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Horizon 2020 Secure Societies
Disaster-Resilience Workshop
18 Mar 2015
Context of DRS Call
Secure Societies
• Protecting freedom & security of Europe & its citizens
– to enhance the resilience of our society against natural and man-made disasters,
ranging from the development of new crisis management tools to communication
interoperability, and to develop novel solutions for the protection of critical
– to fight crime and terrorism ranging from new forensic tools to protection against
– to improve border security, ranging from improved maritime border protection to
supply chain security and to support the Union's external security policies
including through conflict prevention and peace building;
– and to provide enhanced cyber-security, ranging from secure information sharing
to new assurance models.
Disaster Resilience
Securing the society against disasters is one of the central elements of the functioning of any society. There is barely any
societal sector which is not to some extent concerned by disasters and related resilience and security issues. The objective
of this call is to reduce the loss of human life, environmental, economic and material damage from natural and man-made
disasters, including extreme weather events, crime and terrorism threats.
This area will therefore focus on developing technologies and running large-scale demonstration.
1. Crisis Management and Civil protection with a view to strengthening prevention and preparedness against natural and
man-made disasters by underpinning an all-hazard approach to risk assessment across the EU;
2. Disaster Resilience and Climate Change with a view to developing solutions, for climate change adaptation in areas
potentially affected by more extreme weather events and natural disasters, such as for port cities, critical infrastructures,
3. Critical Infrastructure Protection with a view to building up community resilience and resilience of critical infrastructure,
including against cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism.
4. Communication Interoperability facilitating disaster management, notably through communication technologies for
crisis response actors and the linking of situational awareness centres;
5. Ethical/Societal Dimension.
DRS - 2014
UK Success
UK Co-ordinated Programmes Funded
UK Co-ordinated Programmes on Reserve List
No. UK Participants
No. UK Participants in Retained Proposals
Money Into UK
2015 Programme
Type of Actions
• CSA : Co-ordination & Support Action
–accompanying measures (standardisation, dissemination,
policy dialogues etc.) no research
• Research & Innovation Action
–Collaborative research between a min of 3 legal entities
from 3 member or associated states. TRL 4
• Innovation Action
–produce plans & arrangements or designs for new, altered
or improved products, processes or services. Collaborative
between a min of 3 legal entities from 3 member or
associated states . TRL 7
Disaster Resilience
DRS-1-2015 Crisis management topic 1- Potential of current & new measures & technologies to respond to extreme weather &
climate events . IA
DRS-3-2015 Crisis management topic 3- Demonstration activity on large scale disasters & crisis management & resilience of EU
external assets against major identified threats or causes of crisis.IA
DRS-6-2015 Crisis management topic 6- Addressing standardization opportunities in support of increasing disaster resilience. CSA
DRS-9-2014/15 Disaster Resilience Topic 1 – Science & Innovation for adaptation to climate change: from assessing costs, risks &
opportunities to demonstration of options & practices.IA
DRS-10-2015 Disaster Resilience Topic 2 : Natural Hazards: Towards risk reduction science & innovation plans at National & European
DRS-11-2015 Disaster Resilience Topic 3 – Mitigating the impacts of climate change & natural hazards on cultural heritage sites,
structures & artifact's. RIA
DRS-12-2015 Critical Infrastructure protection Topic 1: Critical Infrastructure “smart grid” protection under “smart meters”
DRS-13-201 Critical Infrastructure protection Topic 2 : Demonstration activity on tools for adapting building & infrastructure standards
& design methodologies in vulnerable locations in case of natural or man-originated catastrophes. RIA
DRS-14- 2015 Critical Infrastructure protection Topic 3 Critical Infrastructure resilience indicator- analysis & development of methods
for assessing resilience. RIA
DRS-15-2015 Critical Infrastructure protection Topic 4: Protecting potentially hazardous & sensitive sites/areas considering multisectorial dependencies. IA
DRS-17-2015 Critical Infrastructure Protection.Topic 7: SME Instrument topic “Protection of urban soft targets and urban critical
DRS-18-2015 Communication Technologies & interoperability topic 1:interoperable next generation of broadband radio
communication for public safety & security. CSA
DRS-22-2015 Ethical & Social Dimensions topic 3:Impact of Climate Change on third countries in Europe’s security. CSA
Horizon 2020 – Key links
• Horizon 2020 EU Programmes
• www.ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section-secure-societies
Work programme, details on events etc.
• Participants Portal
• www.ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal
Everything you want to know (– and probably a lot you don’t!)
• SeReMa on-line partner search database will continue
– http://www.security-research-map.eu
• Innovate uk launched “one stop” UK H2020 website for all
potential UK applicants/participants
– https://www.h2020uk.org/
National Contact Point Contacts