Bone remodelling 2

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Bone Remodeling
Femur Bone. Effects of running at soccer, hip replacement, and a football incident .
 Soccer requires a lot of running and change of direction. When playing soccer your femur
begins to build up. A variety of muscles including your quadriceps and hamstrings pull on the
top of the femur and cause the femur to remodel and strengthen where the muscles are
attached. This is due to the osteoblasts laying down more ECM and thickening the trabeculae
at the attachment point for the muscles.
Hip replacement due to old age. The proximal end of the Femur fits into the pelvis. The hip
joint supports most of the upper body weight. As a person ages their hip joint may start to
disintegrate. Hip replacement is needed because there is a breakdown of cartilage
and the bones become more brittle. The hip joints are located in the pelvis which connect
the torso to the legs. During this hip replacement the head of the femur is cut and substituted
for a tool they use to fix the problem. During hip replacement bone is cleaned of all cartilage
and diseased or damaged bone and tissue.
A player is playing football. As he runs toward the ball gets tackled by an opponent player
causing breakage of the femur. The femur undergoes an avulsion. Since this tends to happen
to athletes his trainer decides to take him to get it checked. This can occur at the ligament due
to the application forces external to the body such as a fall or pull. It can also occur at the
tendon due to a muscular contraction that is stronger than the forces holding the bone
together. Since the fracture was small, he could treat it with rest and use a bandage for
support. The bone when remodeling will grow back. Rather than growing back how it was, it
will grow back stronger.
Humerus Bone. Effects of a skateboard incident, a fight you’re getting ready
 While skateboarding you make a wrong move and fall on your humerus. After a
trip to the emergency room and an x-ray you realize that you are suffering from a
proximal humerus fracture. Proximal humerus fractures occur near the shoulder
joint. The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint, with the ball being the top of the
humerus bone. This fracture includes the important rotator cuff tendons. Because
these tendons are important to shoulder motion, treatment may depend on the
position of these tendon insertions. This kind of fracture so close to the shoulder
joint requires surgery to fix. The bone while remodeling will grow back, but rather
than growing back how it was, it will grow back stronger.
 During school a kid is getting ready for a fight he is expecting. By doing so he
decides to repeatedly hit himself with a pole. By hitting himself repeatedly on his
humerus the bone starts to remodel, making the bone stronger than it was before
and ready for his fight
When weight lifting you decide to try lifting a heavy weight. While doing so you
become more comfortable lifting this weight, and decide to keep working your
biceps. When lifting this weight there is a pull of muscle on the bone. Where this
muscle attaches, allows the biceps to remodel the bone. Making it stronger.
Lumbar Vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae. Effects of osteoporosis, gardening and weight lifting.
Osteoporosis due to old age. Osteoporosis can cause the vertebrae to weaken and
fracture. Vertebrae that are weak because of osteoporosis may break and collapse
on top of each other which is a compression fracture. Compression fractures of the
spine can result in back pain, stooped posture, loss of height, and a curved upper
back. There are several alternatives of medication to treat osteoporosis. Otherwise
surgery is an option for more serious damage, which will pull apart the discs and
fix the problem.
While gardening the gardener leans over while picking up a heavy pot. The
gardener experiences a slipped disc in your lumbar region. The discs are protective
shock-absorbing pads between the bones of the spine. This can cause the disc to
fail, allowing the gel to escape into the surrounding tissue. The leak of the jelly
substance can place pressure on the spinal cord or on a single nerve fiber and
cause pain either around the damaged disk or anywhere along the area controlled
by that nerve. Usually the discs heal themselves in about six weeks and do not
require surgery. The bone is then back how it was and repaired.
You are weight lifting. During weight lifting your muscles are attached to your
lumbar vertebrae. The weight lifting allows the muscles to pull on the lumbar
vertebrae allowing it to strengthen and build up the lumbar. This is why weight
lifters vertebrae are stronger and thicker than peoples who do not weight lift as