Healthy eating and - young
Transcript Healthy eating and - young
Healthy eating and
healthy lifestyles
Healthy eating
Separate balanced diet consists of proper food combining - the
combination of certain products in order to improve digestion.
If you combine foods properly, not indiscriminately, we
increase the efficiency of our digestive system and the efficiency
of metabolism.
No animal does not accept such a huge variety of foods
and civilized humanity. Separate balanced diet consists of
proper food combining - the combination of certain products in
order to improve digestion.
Healthy eating
If you combine foods properly, not indiscriminately, we increase the efficiency
of our digestive system and the efficiency of metabolism.
No animal does not accept such a huge variety of foods
and civilized humanity. Animals are fed just
accept five types of nutrients:
☻ Predators do not accept carbohydrates combined with protein or
☻ birds that feed on insects at certain times of the day, eat seeds at
another time;
☻ Squirrels eat nuts only and does not accept any other food.
Primitive man was fed exclusively with acorns. Subsequently, he learned to
hunt and grow vegetables. Much later, even started cooking it ... it bay with
spicy sauces ...
The human body
The human body is a mini-laboratory chiiyto major driver is the
food. And as any mechanism, its operation is necessary to
maintain a constant high-quality products and methods. In this
case played by healthy eating. Unfortunately nowadays is
becoming increasingly difficult to eat healthy. Problems that
prevent healthy eating are the most commonly following:
* Busy schedules and lack of time;
* Presence of huge quantity nekachestvenie products on the
market and more extremely limited amount of healthy food;
* Lack of financial resources;
* Lack of knowledge about what it means to live and eat
* Underestimate the importance of healthy eating.
The human body
The first two obstacles, perhaps each of us has faced and
continues to face daily. If desired, however, little effort, they can
easily be overcome.
The third problem is very untrue myth. Rather it is a
consequence of the fourth point, ie if one is not well informed
about what a healthy diet. Just about our site you could be
extremely useful, because with us you will find interesting and
useful information that will help to significantly improve your
Underestimating the importance of eating the most is that people
have a belief that it helps only for weight loss and when no
problem with your weight, then why not pay attention to their diet.
This is the most insidious deception. The last important healthy
eating is to reduce body weight. It simply is the result of the
regulation of processes occurring in the body.
The human body
* No food veshtastva
harmful - harmful
combinations of food and
harmful food products that
are derived from harmful
* The feed is at the heart
of everything.
* The amount to be
determined by the minimum
necessary and should not
be overdone.
The human body
Food is the main source of energy for the body and when it is
consumed in the right way, it provides an opportunity to feel good
is not a short period of time, constantly. In the era of modern
technology to develop more and more chemicals to replace the
necessary human organism natural elements. They are
consumed easily, quickly, seemingly paying off and are
expensive. Healthy eating is not just the storage of certain
substances in the body. It's a lifestyle. Man does not live only for
nutrients to enter the contrary - it takes them to live. Which
automatically leads us to believe that any diet we choose, so we
will be and the life. In no event should not let addiction be in the
opposite direction.
To leave a party and abstraction to specify more visual in what is
healthy eating, can generally be separated by steps that need
one to pay attention to know when there is a desire to improve
their lifestyle :
The human body
* To be included nutrition and fluid
intake. As silly and unnecessary to
sound this addition, the vast majority
of people do that have not heard.
From now on using our site, we
assist you with recipes and
suggestions on how to be able to
enter a healthy lifestyle in your life,
you only need your desire!
If you want to improve your diet but
do not have time for organization,
you can try excluding certain food
additives - we recommend that you
ask about your problem and we will
offer you something suitable.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating includes in themselves
separate meals, but an additional condition to
this is to eat healthy foods. The concept of
healthy food means that food which is most
useful for human health, while providing a
high daily intake of vitamins, minerals prices
and nutrients to the body.
Healthy eating
In the ranking made by Forbes
magazine at the forefront of food to
come longevity nuts, legumes and
fruits but especially strawberries.
Experts recommend a separate
eating more daily consumption of at
least one egg and our food for
breakfast contain at least one glass
of milk a valuable source of calcium
and magnesium for the body. In
proper eating should not be
excluded either as a vegetable
specialist dietitians indicated greater
nutritional value of cabbage and
brokulito to this figure, we can boldly
add vegetables such as onions,
eggplant, cucumbers and domate.
Healthy eating
The front seats is recommended
consumption of garlic, especially great is its
value when eating in the winter months
because it contains natural antibiotics
enhancing the immune system. Along with a
healthy diet is recommended and drinks in
the first place they stood strong toning
Eastern drink green tea.
How to eat properly? "," What to eat? "
These are questions that we ask ourselves too
often. Here are some questions and their
What does it mean to eat properly?
Generally accepted standard for "correct"
eating means ratsialno, separate dining. This
means dividing the food groups and combining
them with each other appropriately. Our bodies
absorb various foods in different ways. For
optimal activity metabolism, easy to learn and
easy is good to eat that is rational.
This diet is it?
No. This is relevant to your own body and
responsible to it. Separate feeding is not bound
by time limits, it should last a lifetime. In
separate feeding does not weaken forever. On
the contrary, as it is balanced optimatlno it aims
to keep you at the appropriate weight for as
long as you. In separate feeding principle
applies Eat to live, not live to eat. "
Healthy eating
For health and proper nutrition is necessary
for these products to be consumed raw or
with minimal processing, thus their prices
ingredients remain where they are and our
body can absorb them most easily.
How to eat properly? "," What to eat? "
And I will eat any shit life?
Separate feeding is not makes you do some insane vomit, just shows you the paths to
follow in selecting their food. Ie they limit the maximum bit. What to eat - this pick alone.
When to eat - this pick alone.
In the food pyramid are arranged on four levels in portions. Eating can be tripled or five
times a day, the requirement is total calories for men not to exceed 1200 and the woman 800-1000.
Recommendation of dieters is to eat more often but in smaller quantities.
On the first level are carbohydrates (unrefined) - bread, pasta, pasta (all of wholemeal
flour), brown rice, potatoes, oatmeal.
Allowed you to use daily from 4 to 8 servings of these foods.
Each serving equals 70 calories.
On the second level - the fruits and vegetables. For these foods will limit how much you eat
- their numbers are used according to the type of fruit and vegetables.
If you eat five times a day with each meal - hence five times, turn in your food by portion of
them are mandatory daily minimum of five servings.
Each vegetable serving has 25 calories, and fruit - 60.
How to eat properly? "," What to eat? "
At the third level are proteins
- Plant and animal: beans, lentils, soy, fish, meat, dairy products.
Since these foods are recommended 3 to 5 servings daily.
On the fourth level
- Top of the pyramid includes cakes, ice cream, confectionery.
Per week they should not take more than 525 calories.
On such example is equal to a medium chocolate.
What are the good and the bad combinations?
At this address you can see one goolyama table that will help
you to combine food in the best manner.
The best defense against heart
disease is, of course, sports.
Professor Maynerts
cardiologist says that thanks to
Exercise cardiac vessels dilate
and blood pressure drops.
Regular exercise is a good
remedy against the
overweight, it increases the socalled "good cholesterol".
Experts recommend at least
three or four times a week 30
minutes of movement. No
need to become a professional
athlete. Suffice it to ride a
bicycle to walk in the fresh air
or just to work a in his garden.
Useful and not useful
Only a few factors cause about 80% of
cardiovascular disease. They damage
the heart as nothing else. Nicotine
stimulates the heartbeat example. At the
same time causes narrowing of blood
vessels. In other words, the heart pushes
blood into the body with much more effort
- blood pressure rises.
Overweight also damage the heart, are
particularly dangerous accumulated fat in
the stomach. As in the internal chemical
factory they produce hormones that
cause increased cholesterol and blood
pressure. Stress is often underestimated
as a risk factor. A number of studies have
shown that continuous overload leads to
high blood pressure, narrowing of blood
vessels and increased cholesterol.
Useful and not useful
Apples, bananas and oranges
contain many oxidants. These
substances capture so-called "free
radicals", ie harmful oxygen
compounds. Very useful and cocoa.
As exemplified by several studies,
chocolate with 70% cocoa content is
extremely healthy for the heart.
People who ate half chocolate bar a
day reduces the risk of heart attack
and stroke by as much as 40%.
Walnuts have they recommended
because they contain secondary
plant substances that stimulate the
reduction of cholesterol. A green
and black tea contain flavonoids
called that in larger quantities
prevent formation of clots in blood.
Be healthy