Transcript File

Chapter 2: Safe and Smart Physical
New Vocabulary
Heat Index
Wind Chill Factor
Biomechanical Principles
Side stitch
Students will be able to:
• Explain how to prepare yourself for physical activity
• Explain how the environment affects physical activity
• Describe some steps for dressing for physical activity in
normal environments
• List and describe some activity related physical injuries
• List some guidelines for preventing injuries during physical
• Explain how to apply the RICE formula to the treatment of
physical injuries
• Identify different types of risky exercises
It’s important for you to be prepared and to know how to exercise safely in
all conditions.
First step be medically ready- most young people will not have any
problems with this.
Experts have developed a seven item questionnaire called the
PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. If you answer
“yes” to any of the questions, medical consultation is advised
before beginning or continuing a program.
If you are going to participate in interscholastic sports a physical exam is
mandatory each calendar year.
Later in life you should have a graded exercise test, sometimes called and
exercise stress test. This is done by a health professional.
These tests done on a treadmill help identify people who have a high risk of
health problems such as heart attacks.
1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform
physical activity recommended by a doctor?
2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?
4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical
6. Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart
7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?
Readiness for Extreme Environmental Conditions
Eventhough your body is built to adjust to its environment there are certain things you
can do when exercising to prevent injury and health problems.
 Hot, humid weather: These conditions can lead to hyperthermia, or overheating
(body temperature rises too high). Exercising in high environmental temperatures
especially when the humidity is high can lead to this condition. When you sweat it
evaporates cooling the body but when the environmental temperatures are high
evaporation is less effective.
1. Begin gradually
2. Drink water
3. Wear proper clothing
4. Rest frequently
5. Avoid extreme heat and humidity
6. Get out of the heat and cool the body if heat related injury occurs.
Heat Cramps
Muscle cramps caused by
Heat Exhaustion
Excessive exposure to heat, symptoms paleness, cold clammy skin, profuse sweating,
weakness and tiredness, nausea, dizziness, muscle cramps, and possible vomiting or
fainting. Body temp. may be normal or slightly above
Symptoms high body temperature (possibly as high as 106); hot, dry, flushed skin; rapid
pulse; lack of sweating; dizziness or unconsciousness. Serious condition, requires
medical attention and can result in death.
exposure to heat and
consumption of
 Cold, Windy, Wet Weather: can be dangerous causing hypothermia which
means excessively low body temperature. Symptoms may include
shivering, numbness, drowsiness, muscular weakness, and confusion or
disorientation. Extreme cold can also cause frostbite when a person
feels no pain, making this condition more dangerous
1. Avoid extreme cold and wind. Always consider the windchill factor.
2. Dress properly
3. Avoid exercising in icy or wet weather
Symptoms of Frostbite
Skin becomes white or grayish yellow and looks glossy
Pain is sometimes felt early, but subsides later (often feeling is
lost and no pain is felt)
Blisters may appear later
The affected area feels intensely cold and numb
 Pollution and Altitude: High levels of air pollution affect your breathing
ability. People who live at high altitudes have little trouble exercising
whereas lower altitudes may have issues adjusting to higher altitudes.
Rules for Dressing for Physical Activity
 Wear comfortable clothing
 Wash exercise clothing regularly
 Dress in layers when exercising outdoors
 Wear proper socks
 Wear proper shoes consider lace up ankle braces
Warm Up
• Should be at least 2 minutes and up to several minutes. Can include
walking, slow jogging, slow swimming, slow bicycling, or a similar
activity. Goal is to increase your heart rate and warm the large muscles
of the body
• Do your heart warm up both before and after your muscle stretching
warm up.
• Stretch slowly and easily. Do not bounce, jerk, or try to stretch too fast.
• Make sure you do a few movements slow and easy that you will be
including in your workout.
Cool down
• Continue to move for several minutes after workout
• Muscle stretches can be the same as the warm up but with more
Questions for review to complete now
1. What are the many environmental factors that can
make activity unhealthy or unsafe?
2. What are some of the guidelines for dressing properly
for physical activity in normal environments?
3. Why should you perform a warm up and a cool down,
and how can you perform them properly?
If an activity is not done properly it can lead to injury. Some common injuries
More serious but less common injuries include:
 Joint Dislocations
 Bone Fractures
Most common areas for injury:
Least likely injuries:
 Head
 Arms
 Body
 Internal organs
Types of Injury:
 Overuse injury- movement is repeated so much that it causes wear and
tear on the body
 Sidestitch- a pain in the side of the lower abdomen. Not really an injury
because pain goes away. To relieve pain, press firmly at the point of pain
while bending forward and back.
 Microtrauma- (invisible injury) may not cause immediate soreness but
after repeated use symptoms will appear.
 Sprain- injury to ligaments stretched, swelling or pain can result.
 Strain- injury to tendons or muscle which can result in muscle pain or
 Anabolic steroids- illegal supplements to enhance performance. Steroids
have been shown to injure tendons and ligaments.
Ligaments-tough tissue that hold bones together
Tendons are a tissue that connect muscle to bone
Biomechanical Principles
Never force
a movement
• Move only
how it is
ligaments, or
To reduce the risk of injury and improve performance you should:
 Start Slowly- most injuries occur in beginners
 Listen to your body- injuries occur when you ignore the signs and
symptoms your body is giving you. If you feel pain learn what is causing it
 Warm up before and cool down after activity
 Be fit- one way to avoid injury is to be fit and take care of your body.
 Use moderation-Overuse can cause many minor injuries.
 Dress properly
The RICE Formula
R is for rest
Injury should rest for 2-3 days depending on the injury
I is for ice
• Sprains or strains should be immersed in cold water or covered in ice for 20
minutes asap. If you can’t immerse the injury then an ice massage will work as well
C is for compression. An elastic band can limit the swelling.
E is for elevation
Elevate the injury above the level of the heart
Risky Exercises
 Hyperflexion- means to bend too much.
Hyperflexion causes you to use a joint in a way
that it was not intended to be used. Examples
would be duckwalks, bicycles, and hands behind
the neck sit ups.
 Back Hyperextension- extending
the back more than intended. i.e. back bends
 Joint twisting, compression, and friction- this can include
activities where the joints rub against each other, i.e.
hurdle sits, standing windmill toe touches, and arm
circles (palm down).
 Improper strengthening or stretching- “W” sits
Questions to answer:
1.What are some exercise related physical
2.How can you prevent injuries during
physical activity?
3.How can the RICE formula be used to
treat physical injuries?
4.What are some different types of risky