Which one do you think the world will adopt?

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Transcript Which one do you think the world will adopt?

Can you rank how Green these cars are?
Use mpg to make your decisions
Smart Car
VW Transporter (2007)
Freelander 2
VW Transporter (1972)
What's going on in this photo?
The 66 Members of the Maldives Government
training ready for their meeting to raise awareness
This lesson we will:
Look at the IPCC Scenarios
Understand the terms Adaptation and
Understand some of the strategies to
Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change
Investigate the EU Carbon Trading
Mitigation Strategy
Which of the scenarios:
• Produces the highest levels of greenhouse emissions?
• Produces the most environmentally-friendly society?
• Produces the lowest levels of greenhouse emissions
• Is the one you think the world should adopt?
• Which one do you think the world will adopt?
Now add the following to your sketch:
•Local solutions to sustainability, slower rate of population
increase, less rapid technological change.
•More self-reliance, increasing populations and faster
economic growth.
•Rapid economic growth, increasing populations, continued
reliance on fossil fuels, ‘business as usual’.
•Slowing population growth, cleaner and more efficient
technology, reduction in fossil fuel use
Why the
Predictions of emissions levels and their impacts
are difficult, because it is hard to predict the
• The level and nature of economic
development, especially in nations such as the
BRICs, which will determine future emissions;
• The impact of global recession;
• What degree of international action will be
taken on carbon reduction;
• The in-built inertia – even if GHG emissions
stabilise, climate change will continue;
• The impact of positive feedback systems eg
albedo rates, methane release from
permafrost melt, the THC.
• Events such as the reversal of Amazon forests
from carbon sinks to sources.
Key Words
Adaptation: Developing strategies to cope
with the dangers of Climate Change e.g. adapt
to live with rising temperatures
Mitigation: Making changes to reduce our
Greenhouse Gas output e.g. forcing factories
to cut their emissions
Setting Targets
to Reduce Carbon
Dioxide Emissions
Enlarge existing conservation
areas to allow for shifting
habitat zones
Managed Retreat from
coastlines vulnerable
to Sea Level Rise
Switching to
Energy Sources
Developing Drought
Resistant GM Crops
'Capturing' Carbon
Emissions from
Power Stations and
storing them
Who would want what?
The Carbon Credit Trading Game
EU Carbon Caps
2010: 1mt
2011: 0.9mt
2012: 0.9mt
2013: 0.7mt
2014: 0.7mt
2015: 0.6mt
These figures are
representative of
the Carbon Caps, but
not exact, don't
quote the the
figures in the exam,
but do discuss the
concept behind them
Scales of Change
Some suggestions for you:
 What does Greenpeace suggest you should be doing to reduce
your impact?
 What is the size of your carbon footprint?
 What is the current Labour Policy on Climate Change?
 How many bins do you have to sort your rubbish into?
 What is the Kyoto Protocol?
 Landrover claim that the first 45,000 miles of driving their
freelander range is offset, how are they able to make this claim?