Common Eye problems and Products for their Relief

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Common Eye problems
and Products for their Relief
Eye complaints include visual symptoms as :
blurring , diplopia ,nystigmus or rapid
involuntary movements , floater or spot
floating about in the front of the eye loss of
visual acuity ,especially when of sudden
onset .
When any of these symptoms is
accompanied by pain in the eye specialist
advice is required .
Common Eye Problems
Conjuntivitis : •
Causes: a- Infectious or allergic origin •
b- Chemical irritation ( eye cosmotics , •
plants ,animals .)
c- Systemic disease such as gout, •
dachryocystitis ( inflammation of the lachrymal
gland usually of infectious origin .)
The most common allergic cause is hay fever . •
Oral anti histamines and vasoconstrictors eye •
drops are used for treatment of allergic •
Conjunctivitis and sodium cromoglycate is used for •
the treatment of allergic rhinitis .
Conjunctivitis of infectious origin is caused •
by Staphylococcus aureus .Streptococci •
,Pneumococci,and haemophilus Influenza, •
may also be responsible in some cases . •
Both bacterial and viral conjunctivitis may •
be associated with sore throat .
Management of infectious conjunctivitis is •
by the use of specific topically •
Agents. •
Trachomonal conjunctivitis caused by •
chlamedia trachomatis and prasitic
conjunctivitis caused by the worm onchocerca
volvulus are more frequently occur and are
the cause of blindness in the poor countries
of the word.
They can be prevented by tetracyclin and •
erythromycin for trachomonal infection and
dietheyl carbamazine citrate for onchoceriasis
Signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis : •
a- Burning or foreign body sensation or a •
feeling of grittiness .
b- photophobia and pain, when present , •
indicate a probable corneal involvement .
N.B.Pain that is worse on waking and •
improves during the day suggest an
infection .and if it is associated with more
profuse tear flow during the day so it is
infective micro-organisms.
In the case of keratoconjuntivitis sicca which •
is caused by inadequate tear flow the pain
gradually becomes worse as the day goes by.
c- Itching which is severe in case of allergic •
and atopic conjunctivitis .
d- mucoid discharge lead to incrustation and •
difficulty in in opening the eyes in the morning
e- Hyperaemia or redness , lachrymation •
drooping of the upper lid(pseudoptosis )
exudation and edema of the conjunctival
stroma .
Red eyes : •
Red eyes may be caused by a bout of •
paroxysmal coughing . Unless caused by
physical trauma ,the condition resolved
spontaneously without complication . Red
eyes accompanied with discharge indicate
conjunctivitis .Slow developing redness
especially when confined to one eye may be
a sign of serious disease such as glucoma or
iritis .
Disorders of the eye lids: •
This include : •
marginal blepharitis . Styes and Chalazia •
marginal blepharitis is most common disease of •
the eye lids .
Symptoms : Bilateral encrustation and •
inflammationof the lid margin and may be
either staphylococcal (dry ) or seborrhoeic
(greasy) in both type irritation and itching of
the lid margin are troublesome .The dandruff
type scales can be seen clinging to the lashes
and on both lids .
Red –rimmed lid margin burning and itching •
and feeling of sand in the eye.
Management : •
Antistaphylococcus ointment applied to the •
lids .
Through cleansing seborrhoeic area is •
important and treatment of co- existing
dandruff of scalp with zinc pyrithione
shampoo may give symptomatic relief .
Sty is an abscess involving hair follicles or •
sebaceous and sweat gland of the eyelids.
The causative organism is staphylococcus. •
The area surrounding the sty is red ,swollen •
tender and painful depending on the extent
to which the skin is stretched .styes do not
endanger visionbut those persisting for
more than 48 hour should be drained
surgically by a physician .
Sty is referred as an external hordeolum . •
Chalazia : •
It is a granuloma of the lipid secreting meibomain •
glands. Inflammation and cyst is due to local
reaction of accumulated lipids.
Blockage of ducts may also lead to cysts affecting •
the gland of moll and zeiss .
●In most individual both cyst and chalazia is •
resolved spontaneously . •
●Warm compresses 3 to 4 times a day are •
helpful for all these condition . •
●Drainage of the abscess may be required . •
●Removing a lash may encourage