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The role of the Regions in
Cooperation and Dialogue
with National and EU level
Krzysztof Nowaczek
Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform
Directorate for Horizontal Policies and Networks
Committee of the Regions
European Days 2012
Energy Solutions for the Future
5-6 November 2012
Stockholm Region EU Office,
Avenue Marnix 28, 1000 Brussels
Europe 2020: the EU’s Growth Strategy
with a green earth
A resource efficient, greener, low-carbon and
more competitive economy
Climate change/Energy Targets
• greenhouse gas emissions 20%
(or even 30%, if the conditions are
right) lower than 1990
• 20% of energy from renewables
• 20% increase in energy efficiency
Local and regional authorities have a key role to play in the
implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and progress
towards low carbon economy by reducing energy
consumption, decentralising energy supply, and
increasing the use of renewable energy.
Outlook Opinion on Climate Change Policy Mainstreaming and the Future EU Budget, CdR 104/2011\enve-v\dossiers\enve-v-012
The role of sub-national level for public investment
in Europe
The public expenditure goes
• The LRA are the source of
60% of public investment in
the EU
• Their responsibilities are
increasing for sustainable
development and services to
be provided to the citizens
Different patterns of cooperation
in energy policy
Member States with legislative powers at the sub-national level:
National level
Responsibility for national mining and energetic basic legislation (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism);
Planning of energy saving and conservation;
Planning of energy tariff regulations;
Guarantee of energy supply in case of necessity;
Authorisation of construction, functioning, exploitation, ceasing of exploitation, dismantling and closure, as well as change of ownership of
nuclear and radioactive infrastructures of first category, with a trans-regional character;
Modification of period and quantities related to the first phase of the cycle of nuclear combustible;
Solving of files and subjects related to mining rights, research and exploitation of hydrocarbons; (State Secretariat for Energy)
Planning transport of energy;
Sustainable energies: development of the Plan de Acción Nacional de Energías Renovables [National Plan of renewable energies – PANER in
its Spanish abbreviation] and of the Plan de Acción de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética [Action plan for saving and energy efficiency] each for 10
Regional Authorities – Autonomous Communities (AC)
Development and implementation of national legislation;
Authorisation for electric infrastructures within the AC territory;
Authorisation for transport of energy within the AC territory;
Planning at autonomic level in the field of sustainable energy, energy efficiency within the frame of national plans.
Local Authorities – Provinces and Municipalities
Securing coordination and provision of municipal services.
Municipal competences
Public lighting;
Planning and fostering energy efficiency at local level.
Different patterns of cooperation
in energy policy
Member States with legislative powers at the sub-national level :
Federal Level
Legislative and administrative competence to set norms and lay down classifications f
or electric facilities as well as taking security measures in this field. (Art. 12 (10) BV-G);
Legislative and administrative competence to ensure the security of energy supplies;
Legislative and administrative competence for the control of fissile material
and technology for the production of the same;
Competence to set minimum standards for the energy efficiency of electronic equipment as well as to label
electronic equipment according to its energy efficiency as well as the organisation of the energy efficiency;
Framework legislation for the production, transition, distribution and provision of electricity industry;
Price setting for the usage of power grids;
Support of energy from renewable sources.
Regional Level – Länder
Provincial energy plans;
Administration of renewable energy policies;
Energy taxes;
Financial grants to promote the development of renewable energy technologies.
Local level
Local energy plans;
Administration of the ‘e5 programme’ – a programme which provides support for the municipalities to achieve
energy efficiency and improve climate protection;
Providing energy efficiency information.
Different patterns of cooperation
in energy policy
Member States without legislative powers at the sub-national level:
Central level
The overall legislation;
The assessment of the needs and planning of energy capacities;
The follow-up of energy policy implementation;
Safeguard measures in case of crisis;
The organisation of research, and
The Energy Regulation Agency.
Regional level
Intermediate level
Departmental authorities are responsible for:
Electricity and gas distribution, and
Voluntary policies for renewable energy development.
Municipal level
Municipal authorities are responsible for: Electricity and gas distribution.
Different patterns of cooperation
in energy policy
Member States without legislative powers at the sub-national level:
National Government
Energy policy is part of the national economy policy;
Ensures efficient, safe and qualitative energy supply;
Promotes efficient use and balanced consumption of energy;
Promote economically justified competition;
Facilitates the use of local, renewable and secondary energy resources;
• Promotes the use of environmentally friendly technologies.
• Regional level
--• Local level
Street lighting.
The CoR says:
•calls for the role of local and regional authorities to be properly recognised and
backed up by adequate resources and capacities as well as suitable governance
•LRAs should be actively involved in the definition and implementation of EU energy
efficiency policies, since many of them have relevant experience and expertise in shaping
sustainable energy policy in direct contact with the citizens
•that the competent local and regional institutions are consulted for the European
Commission's Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, in order to ensure that the
indicators are realistic and deliverable both in terms of capacity and affordability
•that energy efficiency must be a central and integral element of energy policies
and must be given sufficient priority in the energy policy hierarchy
•that the policy focus is on cities to realise current policy objectives, but underlines
the need to address in a more comprehensive and coordinated way the
challenges and opportunities rural areas face when it comes to energy use and
The CoR says:
•that local authorities should continue to benefit from simplified access to funding
from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for sustainable energy purposes.
•that national measures are not enough to ensure effective funding for energy
infrastructure, and suggests that greater financial support should be provided for
projects in the energy sector
•a better bundling of financial support measures for energy efficiency and energy
conservation in future EU funding programmes
•at least 30% of revenues generated from the auctioning of allowances (i.e. EU
emissions trading scheme) should be earmarked by Member States for local and
regional authorities to promote the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency
•resources to be clearly identified for promoting decentralised investment in
sustainable energy that can contribute to the efficient use of resources and to the
development of a green economy and green jobs at local and regional levels
The CoR says:
•to attract all necessary support to the climate change efforts of the local and
regional level, sectoral or cross-sectoral energy and climate "alliances"
between regions and companies should be encouraged.
•that achieving global goals in the energy sector requires initiatives to be carried out at
local level and that territorial targets have already been effectively used in various local
and regional authorities, as an expression of multilevel governance in energy-system
• the importance, in the new energy system, of cross-border cooperation and solidarity
and thus the need for coordination at EU level. Efforts need to be made at all levels of
governance, which must involve close cooperation with local and regional
authorities, and a clear definition of roles and the arrangements for interaction
• that a strategy should be rolled out to support the development of regional
clusters and partnerships which have already proved their worth on the ground as
sound instruments for developing green energy markets and energy efficiency,
mobilising investment and developing professional skills and jobs
The CoR Opinions
Outlook Opinion on Climate Change Policy Mainstreaming and the Future EU Budget,
CdR 104/2011\envev\dossiers\enve-v-012
EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY, CdR 316/2011\envev\dossiers\enve-v-011
BETWEEN RURAL DISTRICTS AND CITIES, CdR 1126/2012\envev\dossiers\enve-v-020
DRAFT Opinion on ENERGY ROADMAP 2050, CdR 88/2012\envev\dossiers\enve-v-022
The role of LRAs in the European Semester
The role of LRAs in National Reform Programmes
Drafting NRPs: Twelve NRPs state that LRAs
were involved in the drafting process, e.g. the
Austrian NRP mentions pacts/standards
drawn up through committees involving the
participation of the federal government,
provincial and municipal participation including
energy standards
Implementing NRPs: 24 out of 27 mention
LRAs as having an active role in implementing,
e.g. in Belgium’s NRP, LRAs are mentioned
as actors that implement specific NRP
measures such as energy sector
Financial aspects: Seventeen NRPs provide
information on the financial resources related
to the activities of LRAs, e.g. in Sweden the
central government has allocated SEK 440
million for the period 2013–2014 for further
energy efficiency initiatives at local and
regional level and for initiatives for sustainable
energy use.
The role of LRAs in National Reform Programmes
Examples for the Resource Efficient Europe Flagship
initiative in NRPs:
Italy plans to implement regional programmes to reach the 20-20-20 objectives in
the area of renewable energies.
Malta’s central government has incentivised the installation of Renewable
Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency systems through a number of capital
assistance schemes in addition to its own direct investment.
The Netherlands promotes the creation of energy and climate targets at
various levels of administration and by setting stricter local policy targets. Policies
to achieve CO2 reduction targets include the 2011 Green Deal, a policy
instrument whereby the government gives support to individuals with local
sustainable projects that would otherwise be difficult to launch.
In Romania, energy efficiency and local decentralized heating systems are
fostered at local administration level.
In the UK, the Scottish Government has committed to enabling local and
community ownership of at least 500 MW of renewable energy in Scotland by
2020, which could be worth up to GBP 2.4 billion to Scottish communities and
rural businesses over the lifetime of the projects.
3rd CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020
3rd CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020
The CoR Vision on Covenant of Mayors
The CoR has supported the Covenant since its inception, and more than 200 of its
members are already signatories. The CoR developed through several adopted
opinions a Covenant of Mayor Vision for 2020 to widen the scope beyond energy
issues. The Vision is based on three main priorities:
Activate sustainable
energy investments
One separate priority line of the
2014-2020 Structural Funds should
be dedicated to sustainable use
and production of energy.
Broaden investments from
Cooperate for global
energy to resource efficiency sustainable development
The Covenant of Mayors should be
opened up to other key areas of
integrated water management.
Covenant of Mayors signatories
should share their wealth of
experience in tackling climate
change and living sustainably with
their counterparts worldwide.
Handbook for LRAs: Delivering on the Europe 2020 Strategy
The document, drawn up in collaboration with the
Commission, aims
to provide clear explanations on how local
and regional authorities can contribute to the
implementation of the strategy
to capitalise on examples of good practice
collected through the surveys conducted by
the CoR's Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform or
existing databases of good practices managed
by the European Commission.
to give a non-exhaustive picture of existing
and accessible information, good practices,
sources of financing and other policy
instruments related to the Europe 2020
The handbook is to inform and support local and
regional authorities in their implementation of the
Coming soon: Europe 2020 conferences
Youth on the Move
An agenda for new skills & jobs
Digital agenda for Europe
Innovation Union
Resource efficient Europe
European platform against poverty
An Industrial policy for the globalisation era
13 December 2012,Brussels
CoR, JDE-Building
28 February 2013, Dublin
Royal Hospital Kilmainham
2013 (tba)
2013 (tba)
2013 (tba)
2013 (tba)
2013 (tba)
Complete the survey and submit good practises:
Krzysztof Nowaczek
Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform
Directorate for Horizontal Policies and Networks
Committee of the Regions
[email protected]