United States of America (Jack Fitzgerald)
Transcript United States of America (Jack Fitzgerald)
U.S. International Climate
Change Initiatives
Dr. Toral Patel-Weynand
U.S. Department of State
UNFCCC Workshop on the Preparation of
National Communications from non-Annex I
Manila, Philippines
April 30, 2004
Bilateral Initiatives
Some Examples:
U.S. - Japan High Level Consultation
U.S. - Australia Climate Action
U.S. - New Zealand Climate Partnership
U.S. - India Bilateral on Climate Change
U.S. - Canada Climate Change Bilateral
Bi-lateral Climate Change
Under the Climate Change Partnerships
discussed above and under our bilateral
efforts globally, we have engaged in a
number of initiatives that specifically
focus on capacity building in a number
of countries.
Examples are provided in the following
Famine Early Warning (FEWS Net)
Budget: $6 million (FY02) and $6 million (FY03)
Partners: NOAA; NASA
Start Date: 2000
Purpose: To provide decision-makers with the
information to effectively respond to drought and
food insecurity. FEWS NET analyzes remote sensing
data and ground-based meteorological, crop, and
range-land observations to track progress of rainy
seasons in semi-arid regions of Africa to identify early
indications of potential famine.
Drought Monitoring CenterNairobi (DMCN)
Budget: $900k (FY02) and $651k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA, WMO, IRI
Start Date: July 2002
Purpose: To improve climate monitoring, prediction
and applications, and early warning of climate related
disasters in support of regional disaster preparedness
and other sustainable development objectives in
Greater Horn of Africa (GHA).
Drought Monitoring Center (DMCH) Harare, and Regional Remote
Sensing Unit (RRSU)
Budget: $450k (FY02) and $651k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA, IRI, WMO, Southern African Development
Community (SADC)
Start Date: FY02
Purpose: To improve multi-sector, short- and long-term climate
risk management and emergency response to climate variability
throughout the Southern Africa region. The focus is to
strengthen long-term regional capacity to understand, monitor,
predict, plan for and respond to hydro-climatic impacts in
sensitive sectors and provide timely operational climate
information to better manage risks and potential climate shocks
under current regional conditions of elevated disaster risk.
Climate Monitoring/Information
Budget: $950k (FY02) and $950k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA
Start Date: 1997
Purpose: To mitigate drought, flood and severe
storm disasters through geographically targeted
climate-forecasting applications in combination with
other climate and sector-specific information such as
observations and historical perspectives.
African Center for Meteorological
Applications & Development
Budget: $300k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA, University of Oklahoma
Start Date: June 1999
Purpose: Support for ACMAD, which coordinates
and manages RANET, a program that broadcasts
weather-related data via radio and internet to
Climate Forecast Applications for
Disaster Mitigation in Asia
Budget: $700k in FY03
Partners: Relevant government agencies,
NGOs, academicians, emergency response
and management entities, community groups
Start Date: October 2001 with up to a fiveyear duration
Purpose: To mitigate hydro-meteorological
disaster through climate forecast applications
in vulnerable countries in Asia.
Extreme Climate Events in
Budget: $240,000 (FY02)
Partners: NOAA
Start Date: 1998 and will end in March 2003
Purpose: To improve the understanding of
the impacts of extreme climate events in
selected Asian countries and to reduce the
disaster impacts of such events through
application of climate forecast information.
Climate Forecasting and
Applications for Bangladesh
Budget: $458k (FY02) and $308k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA/OGP, Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (Bangkok), International Research Group for
Climate Prediction (IRI), European Center for Medium
Range Weather Forecasts.
Start Date: 9/26/00
Purpose: To develop a comprehensive floodforecasting technology for Bangladesh, then to utilize
the forecasts for relevant applications.
Development of a Flood EarlyWarning System in Vietnam
Budget: $ 280k (FY02) and $250k (FY03)
Partners: UNDP
Start Date: 6/00
Purpose: to develop a flood early-warning
system in seven flood-prone provinces of
central Vietnam.
Development of a Coastal Storm
Early-Warning System in Vietnam
Budget: $ 480k (FY02) and $500k (FY03)
Partners: UNDP
Start Date: 5/01
Purpose: to implement a radio-and pagerbased storm early-warning system for fishing
boats at sea in all 25 coastal provinces in
Trans-Boundary River Forum
Budget: $100k (FY02) and $100k (FY03)
Partners: International Center for Integrated
Mountain Development, NOAA and USGS
Start Date:
Purpose: To support a regional forum to share
forecasting and flood-related information. This forum
brings together decision-makers and technical
personnel from countries in South Asia to share
information related to flood disasters in the region,
and broader trans-boundary water issues.
Community-Based Disaster
Preparedness in South Asia
Budget: $500k (FY03)
Start Date: October 2002
Purpose: To offer funding for flood-related
community preparedness programs in floodprone districts in South Asia.
Development of Flood-Forecasting in
the Mekong River Basin
Budget: $75k (FY02) and $75k (FY03)
Partners: NOAA , USGS
Start Date:
Purpose: To provide technical assistance to
enhance flood prediction and dissemination
Idaho Water Resources Research
Institute (IWRRI) Guatemala Flood
Budget: $100K in FY02
Partners: USGS and US Army Corps of Engineers
Start Date: March 2001 - September 2002
Purpose: To develop long term management
strategies by developing hydrologic models of the
Villalobos River and Watershed to minimize impacts
of future extreme flood events. Development of the
models uses hydrologic, climatic, and landscape data
of the region from 1988 to 1998 (pre-Hurricane
Mitch) to evaluate alternative management scenarios.
Bolivia Flood Mitigation
Budget: $170k (FY02)
Partners: CARE Bolivia
Start Date: TBD
Purpose: To mitigate future flood damage in the La
Paz River basin. The project focuses on activities in
Rio Abajo, a tributary to Rio La Paz where torrential
rains in February, 2002 generated a series of mortal
consequences in the capital city and the communities
located in the La Paz River basin.
Hydro-met Hazard Mitigation
Budget: $117,500 (FY02)
Partners: NOAA, USGS
Start Date: ongoing
Purpose: This program provides technical assistance for
flood early warning, preparedness, response, and mitigation in
Asia. It provides technical assistance to partners (like the
Mekong River Commission) in developing monitoring and
modeling systems taking advantage of satellite data, GIS, and
hydrologic modeling, as well as short term assistance related to
specific events.
Improving Capacity in GHG
Inventories in Central America
Partners: USEPA, USAID, All Central American
Inventory Teams
Start Date: 2003
Purpose: To build sustainable national
inventory systems in each country and to
increase the quality of GHG inventory data
inputs, especially in LUCF, agricultural soils,
landfill methane and enteric fermentation.
Adaptation to Climate Change
in Hermosillo, Mexico
Budget: $200k
Partners: USEPA, INE, UNAM, Colegio de
Sonora, local stakeholders
Start Date: 2000
Purposes: 1) Identify and evaluate
adaptations to potential impacts on water
resources; 2) Identify, analyze and prioritize
adaptation options; and 3) Develop and apply
a process for examining adaptation that could
be applied elsewhere in Mexico.