Muscular System Types of Body Movements

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Transcript Muscular System Types of Body Movements

Muscular System
Types of Body Movements
600+ skeletal muscles attached to bone or
connective tissue at no less than 2 points
Origin – attached to immovable bone
Insertion – attached to movable bone
Most Common Types of Body
Flexion (decrease angle)
Extension (increase angle)
Abduction (moving limb away)
Adduction (moving limb toward)
Rotation (move bone along
longitudinal axis)
 Circumduction (combination)
Common Types of Movement (cont.)
 Pronation (moving palm up to down; forces
radius to cross ulna)
 Supination (moving palm down to up into
anatomical position; radius and ulna
 Inversion (turning sole of foot medially)
 Eversion (turning sole of foot laterally)
 Dorsiflexion ( ankle movement/ instep up)
 Plantar flexion (straighten ankle/instep
Types of Muscles
 Movement is result of team of muscles. Whatever team
can do, another team can reverse.
 Prime Mover (agonist) = the muscle (of team) that has
major responsibility for causing a particular movement
 Ex: biceps brachii for elbow flexion
 Antagonist = muscles that oppose or reverse movement
(located opposite side of joint from agonist)
 Ex: triceps brachii antagonizes biceps brachii, but is also
prime mover for forearm extension
 Synergist = muscles that help prime mover
 Add force and reduce undesirable movements
 Fixators = specialized synergists (stabilize)
 Immobilize bone or muscle’s origin (i.e,scapula)
Naming Skeletal Muscle
 Muscles are named on the basis of several
criteria (Look for the hints!)
 Direction of muscle fiber (and fascicles)- in
relation to lines like midline and axis of limb)
 rectus [straight] – run parallel
 oblique –run at a slant
 transversus – at right angles
 Rectus femoris – straight muscle of thigh
 Transversus abdominus
Naming Skeletal Muscle (cont.)
 Relative size of muscle
 maximus [largest] – gluteus maximus
 minimus [smallest]- gluteus minimus
 longus [long]- fibularis longus
 brevis [short] – extensor pollicis brevis
 Number of origins
 Biceps [2], triceps [3], quadriceps [4]
 biceps brachii, triceps brachii, quadriceps
Naming Skeletal Muscle (cont.)
 Location of muscle’s origin and
 Ex: intercostal muscle
 “costal” = rib
 runs between the ribs
 Ex: temporalis muscle
 overlies temporal bone
 Ex: sternocleidomastoid muscle
 “sternum” and “clavicle” [origin]
 mastoid process of temporal [insertion]
Naming Skeletal Muscle (cont.)
 Shape of the muscle
 Deltoid = triangular
 Trapezius = trapezoid
 Action of the muscle
 Flexor – flexor digitorum superficialis
 Flexes wrist and middle phalanges
 Extensor – extensor carpi radialis longus
 Action, joint (wrist), lies close to radius of the
forearm, size rel. to other wrist extensors
 Adductor – adductor longus
 Adducts, medially rotates thigh
Muscle Mechanics –Fascicle
 Review muscle force and speed
 Patterns of fascicle arrangement
 Circular – concentric rings (sphincters)
 Orbicularis oculi (eye); orbicularis oris (mouth)
 Convergent – fascicles converge to single tendon of
insertion(triangular or fan-shaped)
 Pectoralis major
 Parallel (& fusiform)– straplike or spindle shaped
 Sartorius (thigh to knee) – longest muscle in body
 Biceps brachii – flexes elbow, supinates forearm
Muscle Mechanics –Fascicle
Arrangement (cont.)
 Pennate – attach obliquely to central
 Unipennate (one side of tendon) – extensor
digitorum longus (leg)
 Bipennate (from opposite sides of tendon) –
rectus femoris (thigh) [like a feather]
 Multipennate – [like many feathers together]
 Deltoid muscle (shoulder)
Muscle Mechanics –Fascicle
Arrangement (cont.)
 Arrangement determines range of
movement and power
 Parallel = shorten most but not
 Power depends on total muscle cells
in muscle (more cells=more power)
 Bipennate and multipennate = most
fibers but shorten little & very
Bone-Muscle Relationships – lever
 Lever systems- partnerships between
muscular and skeletal systems
 Lever – rigid bar that moves on a fixed
point (fulcrum) when force applied
 Applied force (effort) moves a resistance
Joints = fulcrums
Bones = levers
Muscle contraction = effort (applied at insertion)
Load = bone + tissues + what is moved with
Bone-Muscle Relationships – lever
systems (cont.)
 Lever operates at mechanical advantage
when load is close to fulcrum and effort is
applied far from fulcrum
 Used to move large load over small distance
(power lever)
 Slower, more stable, strength is priority
 Lever operates at mechanical
disadvantage when load is far from
fulcrum and effort is applied near fulcrum
 Force greater than the load moved (speed lever)
 Force lost, but speed and range of movement
Bone-Muscle Relationships – lever
systems (cont.)
 Lever classes
 First-class lever
 Effort applied at one end of lever; load at other end;
fulcrum between (scissors)
Lift head off chest
some act at mechanical advantage; others disadvantage
 Second-class lever
 Effort applied at one end; fulcrum at the other end;
load between (wheelbarrow) (uncommon)
Standing on toes
 Third-class lever
 Effort applied between the load and fulcrum (tweezers)
(act at great speed & mechanical disadvantage)
Most skeletal muscle