Egypt`s experience (Presentation at Third GEF Assembly
Transcript Egypt`s experience (Presentation at Third GEF Assembly
Integrating global environmental issues
within the country’s national programs
Egypt’s Experience
Yasmine Fouad
Deputy Project Director
The Third GEF Assembly
Side Event – 30th August,2006
Cape town
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
National Capacity Self Assessment (GEF/UNDP)
The Content of Presentation
NCSA Project Objective and results
Project outcome
Stocktaking and gap identification phase
Identification of essential capacity constraints
GEF National Steering committee
Status / Outputs
The Way Forward
Project objectives in Egypt
help different stakeholders in Egypt measure and assess their
capabilities, detect their points of strengths and weaknesses,
define their priorities with regard to global environmental
Assessment of the institutional capacity of EEAA as a planner
and coordinator for environment at the country
Link to other projects and activities under the GEF as being a
multi focal area
Expected results
Establishment and management of the NCSA/
Stocktaking and gap identification
Prioritization and Focusing
In Depth Analysis
Development of the NCSA action plan
Awareness raising
Project outcome
Number of joint working programmes , synergies
between different concerned national institutions
the process set up of the project will help
establish and sustain a consultative mechanism
for better coordination and creation of synergies
among the international conventions
Stocktaking and gap identification phase
Review the obligations of each Convention, particularly the guidance
related to capacity development issued by the COP’s
Compile the relevant information, documents and other literature on
the three thematic areas
Review and describe the existing capacity in the three thematic areas
at both the national and local levels, including legislations, policies,
strategies action plans, institutions, stakeholders and on line activities
listing of capacity constraints at the three levels, systemic ,
institutional and individual levels
preliminary findings on the cross cutting issues and synergy from the
perspective of each thematic area
Major capacity constraints identified
Environmental dimensions into other
sectorals plans
( EEAA main Mandate )
Monitoring and
self assessment
Strategic planning
(Technical Advisory Committee)
GEF National Steering Committee
Establishment of the GEF National Steering Committee
Members of committee
Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs( operational focal point)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Political Focal Point)
Ministry of Water resources and irrigation ( International Waters)
Ministry of Electricity – Energy efficiencies and renewable energy
( climate change)
Ministry of Agriculture land degradation ( desertification)
National experts in Biological diversity- climate change –
International water – pollutants organic – land degradation and
Institutional development
International Organizations: UNDP-UNEP- The World bank .
Other international experts with experience in GEF: Mostafa
Evaluation of previous GEF Projects / lessons learnt as well as
current ongoing projects to hinder any obstacles to over come
the implementation of those projects
Identify Egypt status regarding the GEF Strategic and operational
Engage relevant ministries to present project proposal to be
eligible for GEF Funding.
Selection of appropriate projects to be submitted to the GEF for
funding/ Pipeline projects based on developed criteria
Empowerment of this committee through the national sustainable
development committee
Status / Results
Five meetings have been conducted for Committee with the
following activities:
• Orientation on the GEF portfolio for members
- Reaching consensus on the mandate of the committee and
expected output
• Review of the Stocktaking and gap identification reports for
obligations of the three Rio conventions
• Evaluation on the GEF modality and activity cycle
• Review of current ongoing projects /lessons learnt /best
• Development of GEF national criteria for selection of projects
for funding
•Preparation of Egypt status in the third GEF Assembly
National Criteria for The GEF
Generate global environmental benefit
Consistent with the country's National Environmental Action
plan (2002-2017) and the sectoral plans ( i,e climate change
action plan ,biodiversity action plan – desertification action
plan / NAP)
Provide concrete local benefit
Ensure full participation of stakeholders in the design and the
implementation phase
Ensure sustainability of the project through the development
of an exit strategy since the design of the project
Ensure that the project has positive impact on one or more of
other GEF thematic areas ( mainstreaming concept)
National Criteria for The GEF (cont’d)
Encourage partnership between the national
government, private sector and civil society
Develop environmental and social impact
assessment for proposed projects
Identify the magnitude of the project problem
Develop clear monitoring and evaluation system with
indicators to measure the progress towards
achieving the outputs of the project
Ensure high likelihood/assumptions for the success
of the project
Fulfill one or two of the objectives of the conventions
The way Forward
Review and selection
of projects
Submission of
concept ideas to GEF
Approval / rejection of proposed
projects via GEF
Thank You
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
National Capacity Self Assessment (GEF/UNDP)