Transcript 14631

The world’s problem that no one can
find a way to solve without every
one inputting some help!
By Mani Skett
Climate change is a problem
that causes the Earths average
temperature to rise increasingly
fast. As emissions are released
into the Earths atmosphere,
more and more carbon dioxide is
trapped. This stops some of the
suns rays from escaping back
into space and, as more rays
enter the Earths atmospheric
circle only to be trapped again.
In this way, the Earth is heating
• Climate change will eventually become too
extreme for humans to live on Earth. We
will be forced to live in space or
somewhere where there can be no cars or
factories to pollute the environment and
cause global warming. Polar icecaps will
melt more quickly than ever and all Arctic
and Antarctic animals such as penguins
and polar bears will die because they will
not have anywhere to live.