesis is a carbon sink
 Carbon sink : any process that takes CO2
and stores it.
 Forests need to remain intact or else the
atmosphere will have too much CO2
There are 4 different types of Deforestation:
 i)
Natural reasons (i.e volcanic eruption)
these reasons are only occur for a small
 ii)
Land clearing to prepare for crops to be
 iii) Commercial logging and timber harvests
 iv) Slash and burn forest cutting for
subsistence farming
1. Logging
2. Mining
3. oil and gas extraction
4. Cattle ranching
5. Agriculture: Cash Crops.
6. Local, National, and International factors:
development, land titles, government
subsidies to attract corporations into
developing countries, trade agreements
(NAFTA, CAFTA), civil wars, debt, lack of
resources, and lack of law enforcement.
 Environmental
 1. Habitat fragmentation. This disturbs the
animals' habitat and may force them to
enter habitats which are already
occupied. This can pose many problems
such as territorial conflicts, homelessness
(loss of habitat), lack of food availability,
migration disturbances, etc.
Environmental Impact
 2.
Soil erosion occurs when trees and
plants are removed; the rain water
washes the nutrients in the top soil away.
 3. Climate change (more carbon dioxide
is released into the atmosphere, thus
increasing the effects of global warming).
 4. Pollution (ground, water and air
pollution from oil extraction and mining
Social impact
 Social
conflicts and struggles over land
and natural resources.
 Conflicts over racial and ethnic rights.
 Poisoning from oil and mining waste.
 Economic uncertainty (price fluctuations
and high interest rates on outstanding
international loans with The World Bank
and International Monetary Fund.
Climate Change
Deforestation has a huge impact on global
Causes 20% of the greenhouse gas emissions –
more than all the automobiles in the world
One of the main causes of climate change
2 million tons of CO2 enters the atmosphere
because of deforestation (audit 2003)
They can use forest products wisely
Implement paper saving laws and policies
Politicians can implement national laws to
help achieve zero deforestation
Consumer Power
As a consumer we can pressure the
companies to implement paper saving laws
and policies and be more eco friendly
Largest rainforest worldwide list in
descending order( from largest to
 Amazon
basin of South America
 Congo river basin of Central Africa
 S.E. Asia
 New Guinea
 Madagascar
Before its too late….
Final Thought…. (video)
" Solutions to Deforestation | Greenpeace USA ."
Greenpeace USA | Greenpeace USA . N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 June 2011.
Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming Climate Change, Environment - The Independent."
The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News
| Newspaper. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2011.
Global warming facts: How does deforestation
speed up climate change? : |
Responsible Travel, Culture & Lifestyle. | Go Beyond
Green.." | Responsible Travel,
Culture & Lifestyle. | Go Beyond Green.. N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 June 2011.
"WRM Briefing: The direct and underlying causes of
forest loss." World Rainforest Movement. N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 June 2011. <
Kids Connected to Conservation and Culture:
Deforestation." Kids Connected to Conservation
and Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2011.
Europe, the end of the Middle Ages in, there were
severe shortages of food, fuel, and building
materials since most of the primordial forests had
been cleared.. "Deforestation." Encyclopedia of
Earth . N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2011.