Transcript ABCCC
Climate Change and its Effects on Cities:
An Overview from Development Cooperation Perspective
Table of Contents
1) Global urbanization and Climate Change
2) International initiatives on cities and climate change
including leading cities in Arab region and Africa
3) What’s about Egypt?
1) Global urbanization has become an irreversible trend
3.5 billion live in Urban areas today, expected to be 8 billion by 2025
World population estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on UN 2010 projections (red, orange, green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates (black).
to climate
to climate
1) cities interact with climate change in 3 dimensions
the potential
to mitigate
and to adapt
to climate
Cities: a part of the problem, vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a
part of the solution and even a solution to more than climate change
Cities need an integrated approach that considers mitigation, adaptation and
urban development
1) Cities: A part of the climate change problem
Urban Energy Demand
Urban transportation
Energy Production
Waste Management
Rising GHG levels
1) Effects of urbanization processes affects local and
regional scales
Cleugh and Grimmond (2012) in Future World Climates.
Micro climate impacts: affecting
urban environment
Global impact :global warming
1) Cities: vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
Extreme weather events damage buildings
and urban infrastructure
Coastal cities affected by sea level rise
Water resources stress: floods and
Human Health – Heat and cold waves malaria; waterborne diseases; polluted
Food Security – Livelihoods – Tourism
Climate refugees move to urban slums
1) Cities: vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
Heat–related diseases like heart attacks
and asthma
Electricity shortages
Government expenses (e.g., road
maintenance, emergency response)
Animals and plants may become stressed
Rivers, lakes, and wetlands may become
more polluted
Invasive species and pests may become a
bigger problem
1) Cities: A Part of the Solution
Integration and building synergy between mitigation and adaptation on the city level
has two complementary approaches
• Improve Local Government operations
• Set policies to change community’s habits
• Mitigation: promote energy efficiency, public transportation, solid management and &
recycling and renewables
• Adaptation: promote green spaces, green buildings, rooftop farming and early warning
1) Cities: A Solution to More than Climate Change
The co-benefits of climate
save money
reduce air pollution and traffic
improve public health and
urban livability
green the city
boost local economic
1) Cities need an integrated approach that considers
mitigation, adaptation and urban development
The improvement of city services is related to the ability of cities to adapt
to climate change and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Cities with
excellent services are generally resilient cities:
Advanced drainage systems can alleviate flooding during intense
Healthcare services are equipped to respond to emergency situations
Warning systems and transportation infrastructure allow citizens to
evacuate in response to risk
2) International Initiatives of “Cities and Climate Change”
GIZ assists its partners in identifying the wide range of causes of
environmental risks. It implements climate policy guidelines through a
wide range of practical measures in partner countries.
UNEP ( Campaign on Cities and Climate Change)
UN-HABITAT (UN-Habitat's Cities and Climate Change Initiative
Cities Alliance (Supporting Cities in Addressing Climate Change
Challenges: Enhancing Joint Work among Cities Alliance Members)
Municipal associations such as C40, United Cities and Local
Governments (UCLG) and ICLEI
Rockefeller Foundation:(100RC) is dedicated to helping cities around
the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic
2) Leading Cities, act on Climate Change
Example: Cities took part in Rockefeller 100
resilient cities initiative
Arab Region
Ramallah: recent municipal projects, including
residential postal codes, GPS navigation system
and emergency response networks
Dakar : working to address the effects of climate
change and implement innovative solutions to
address frequent water shortages and energy
Durban: exploring ways to adapt institutions,
systems, and processes in order to facilitate
integrated, innovative, and flexible planning
3) What’s about Egypt?
Aspects we have to think about…..
Anticipated Climate Change Impacts on Egypt and its urban
Example: Climate change adaptation in informal urban
Types of adaptation measures under climate conditions of
Greater Cairo
3) Anticipated Climate Change Impacts on Egypt
Egypt's National Communications as
well as many other national, regional
and international reports and papers
identified the following sectors as the
main vulnerable sectors due to climate
change impacts:
Sea Level Rise
1. Coastal Zones
2. Water Resources
3. Agriculture sector
Extreme Weather Events (flash
floods, heat waves…etc., which does
vary according to the geographical
Hotter & Drier
Nile Inflow
3) Anticipated Climate Change Impacts on Egypt’s urban
Cities are affected by direct /indirect impacts
heat/cold waves (direct/ Indirect Impacts
health conditions, food security, energy
consumption, tourism and infrastructure)
SLR (Indirect impact/ food security)
Nile flow fluctuations (direct/ Indirect
impacts/ health conditions and food
Most vulnerable groups: elder people,
children, women, poor, people working in open
Most vulnerable areas: Informal settlements
due to their physical conditions (exposure) +
residents’ (un) preparedness (sensitivity)
3) Do Egyptian cities consider climate change?
Good news:
• Environmental profiles for each governorate is exist and done by EEAA
• Cairo is partner with many cities around the world such as Frankfurt and
taking part in many international initiatives on climate change such as C40
• Some efforts exist in Cairo and Alexandria cities such as studying SLR
impacts on Alexandria by different institutions and PDP initiative to study
climate change impacts on urban informal areas in Cairo.
Bad News:
• We could not find information about the governorates visions for
environment, climate change or sustainable development on their websites
or published reports.
• Benefits from cities partnerships are not clear yet.
• Cities efforts are not collected in one inventory (NC could be the right place!)
Therefore, AB-CCC role is highly important!
3) Example: Climate change adaptation in informal
urban settlements
GIZ/PDP approach as follows:
Assessing the areas’ exposure: analyzing
climate data for past and future
Assessing the residents’ vulnerabilities and
adaptive capacities; this includes collecting
geographical and socioeconomic data
Building Texture and Green Cover Ezbet El-Nasr
Raising awareness based on local findings
and international knowledge
Implementing adaptation measures with
participation of the community
Sharing knowledge & experiences with our
partners (EEAA, IDSC, EMA, UUUs, etc.)
such as Heat Early Warning Systems etc.
Heat Release Potential Ezbet El-Nasr
3) Example of adaptation measures: 1st pilot measure:
Roof Top Garden/Farming
Expected benefits
• Increased income generation
• Enlarged food affordability and safety
• Improved local air quality in the direct
surrounding of the plot
• Cooled buildings by absorption of solar
radiation and shadowing
• Establishment of private green areas
• Awareness raising among local
population on environmental issues
• Cooperation with NGOs in Ezbet Elnasr
• Residents’ eligibility (time, space, share
by 10% of the cost)
• Trainings
3) Types of adaptation measures under climate
conditions of Greater Cairo
Awareness: Information campaigns related to impacts
Heat Wave Action Plan: Heat Wave Warning System
Urban agriculture: Rooftop Farming and/or Community Gardening
(open spaces)
Greening open spaces: planting campaigns
Climate-friendly energy: Wind/solar equipment tools
Green home retro-fitting: improved ventilation inside buildings and
isolation of housing
Green Economy & Finance: Green micro-insurance scheme for
covering risks provoked by climate change impacts
Adaptation measures concerning the impacts of climate change on
local economy and labor conditions
3) Types of adaptation measures under climate
conditions of other Cities in Egypt
Any thoughts…….
Thank You!
Participatory Development Program in Urban Areas
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Component “Climate Change Adaptation in Informal
Urban Areas”